My Brilliant Friend (HBO Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上

My Brilliant Friend (HBO Tie-in Ed.)

作者 Elena Ferrante
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 My Brilliant Friend (HBO Tie-in Ed.):HBO眾所矚目的電視影集《我的天才女友》官方原著小說探討女性自我啟蒙之路,親密與黑暗面共存的女性友誼之路本書為紐約時報暢銷系


內容簡介 HBO眾所矚目的電視影集《我的天才女友》官方原著小說探討女性自我啟蒙之路,親密與黑暗面共存的女性友誼之路本書為紐約時報暢銷系列小說《那不勒斯人故事》四部曲電視影集版官方小說,述說兩個在戰後時期的義大利一段豐富、緊張卻又動人心弦的友情故事。本書可說是義大利神秘作家埃琳娜·費蘭特當代最棒的作品。故事開始於50年代的那不勒斯郊區,費蘭特的四部曲故事情節橫跨60年之久。主角Lila是位個性火熱及令人難忘的女孩,而做為故事敘述者的Elena如何跟著劇情發展,成長為女人、妻子、母親和領導者,同時和主角維持充滿衝突的複雜友情。首部曲兩個小女孩一起成長,看似有著相似的童年和背景,卻在進入急速變化的青春期時,曾經緊密的情誼開始如分岔線走向不同的人生結局。兩人之間互為彼此的鏡子,愛恨交織卻又相互競爭,賦予對方力量卻又掠奪情感,不斷從矛盾和衝突中發現自我認知。作家埃琳娜·費蘭特可說是全世界最會說故事的作家,她的故事切中女性讀者一生中會遇到的各種命題,不論是自我認同、角色的轉變、身份建構和社會地位等,精確描繪女性之間微妙的情誼。 Premiering November 2018 as an HBO series.Book one in the New York Times bestselling Neapolitan quartet about two friends growing up in post-war Italy is a rich, intense, and generous-hearted family epic by Italy’s most beloved and acclaimed writer, Elena Ferrante, “one of the great novelists of our time.” (Roxana Robinson, The New York Times) Beginning in the 1950s in a poor but vibrant neighborhood on the outskirts of Naples, Ferrante’s four-volume story spans almost sixty years, as its protagonists, the fiery and unforgettable Lila, and the bookish narrator, Elena, become women, wives, mothers, and leaders, all the while maintaining a complex and at times conflictual friendship. Book one in the series follows Lila and Elena from their first fateful meeting as ten-year-olds through their school years and adolescence. Through the lives of these two women, Ferrante tells the story of a neighborhood, a city, and a country as it is transformed in ways that, in turn, also transform the relationship between her protagonists.“An intoxicatingly furious portrait of enmeshed friends,” writes Entertainment Weekly. “Spectacular,” says Maureen Corrigan on NPR’s Fresh Air. “A large, captivating, amiably peopled bildungsroman,” writes James Wood in The New Yorker.Ferrante is one of the world’s great storytellers. With My Brilliant Friend she has given her readers an abundant, generous, and masterfully plotted page-turner that is also a stylish work of literary fiction destined to delight readers for many generations to come.


作者介紹 Elena FerranteElena Ferrante is the author of The Days of Abandonment (Europa, 2005), Troubling Love (Europa, 2006), The Lost Daughter (Europa, 2008) and the Neapolitan Quartet (Europa 2012-2015). She is also the author of a children's picture book illustrated by Mara Cerri, The Beach at Night.Ann Goldstein Ann Goldstein is an editor at The New Yorker. Her translations for Europa Editions include novels by Amara Lakhous, Alessandro Piperno, and Elena Ferrante's bestselling My Brilliant Friend. She lives in New York.


書名 / My Brilliant Friend (HBO Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / Elena Ferrante
簡介 / My Brilliant Friend (HBO Tie-in Ed.):HBO眾所矚目的電視影集《我的天才女友》官方原著小說探討女性自我啟蒙之路,親密與黑暗面共存的女性友誼之路本書為紐約時報暢銷系
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781609455064
ISBN10 / 1609455061
EAN / 9781609455064
誠品26碼 / 2681671423008
頁數 / 311
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.8X13.2CM
級別 / N:無