War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line | 誠品線上

醫者無懼: 從中東戰區到非洲煙硝之地, 行遍二十一世紀砲火最猛烈的戰場, 外科醫生從事人道救援25年的生死故事

作者 大衛.諾特
商品描述 War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line:大衛.諾特《醫者無懼:從中東戰區到非洲煙硝之地,行遍二十一世紀砲火最猛烈的戰場,外科醫生從事人道救援25年的生死故事》Formoret


內容簡介 英國女王特地接見的戰地醫生!敘利亞、阿富汗、剛果……從塞拉耶佛圍城戰到阿拉伯之春,他的手術刀帶來人性曙光外科醫師大衛‧諾特以悲憫之心獻給大疫時代的戰地省思:「我們皆身為人類,共同在此,應協助彼此,而非互相殺戮。」▌本書特色1. 倫敦外科醫師大衛.諾特投身世界戰地行醫的第一手觀察,《泰晤士報》《衛報》《柯克斯評論》《每日電訊報》《每日郵報》《獨立報》《愛爾蘭時報》等國際媒體敬佩盛讚2. CNN、Sky News、BBC Hard Talk、美國國家廣播電台專訪3. Amazon讀者4.7高分評價、Goodreads超過7,800位讀者感動好評4. 英國水石書店當月選書5. 全文流暢好懂,在故事與故事之間,穿插醫療知識,也簡要說明了各國的政治角力以無辜人民作為籌碼的殘酷▌內容簡介當烽火肆虐,所有人爭先恐後地逃離戰場,他卻義無反顧放棄安逸的生活,走向煙硝之地……大衛.諾特可能是全世界經驗最豐富的創傷外科醫生之一。二十五年來,他自願請無薪假,遠離倫敦安逸的生活,投身當代最慘烈的戰亂地區、前往遭受自然災害重創的國家。──逃還是不逃?前線不僅醫療資源匱乏,斷電、槍擊與砲擊更是家常便飯。敘利亞內戰中,諾特曾經在剪開傷患被燒得殘破的衣物後,赫然發現傷患口袋滾出未引爆的自製炸彈;身處醫院收到砲擊警報,眼前重傷昏迷的女孩仍持續失血,諾特卻決心與麻醉師留下,持續進行手術。在人人自危的時刻,救人與自保的拉扯往往是一念之間。──救還是不救?在諾特某次執行手術過程中,ISIS陣營武裝軍突然持槍闖入手術房。為避免口音暴露身分而惹來殺身之禍,他一語不發、保持冷靜地動刀,最後奇蹟似地完成手術。當眼前的傷患是殺人無數的暴徒,他也曾經歷掙扎,究竟該不該救?最終對人性的期待總是壓過對仇恨的恐懼。諾特目睹過世上最讓人心痛的暴行與傷害,即便飽受創傷症候群之苦,但珍視生命的醫者之心不曾動搖。阿富汗戰爭時,他為了產婦性命,大膽挺身向塔利班領導人據理力爭;海地震災後,他不惜違規也要讓受災而顱骨外露的嬰兒上飛機前往英國動手術。他說:「我們皆身為人類,共同在此,應協助彼此,而非互相殺戮。」這部書記錄了人類最殘酷的行為,以及最偉大的付出。至今他仍是烽火下的一抹人道光輝,救助戰地的腳步從不止息……本中文書介出自《醫者無懼: 從中東戰區到非洲煙硝之地, 行遍二十一世紀砲火最猛烈的戰場, 外科醫生從事人道救援25年的生死故事》麥田出版社出版For more than twenty-five years, David Nott has taken unpaid leave from his job as a general and vascular surgeon with the NHS to volunteer in some of the world’s most dangerous war zones. From Sarajevo under siege in 1993, to clandestine hospitals in rebel-held eastern Aleppo, he has carried out life-saving operations and field surgery in the most challenging conditions, and with none of the resources of a major London teaching hospital.The conflicts he has worked in form a chronology of twenty-first-century combat: Afghanistan, Sierra Leone, Liberia, Darfur, Congo, Iraq, Yemen, Libya, Gaza and Syria. But he has also volunteered in areas blighted by natural disasters, such as the earthquakes in Haiti and Nepal.Driven both by compassion and passion, the desire to help others and the thrill of extreme personal danger, he is now widely acknowledged to be the most experienced trauma surgeon in the world. But as time went on, David Nott began to realize that flying into a catastrophe – whether war or natural disaster – was not enough. Doctors on the ground needed to learn how to treat the appalling injuries that war inflicts upon its victims. Since 2015, the foundation he set up with his wife, Elly, has disseminated the knowledge he has gained, training other doctors in the art of saving lives threatened by bombs and bullets.War Doctor is his extraordinary story."


書名 / War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line
作者 / 大衛.諾特
簡介 / War Doctor: Surgery on the Front Line:大衛.諾特《醫者無懼:從中東戰區到非洲煙硝之地,行遍二十一世紀砲火最猛烈的戰場,外科醫生從事人道救援25年的生死故事》Formoret
ISBN13 / 9781509837038
ISBN10 / 1509837035
EAN / 9781509837038
誠品26碼 / 2681731350008
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.3X15.3X2.8CM
級別 / N:無
