Neverwhere | 誠品線上


作者 尼爾.蓋曼
商品描述 Neverwhere:在現實世界的古老倫敦中創造出想像的「倫敦下層」,原始野蠻危險的氣氛猶如觀看舊時電影。節奏明快、欲罷不能。以各個地鐵站為經緯,深入刻畫倫敦這座城市。帶


內容簡介 在現實世界的古老倫敦中創造出想像的「倫敦下層」,原始野蠻危險的氣氛猶如觀看舊時電影。節奏明快、欲罷不能。以各個地鐵站為經緯,深入刻畫倫敦這座城市。帶給曾在倫敦居住者鄉愁之感,而未曾去過倫敦的讀者,也會興起一探倫敦的心情。融合《失樂園》、《綠野仙蹤》、《鏡中奇緣》等想像與暗喻。親愛的日記:星期五,我有工作、有未婚妻、有家,還有一個有意義的生活。然後我遇到一名受傷的女孩,我只是想當好心人。現在,我未婚妻沒了、家沒了、工作沒了,還走在倫敦街道底下幾百呎深的地方,過著跟自我毀滅的果蠅沒什麼兩樣的日子。一件小小的善行,讓理查.馬修在一夜之間失去了一切:婚約、工作、住所,他甚至變得「不存在」。而他身處的倫敦,也整個變了樣:憑空出現的地鐵站、百貨公司的深夜市集、獵人與怪獸、服侍老鼠的人、還有恐怖殺手窮追不捨……處處晦暗骯髒,危機密布,卻又奇異華麗。理查為了尋回正常生活,跟隨擁有神奇力量的女孩、身手超凡的沈默保鏢與買賣情報與人情的男子,步上漫長無期的歸程。背叛的預言是真是假?誰才是滅門血案的幕後黑手?理查會回到他熟悉的倫敦嗎?地上與地下之隔、新舊時光的交錯、傳統與先進的汰換,是否造就了人心的空洞?歡迎來到倫敦的下層世界--光怪陸離、陰森詭譎、弱肉強食、危機四伏……彷彿噩夢,卻比地上的一切更為貼近真實的地下倫敦。Selected as one of NPR’S Top 100 Science Fiction and Fantasy Books of All TimeThe New York Times bestselling author’s ultimate edition of his wildly successful first novel featuring his “preferred text”—and including his special Neverwhere tale, “How the Marquis Got His Coat Back”Published in 1997, Neverwhere heralded the arrival of a major talent and became a touchstone of urban fantasy. Over the years, a number of versions were produced both in the U.S. and the U.K. Now Gaiman’s preferred edition of his classic novel reconciles these works and reinstates a number of scenes cut from the original published books.Richard Mayhew is a young London businessman with a good heart whose life is changed forever when he stops to help a bleeding girl—an act of kindness that plunges him into a world he never dreamed existed. Slipping through the cracks of reality, Richard lands in Neverwhere—a London of shadows and darkness, monsters and saints, murderers and angels that exists entirely in a subterranean labyrinth. Neverwhere is home to Door, the mysterious girl Richard helped in the London Above. Here in Neverwhere, Door is a powerful noblewoman who has vowed to find the evil agent of her family’s slaughter and thwart the destruction of this strange underworld kingdom. If Richard is ever to return to his former life and home, he must join Lady Door’s quest to save her world—and may well die trying.Neil Gaiman is the New York Times bestselling author of more than twenty books, and is the recipient of numerous literary honors. Originally from England, he now lives in America.本書中文書介出自《無有鄉》繆思出版有限公司出版


書名 / Neverwhere
作者 / 尼爾.蓋曼
簡介 / Neverwhere:在現實世界的古老倫敦中創造出想像的「倫敦下層」,原始野蠻危險的氣氛猶如觀看舊時電影。節奏明快、欲罷不能。以各個地鐵站為經緯,深入刻畫倫敦這座城市。帶
ISBN13 / 9780062476371
ISBN10 / 0062476378
EAN / 9780062476371
誠品26碼 / 2681422172001
頁數 / 480
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.1X10.7X2.5CM
級別 / N:無