From the Ground Up: My Journey to Reimagine the Role of a Global Business | 誠品線上

From the Ground Up: My Journey to Reimagine the Role of a Global Business

作者 Howard Schultz
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 From the Ground Up: My Journey to Reimagine the Role of a Global Business:星巴克前執行長霍華.舒茲最新著作,比爾.蓋茲與小威廉斯等各界名人聯合背書,融合舒茲個


內容簡介 星巴克前執行長霍華.舒茲最新著作,比爾.蓋茲與小威廉斯等各界名人聯合背書,融合舒茲個人的生活經歷與企業實踐社會責任的動人故事。「霍華.舒茲的故事清楚地提醒世人,成功不單是經由個人的決心也是透過合作與歸屬感來達成。霍華對兩者的承諾,幫助他建立了世上最知名的品牌,迫不及待地想看他的下一個成就。」- 比爾.蓋茲舒茲來自一個工人階級家庭,成長於布魯克林擁擠的公宅,童年生活的家庭衝突與困頓並沒有阻撓他成為家中第一個擁有大學學歷的成員。他如何建立一個在公司利潤與人性尊嚴中找到平衡的國際企業?從健保與資助員工就學,到為了解決種族與難民問題所提出的爭議措施,舒茲與他的團隊,用他們改變全球咖啡消費模式的創意與嚴密性來解決社會問題。書中出現的是代表著一群將掙扎困頓轉化為成功的人們:迷失的年輕人找到了第一份工作,有志的大學生掙脫了債務枷鎖,911之後的戰士們以不屈不撓的精神取代斷臂殘肢,失業的煤礦工與吸毒者有了新的人生道路,創業家開啟夢想,各角落冒出了更好的人們。《拔地而起》一方面是坦率的回憶錄,另一方面也是提振社會相互負責的藍圖,更是平凡人能做非凡事的證明。這本書的核心是樂觀且激奮人心的故事,也是一個透過人道精神使生命良善的新願景。From the longtime CEO and chairman of Starbucks, a bold, dramatic work about the new responsibilities that leaders, businesses, and citizens share in American society today—as viewed through the intimate lens of one man’s life and work. What do we owe one another? How do we channel our drive, ingenuity, even our pain, into something more meaningful than individual success? And what is our duty in the places where we live, work, and play?These questions are at the heart of the American journey. They are also ones that Howard Schultz has grappled with personally since growing up in the Brooklyn housing projects and while building Starbucks from eleven stores into one of the world’s most iconic brands.In From the Ground Up, Schultz looks for answers in two interwoven narratives. One story shows how his conflicted boyhood—including experiences he has never before revealed—motivated Schultz to become the first in his family to graduate from college, then to build the kind of company his father, a working-class laborer, never had a chance to work for: a business that tries to balance profit and human dignity.A parallel story offers a behind-the-scenes look at Schultz’s unconventional efforts to challenge old notions about the role of business in society. From health insurance and free college tuition for part-time baristas to controversial initiatives about race and refugees, Schultz and his team tackled societal issues with the same creativity and rigor they applied to changing how the world consumes coffee.Throughout the book, Schultz introduces a cross-section of Americans transforming common struggles into shared successes. In these pages, lost youth find first jobs, aspiring college students overcome the yoke of debt, post-9 11 warriors replace lost limbs with indomitable spirit, former coal miners and opioid addicts pave fresh paths, entrepreneurs jump-start dreams, and better angels emerge from all corners of the country.From the Ground Up is part candid memoir, part uplifting blueprint of mutual responsibility, and part proof that ordinary people can do extraordinary things. At its heart, it’s an optimistic, inspiring account of what happens when we stand up, speak out, and come together for purposes bigger than ourselves. Here is a new vision of what can be when we try our best to lead lives through the lens of humanity.“Howard Schultz’s story is a clear reminder that success is not achieved through individual determination alone, but through partnership and community. Howard’s commitment to both have helped him build one of the world’s most recognized brands. It will be exciting to see what he accomplishes next.”—Bill Gates


書名 / From the Ground Up: My Journey to Reimagine the Role of a Global Business
作者 / Howard Schultz
簡介 / From the Ground Up: My Journey to Reimagine the Role of a Global Business:星巴克前執行長霍華.舒茲最新著作,比爾.蓋茲與小威廉斯等各界名人聯合背書,融合舒茲個
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781984854841
ISBN10 / 1984854844
EAN / 9781984854841
誠品26碼 / 2681707299003
頁數 / 368
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
