Together Is Better: A Little Book of Inspiration | 誠品線上

Together Is Better: A Little Book of Inspiration

作者 Simon Sinek
商品描述 Together Is Better: A Little Book of Inspiration:著有《紐約時報》經典暢銷作品《先問,為什麼?》(StartwithWhy)和《最後吃,才是真領導》(LeadersEatLast)的賽門.西


內容簡介 七、八年級生的職場悲歌:千禧世代在職場上出了什麼問題?「耐心」是這整個世代需修煉的課題!Simon Sinek:年輕人的問題,不是他們自己造成的,這本書就有解答!著有《紐約時報》經典暢銷作品《先問,為什麼?》(Start with Why) 和《最後吃,才是真領導》(Leaders Eat Last) 的賽門.西奈克 (Simon Sinek),在充滿精美插圖的新作中,與讀者分享他的樂觀! 賽門.西奈克的TED演講已經超過2600萬人次點閱,並榮登TED史上第三大受歡迎的演講。他總是保持樂觀,以兩本經典作品激發了數十萬讀者,而他所投入的一切工作,大至大型演講、小至推特發文,都是為了建立一個看似不可能卻充滿理想的世界:每一個人每天起床,都期待去上班、在公司感到安心,當一天結束回家時,還能感到心滿意足。本書充滿雋永格言與趣聞,以新點子發揚他的想法,將能激勵讀者克服困難、變成他們希望曾經擁有的領導者那樣的領導人。《Together Is Better》圍繞著在現代充滿工作的社會中,我們每天會面對的挑戰。不管您剛從大學畢業也好,正試圖領導一間大公司也好。從面對懷疑、組織團隊,到從失敗中站起來,西奈克幫助我們以全新而振奮人心的方式,重新看待一切事物。以下是他的一些看法,您覺得如何呢?「一個團隊不是一群一起工作的人。一個團隊指的是一群相信對方的人。」 「如果對某事抗爭,我們便把重點放在討厭的事物上。為了某事抗爭,則是專著在我們所愛的事物上。」 「如果我們追逐夢想,而不是競爭,我們會達到更多的成果。」 讀過本書後,讀者會一再想起書中的格言,也會樂於和朋友、家人與同事分享。Simon Sinek sparked a movement with his bestsellers START WITH WHY and LEADERS EAT LAST. Now this beautifully illustrated book will inspire more readers to ask for help, help others, and discover their own courage through a charming story about change. Life is a series of choices. Do we go left or right? Jump forward or hold back? Sometimes our choices work out for the better…and sometimes they don’t. But there is one choice, regardless of every other decision, that profoundly affects how we feel about our journey: Do we go alone or do we go together? It is the courageous few who ask for help. It is the giving few willing to help others. We can all find the courage we need and know the joy of service – the minute we learn that together is better. Filled with inspiring quotes, this richly illustrated fable tells a delightful story of three kids who go on a journey to a new playground and take a stand for what they believe. The story is a metaphor for anyone looking to make a change or wondering how to pursue their dreams. And the message is simple: relationships – real, human relationships – really, really matter. The stronger our relationships, the stronger the bonds of trust and cooperation, the more we can accomplish and the more joy and fulfillment we get from our work and personal lives. The three heroes are archetypes who represent us all at various points in our lives. Their main challenge is the same one we face every day: How can we find the things we’re looking for? According to Sinek, if we each do our part to help advance a shared vision, we can build the world we imagine.


書名 / Together Is Better: A Little Book of Inspiration
作者 / Simon Sinek
簡介 / Together Is Better: A Little Book of Inspiration:著有《紐約時報》經典暢銷作品《先問,為什麼?》(StartwithWhy)和《最後吃,才是真領導》(LeadersEatLast)的賽門.西
ISBN13 / 9780241187296
ISBN10 / 024118729X
EAN / 9780241187296
誠品26碼 / 2681262011003
頁數 / 160
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無