The Heart Goes Last | 誠品線上


作者 瑪格麗特.愛特伍
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 The Heart Goes Last:加拿大重量級小說家MargaretAtwood如啟示錄般的小說。為了生存,你可願意放棄自由?:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發


內容簡介 加拿大重量級小說家Margaret Atwood如啟示錄般的小說。為了生存,你可願意放棄自由?「本年度最佳圖書之一。」--《波士頓環球報》(Boston Globe)「迷人又驚悚,Margaret Atwood是一個活生生的傳奇。」--《紐約時報書評》(New York Times Book Review)「對現代資訊、自由與安全交會在一起的敏銳觀察。」--《紐約客》(New Yorker)Stan與Charmaine是一對住在都市裡的年輕夫婦,因為整個國家經濟崩壞,導致他們失業、破產,只能住在破舊的三手車裡,根本無法抵擋到處亂竄的黑幫分子,他們想,有著大門保護、名叫”知識融合”(Consilience)的社區就是回應他們祈禱的答案。如果他們簽下賣身契,就可以有一份工作,一個溫暖甜蜜的家,只不過一年只能有半年的時間享有這份權利。另外的半年,社區的居民得離家到一個叫”正電子”(Positron)的監獄裡工作。剛開始,在監獄裡的日子還算值得,畢竟有遮風擋雨的屋頂,餐桌上有食物。但是當一連串麻煩事發生時,”正電子”開始變得不是他們所祈禱的答案,而是可怕預言的實現。The Heart Goes Last清楚呈現了發展與衰敗、自由與監控、掙扎與希望,以及人心無止盡運作的景象。Atwood在這本小說中,將人心放在了最極端的試煉上,如《使女的故事》(Handmaid’s Tale)一樣有前瞻性,又像《盲眼刺客》(Blind Assassin)一般有豐富的想像力。Margaret Atwood puts the human heart to the ultimate test in an utterly brilliant new novel that is as visionary as"The Handmaid's Tale"and as richly imagined as"The Blind Assassin." Stan and Charmaine are a married couple trying to stay afloat in the midst of an economic and social collapse. Job loss has forced them to live in their car, leaving them vulnerable to roving gangs. They desperately need to turn their situation around and fast. The Positron Project in the town of Consilience seems to be the answer to their prayers. No one is unemployed and everyone gets a comfortable, clean house to live in . . . for six months out of the year. On alternating months, residents of Consilience must leave their homes and function as inmates in the Positron prison system. Once their month of service in the prison is completed, they can return to their "civilian" homes.At first, this doesn't seem like too much of a sacrifice to make in order to have a roof over one's head and food to eat. But when Charmaine becomes romantically involved with the man who lives in their house during the months when she and Stan are in the prison, a series of troubling events unfolds, putting Stan's life in danger. With each passing day, Positron looks less like a prayer answered and more like a chilling prophecy fulfilled.


作者介紹 Margaret Atwood, whose work has been published in thirty-five countries, is the author of more than forty books of fiction, poetry, and critical essays. In addition to The Handmaid’s Tale, her novels include Cat’s Eye, short-listed for the 1989 Booker Prize; Alias Grace, which won the Giller Prize in Canada and the Premio Mondello in Italy; The Blind Assassin, winner of the 2000 Booker Prize; Oryx and Crake, short-listed for the 2003 Man Booker Prize; The Year of the Flood; and her most recent, MaddAddam. She is the recipient of the Los Angeles Times Innovator’s Award, and lives in Toronto with the writer Graeme Gibson.


書名 / The Heart Goes Last
作者 / 瑪格麗特.愛特伍
簡介 / The Heart Goes Last:加拿大重量級小說家MargaretAtwood如啟示錄般的小說。為了生存,你可願意放棄自由?:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意、生活」為核心價值,由推廣閱讀出發
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781101912362
ISBN10 / 1101912367
EAN / 9781101912362
誠品26碼 / 2681296707002
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
