13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do: Own Your Power, Channel Your Confidence, and Find Your Authentic Voice for a Life of Meani | 誠品線上

告別玻璃心的女力養成指南: 拆解性別枷鎖, 為女性客製化的13堂心智重訓課

作者 艾美.莫林
商品描述 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do: Own Your Power, Channel Your Confidence, and Find Your Authentic Voice for a Life of Meani:繼《告別玻璃心的13件事》之


內容簡介 繼《告別玻璃心的13件事》之後,暢銷作家艾米‧莫林在2017年將其強健心理素養的專業延伸到教養法上,今年因應#MeToo和#TimesUp兩大女權運動,莫林將注意力轉移到女性心理上,再次獻上女性建構強壯心理的13個關鍵重點。一波波女權主義的出現,代表了女性權益逐漸受到重視,但在為自己爭取權益時,女性同胞們必須先讓自己有強健的心理,才能面對接下來所要迎接的挑戰,只要心理的肌肉夠強壯,不管是面對性騷擾議題、薪資不平等議題等都可以站穩腳步為自己發聲。莫林花了很長時間專心研究性別歧視議題、社群網站、社會壓力等,整理出詳細的訓練手冊,她不僅告訴妳該堅持的態度,也說明應該避免的狀況,例如:不會堅持保持完美、不會拿自己和別人比較、不將脆弱視為一個弱點、不讓自我懷疑成為達到目標的絆腳石等。這是一本現代女性都需要的心理教養書,不僅幫助所有女性綻放光彩,也讓世界變得更美好。In the time of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movement, international bestselling author and leading global expert on mental strength Amy Morin turns her focus to feminism, explaining what it means—and what it takes—to be a mentally strong woman.The emergence of the #MeToo and #TimesUp movements have awakened society and encouraged women to find their voice and claim their power. But to do this, women must learn to improve their own mental strength. Contending with a host of difficult issues—from sexual assault on college campuses, to equal pay and pay gaps, to mastering different negotiation styles—demands psychological toughness. In this crucial book, prominent psychotherapist and licensed clinical social worker Amy Morin gives women the techniques to build mental muscle—and just as important, she teaches them what not to do.What does it mean to be a mentally strong woman? Delving into critical issues like sexism, social media, social comparison, and social pressure, Amy addresses this question and offers thoughtful, intelligent advice, practical tips, and specific strategies and combines them with personal experiences, stories from former patients, and both well-known and untold examples from women from across industries and pop culture. Throughout, she explores the areas women—and society at large—must focus on to become (and remain) mentally strong.Amy reveals that healthy, mentally tough women don’t insist on perfection; they don’t compare themselves to other people; they don’t see vulnerability as a weakness; they don’t let self-doubt stop them from reaching their goals. Wise, grounded, and essential, 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don’t Do can help every woman flourish—and ultimately improve our society as well.


作者介紹 Amy MorinAmy Morin is a licensed clinical social worker, psychotherapist, and an instructor at Northeastern University. She serves as a parenting expert for Verywell and she’s a columnist for Forbes, Inc., and Psychology Today. She’s a highly sought-after speaker who has given one of the most popular TEDx talks of all time. Her advice has been featured by major media outlets including Parenting, Time, Fox News, CNN, and Oprah.com. She is the author of the international bestseller 13 Things Mentally Strong People Don’t Do.


書名 / 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do: Own Your Power, Channel Your Confidence, and Find Your Authentic Voice for a Life of Meani
作者 / 艾美.莫林
簡介 / 13 Things Mentally Strong Women Don't Do: Own Your Power, Channel Your Confidence, and Find Your Authentic Voice for a Life of Meani:繼《告別玻璃心的13件事》之
ISBN13 / 9780062911070
ISBN10 / 0062911074
EAN / 9780062911070
誠品26碼 / 2681695512009
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
