How We Die | 誠品線上


作者 許爾文.努蘭 
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 How We Die:★榮獲一九九四年美國國家圖書獎,並進入普立茲獎決選名單!作者Sherwin透過心臟疾病、老化、阿茲海默症、意外和自殺及安樂死、愛滋病、癌症等重要死亡原因,


內容簡介 New Edition: With a new chapter addressing contemporary issues in end-of-life careA runaway bestseller and National Book Award winner, Sherwin Nuland's How We Die has become the definitive text on perhaps the single most universal human concern: death. This new edition includes an all-embracing and incisive afterword that examines the current state of health care and our relationship with life as it approaches its terminus. It also discusses how we can take control of our own final days and those of our loved ones.Shewin Nuland's masterful How We Die is even more relevant than when it was first published.


各界推薦 ★榮獲一九九四年美國國家圖書獎,並進入普立茲獎決選名單! 作者Sherwin透過心臟疾病、老化、阿茲海默症、意外和自殺及安樂死、愛滋病、癌症等重要死亡原因,解析死亡的面目,逐一檢視死亡對醫生、護士和病患家人的意義。 死的藝術就是生的藝術,死亡卻也是生命的一部份。活在世上的一切,將於死後成為眾人的追憶,但要如何活的尊嚴、活的精采,只有自己不斷追求與成長才可得知。惟有認清死亡,才能真正理解生命的價值與意義。


作者介紹 Sherwin B. Nuland, MD, was Clinical Professor of Surgery at Yale University until his retirement in 2009, though he continues to teach Biomedical Ethics and Medical History to Yale undergraduates, and serve the university in various capacities. He won the National Book Award and was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize and the Book Critics Circle Award when this book was initially published. In hardcover and paperback, How We Die was on the New York Times bestseller list for a total of thirty-four weeks, and has been translated into twenty-nine languages. Dr. Nuland and his family live in Connecticut.


書名 / How We Die
作者 / 許爾文.努蘭 
簡介 / How We Die:★榮獲一九九四年美國國家圖書獎,並進入普立茲獎決選名單!作者Sherwin透過心臟疾病、老化、阿茲海默症、意外和自殺及安樂死、愛滋病、癌症等重要死亡原因,
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780679742449
ISBN10 / 0679742441
EAN / 9780679742449
誠品26碼 / 2611086350002
頁數 / 278
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無