A Little Life | 誠品線上

渺小一生 上下 (2冊合售)

作者 柳原漢雅
商品描述 A Little Life:本書作者HanyaYanagihara為備受矚目的日裔美籍文壇新銳。初試啼聲之作《ThePeopleintheTrees》,受《出版人週刊》〈PublishersWeekly〉等諸多重要媒體,評


內容簡介 《林中祕族》、布克獎入圍《渺小一生》作者美籍日裔韓裔作家:柳原漢雅幼時的經歷,悄然無聲地在身上、心上留下印記,如呼吸般與生命並存,生命如蜉蝣,能乘載多少記憶碎片?四名滿懷抱負的男大畢業生,到紐約尋求成為演員、畫家、建築師和律師的成功機會。這群同窗好友的情誼橫跨數十載,直至不願觸及的過往,巨大又沉重的秘密,終將牽引核心人物〈前程似錦的大律師Jude〉的未來,與彼此的關係… 議題觸及性別、階級、種族、翻轉生命的機會...,作者大膽挑戰以不隱諱的文字,直觀暴力的醜惡。當扭轉劣勢的機會意外降臨,所剩的軀殼能否儲存足夠的善意與希望,撫平無數陳舊的傷痕?相互扶持的力量,足以阻擋鋒利的記憶碎片,劃出血流汩汩的新傷口?觀看他人的苦痛,讓人不忍,卻又無法從文字張力中自拔。本書作者Hanya Yanagihara為備受矚目的日裔美籍文壇新銳。初試啼聲之作《The People in the Trees》,受《出版人週刊》 〈Publishers Weekly〉 等諸多重要媒體,評選為2013年度最佳小說。第二本長篇小說《A Little Life》入圍2015 年曼布克獎初選名單〈初選共十三名,將於10月13日公布獎項最終得主〉,聲勢與銷量,更勝前作!2024.06.05 13:00前購買讀者,預計到貨日:7月初第二批預計到貨日:7月中Shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize and for the National Book Award 2015A Little Life by Hanya Yanagihara is an immensely powerful and heartbreaking novel of brotherly love and the limits of human endurance.When four graduates from a small Massachusetts college move to New York to make their way, they're broke, adrift, and buoyed only by their friendship and ambition. There is kind, handsome Willem, an aspiring actor; JB, a quick-witted, sometimes cruel Brooklyn-born painter seeking entry to the art world; Malcolm, a frustrated architect at a prominent firm; and withdrawn, brilliant, enigmatic Jude, who serves as their centre of gravity. Over the decades, their relationships deepen and darken, tinged by addiction, success, and pride. Yet their greatest challenge, each comes to realize, is Jude himself, by midlife a terrifyingly talented litigator yet an increasingly broken man, his mind and body scarred by an unspeakable childhood, and haunted by what he fears is a degree of trauma that he'll not only be unable to overcome - but that will define his life forever.


書名 / A Little Life
作者 / 柳原漢雅
簡介 / A Little Life:本書作者HanyaYanagihara為備受矚目的日裔美籍文壇新銳。初試啼聲之作《ThePeopleintheTrees》,受《出版人週刊》〈PublishersWeekly〉等諸多重要媒體,評
ISBN13 / 9781447294832
ISBN10 / 1447294831
EAN / 9781447294832
誠品26碼 / 2681267599001
頁數 / 640
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
