Normal People | 誠品線上


作者 莎莉.魯尼
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Normal People:影集《正常人》原著小說(普通人/普通之愛/普通人類)。Ayearlater,they’rebothstudyingatTrinityCollegeinDublin.Mariannehasfoundherfeetinanewsocialworl


內容簡介 為何我們渴望關係,卻又一再受傷?「一部代表未來的經典。」──《衛報》未來會怎樣我不清楚,但我們就是這樣開始的。全球暢銷突破百萬本『現象級』小說!改編同名影集深獲好評,IMDb8.8高分推崇1991年出生的作家莎莉‧魯尼創造了全新的愛情的樣貌康諾和梅黎安在西愛爾蘭的小鎮一起長大,但兩人的共同點僅止於此。在學校裡,康諾人氣高,大家都喜歡他;而梅黎安則是獨來獨往。然而當兩人一開始對話,那是一段尷尬卻振奮的對話,足以改變他們人生的變化就此展開。本書是關於兩個人互相吸引、友誼與愛的小說,從第一句對話開始,展開長達數年的故事發展。我們陪著這對年輕人,看著他們想離開彼此身邊,卻始終做不到。我不知道我是有什麼毛病,梅黎安說,我不知道我為什麼就不能像正常人一樣。我不知道我為什麼沒辦法讓別人愛我……何謂正常?正常性?渴望被愛,想擺脫離孤獨感;害怕跟別人不一樣,卻一再失去自我……「正常人」 維持親密關係的極限何在?西方文壇公認第一位足以代表21世紀未來的作家——莎莉•魯尼「千禧世代首位偉大作家」——《紐約時報》獲選《時代雜誌》「次世代」百大影響力人物面對這個動盪的世界和現實的社會,舉世各地的年輕人內心充滿了虛無飄渺的想像與無力感,批判他人頭頭是道,但是對於自己總是舉棋不定。害怕被孤立、被比下去,拼命跟上他人的節奏;渴望被人理解,卻又恐懼真實的自我;渴望受人喜愛,卻又害怕袒露自己。1991年出生的作家莎莉‧魯尼被文壇肯定,在於她捕捉到千禧世代的脆弱不安和階級意識,一直小心翼翼,但世界令他們充滿無力感;想在親密關係中彼此依賴,但彼此之間存在的某種權力關係,像一種危險力量,令他們幾乎無法抓住對方,這種自我保護與逃避間的矛盾,引發無數年輕讀者的強烈共鳴──害怕面對未來,也害怕面對自己。「我十分確定我所有的經驗都是極為日常的生活經驗,如果不是的話,根本不值得去寫。」──莎莉‧魯尼一對從日常對話開始靠近的年輕男女,一段從生活表面走進靈魂深處的情感關係。乍看不過是生活的《正常人》,卻在當代不乏辭彙定義的各種關係中,寫出了一種更加熱情、親密的「深度」關係,也讓讀者清楚感受到人物在時光中愈加成長與複雜。徜若每個世代都需要一個膾炙人口的愛情故事,可以說繼村上春樹《挪威的森林》後,不曾有一本青春戀愛小說掀起全球文壇如此熱烈回響。同樣刻劃涉世未深的年輕人,同樣懷藏著難以明說的心理迷惑與混亂,全球眾多書評將兩本書相提並論。曼布克獎官網也在本書入圍網頁上將村上的經典列入《正常人》四本延伸書單之一。21世紀的《挪威的森林》《時代雜誌》評選十年來最好的小說《衛報》評選21世紀百大圖書哈佛大學學生評選2019年最棒的小說。歐巴馬也將本書選為他的年度選書你因為愛上某個人,做了某些決定,往往就改變了整個人生。☛全球火熱影集【正常人】將於 CATCHPLAY+ 影音平臺,全臺獨家正版上架,敬請期待※千禧世代(Millennials),泛指1981-2000年出生的人。本中文書介出自《正常人》時報文化出版企業股份有限公司出版NOW AN EMMY-NOMINATED HULU ORIGINAL SERIES • NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • “A stunning novel about the transformative power of relationships” (People) from the author of Conversations with Friends, “a master of the literary page-turner” (J. Courtney Sullivan). ONE OF THE TEN BEST NOVELS OF THE DECADE—Entertainment WeeklyTEN BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR—People, Slate, The New York Public Library, Harvard CrimsonAND BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR—The New York Times, The New York Times Book Review, O: The Oprah Magazine, Time, NPR, The Washington Post, Vogue, Esquire, Glamour, Elle, Marie Claire, Vox, The Paris Review, Good Housekeeping, Town & CountryConnell and Marianne grew up in the same small town, but the similarities end there. At school, Connell is popular and well liked, while Marianne is a loner. But when the two strike up a conversation—awkward but electrifying—something life changing begins.A year later, they’re both studying at Trinity College in Dublin. Marianne has found her feet in a new social world while Connell hangs at the sidelines, shy and uncertain. Throughout their years at university, Marianne and Connell circle one another, straying toward other people and possibilities but always magnetically, irresistibly drawn back together. And as she veers into self-destruction and he begins to search for meaning elsewhere, each must confront how far they are willing to go to save the other.Normal People is the story of mutual fascination, friendship and love. It takes us from that first conversation to the years beyond, in the company of two people who try to stay apart but find that they can’t. Praise for Normal People “A novel that demands to be read compulsively, in one sitting.”—The Washington Post“Arguably the buzziest novel of the season, Sally Rooney’s elegant sophomore effort . . . is a worthy successor to Conversations with Friends. Here, again, she unflinchingly explores class dynamics and young love with wit and nuance.”—The Wall Street Journal“Rooney has been hailed as the first great millennial novelist for her stories of love and late capitalism. . . . She writes some of the best dialogue I’ve read.”—The New Yorker【歡迎收聽|迷誠品Podcast】誠品書店職人2020最想賣《正常人》:「沒有不正常的人,只有不被世俗理解的人」


作者介紹 SALLY ROONEY was born in the west of Ireland in 1991. Her work has appeared in The New Yorker, The New York Times, Granta and The London Review of Books. Winner of the Sunday Times Young Writer of the Year Award in 2017, she is the author of Conversations with Friends and the editor of the Irish literary journal The Stinging Fly.


書名 / Normal People
作者 / 莎莉.魯尼
簡介 / Normal People:影集《正常人》原著小說(普通人 普通之愛 普通人類)。Ayearlater,they’rebothstudyingatTrinityCollegeinDublin.Mariannehasfoundherfeetinanewsocialworl
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781984822185
ISBN10 / 1984822187
EAN / 9781984822185
誠品26碼 / 2681863518000
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.1X13X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
