Telling True Stories: A Nonfiction Writers' Guide from the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University | 誠品線上

哈佛寫作課: 51位紀實寫作名家技藝大公開, 教你找故事、寫故事、出版故事

作者 哈佛大學尼曼基金會
商品描述 Telling True Stories: A Nonfiction Writers' Guide from the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University:《哈佛寫作課:51位紀實寫作名家技藝大公開,教你找故事、寫故事、


內容簡介 Interested in journalism and creative writing and want to write a book? Read inspiring stories and practical advice from America’s most respected journalists.The country’s most prominent journalists and nonfiction authors gather each year at Harvard’s Nieman Conference on Narrative Journalism. Telling True Stories presents their best advice—covering everything from finding a good topic, to structuring narrative stories, to writing and selling your first book. More than fifty well-known writers offer their most powerful tips, including:• Tom Wolfe on the emotional core of the story• Gay Talese on writing about private lives• Malcolm Gladwell on the limits of profiles• Nora Ephron on narrative writing and screenwriters• Alma Guillermoprieto on telling the story and telling the truth• Dozens of Pulitzer Prize–winning journalists from the Atlantic Monthly, New Yorker, New York Times, Los Angeles Times, Washington Post and more . . .The essays contain important counsel for new and career journalists, as well as for freelance writers, radio producers, and memoirists. Packed with refreshingly candid and insightful recommendations, Telling True Stories will show anyone fascinated by the art of writing nonfiction how to bring people, scenes, and ideas to life on the page.


各界推薦 哈佛大學的Nieman Foundation成立於1937年,設立宗旨在於推動及提高美國記者的專業水準,每年會甄選二十名美國記者到哈佛進修一年,數年之後也開始招收海外記者,將提昇記者水準的目標擴及其它國家。 本書是由Nieman Foundation策畫成書,特別邀集五十位以上的知名資深記者分享,包括十數位普立玆獎得主,以及來自Atlantic Monthly,New Yorker,New York Times,Los Angeles Times,Washington Post等知名媒體的記者,空前絕後的堅強陣容。 內容除了有許多激勵人心的故事之外,這些資深記者也都提供了最珍貴而實用的建議,從如何找到一個好的主題、如何安排述事的結構、如何著手寫作,一直到如何賣出故事。無論是新進的新聞從業人員、自由撰稿人,或是傳記作家等有志於「描寫真實故事」的讀者,都可以從本書中獲益良多。如同本書書名所述,強調記者除了有專業的寫作能力之外,更重要的是不加入個人的操弄和扁見,說出真實的故事,將人物、事件、場景、思想忠實紀錄下來。


作者介紹 Mark Kramer was writer-in-residence in the American Studies Program at Smith College (1980-1990), writer-in-residence and a professor of journalism at Boston University (1990-2001), and writer-in-residence and founding director of the Nieman Program on Narrative Journalism at Harvard University (2001-2007). He's written for the New York Times Magazine, National Geographic, The Atlantic Monthly, and many other periodicals. He's co-author of two leading textbook readers on narrative nonfiction: Telling True Stories and Literary Journalism. He's written four additional books: Mother Walter and the Pig Tragedy, Three Farms, Invasive Procedures, and Travels with a Hungry Bear. He's currently at work on a book about writing narrative nonfiction. His website is Call is author of No Word for Welcome: The Mexican Village Faces the Global Economy, winner of the 2011 Grub Street National Book Prize for Nonfiction. She co-edited Telling True Stories: A Nonfiction Writers' Guide. Wendy has served as Writer in Residence at 20 institutions, five national parks, four universities, a public hospital, and a historical archive. She writes and edits nonfiction, translates Mexican poetry and short fiction, and works as a teacher at Richard Hugo House and Goddard College. Before turning to full-time word-working in 2000, she devoted a decade to work for social change organizations in Boston and Seattle. The daughter of a middle-school math teacher and a career Navy officer from Michigan, Wendy grew up on and around military bases in Florida, Pennsylvania, southern California, and southern Maryland. She lives and works in Seattle.


書名 / Telling True Stories: A Nonfiction Writers' Guide from the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University
作者 / 哈佛大學尼曼基金會
簡介 / Telling True Stories: A Nonfiction Writers' Guide from the Nieman Foundation at Harvard University:《哈佛寫作課:51位紀實寫作名家技藝大公開,教你找故事、寫故事、
ISBN13 / 9780452287556
ISBN10 / 0452287553
EAN / 9780452287556
誠品26碼 / 2680311443000
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 13.5X20.1CM
級別 / N:無
