Ready Player Two | 誠品線上

Ready Player Two

作者 恩斯特.克萊恩
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Ready Player Two:恩斯特.克萊恩《二級玩家》ThehighlyanticipatedsequeltothebelovedworldwidebestsellerReadyPlayerOne,the“ridiculouslyfunandlarge-hearted”(NPR)n


內容簡介 人氣科幻電影《一級玩家》原著小說續集! 空降《紐約時報》暢銷排行榜冠軍亞馬遜年度百大暢銷書《華盛頓郵報》年度最佳好書挑戰全面升級!《一級玩家》 系列作強勢登場!如果可以在虛擬世界中體會到極致享受,你還願意醒來嗎?★亞馬遜編輯精選最佳科幻小說與奇幻★逾三萬次讀者4.3星高分評價★Goodreads逾100,000名讀者評分★《紐約時報》、《今日美國》、《赫芬頓郵報》、《舊金山紀事報》、《娛樂週刊》、《每日郵報》、《連線》雜誌、CNN、英國水石書店──國際重量級媒體一致好評★高踞亞馬遜科幻類有聲書暢銷榜逾300天▍本書特色•《星際大戰》、《魔戒》、《哈利波特》之後最令人屏息的重磅娛樂經典•融合懷舊的電玩、電影元素,與未來的想像•對當代VR虛擬實境技術的超前想像▍第一集銷售佳績•全球千萬書迷引頸企盼 史蒂芬‧史匹柏親導改編電影、泰·謝里丹主演,創下五億八千餘萬美金的亮麗票房•《紐約時報》No.1 長達87週盤距《紐約時報》排行榜 、58國熱銷、翻譯為37種外語版本▍內容簡介「身分認證成功!歡迎來到綠洲!」如果再也無法分辨真實與虛擬,有如天堂般的感官享受,是否也可能逐步把我們逼入地獄?韋德贏得「綠洲」創始人哈勒代的比賽後,獲得巨額財富,成為「綠洲」新一代繼承人。就在韋德漸漸與夥伴疏遠,也對生活感到茫然之際,他意外發現哈勒代留下的一項全新科技ONI,直接與用戶大腦連接後,能以近乎真實的感官知覺體驗「綠洲」裡的一切活動。這項科技一經發布立即引起風潮,為韋德賺進大把鈔票。沒想到當ONI在線使用者達到7,777,777人,哈勒代沉寂已久的網站竟又出現了新的謎語,暗示所有玩家去尋找「賽蓮靈魂」的七個碎片,神祕的是,這次任務的獎賞竟無人知曉。就在此時,「綠洲」的另一位創建者莫洛遭到強大人工智慧綁架。韋德一行人這才發現,人工智慧竟已經與越獄的邪惡「六數人」領袖索倫托搭上線!他們被迫在有限的時間內解開謎題,找齊七個碎片,否則人工智慧就會駭入ONI科技,破壞玩家的大腦,讓「綠洲」線上的五億用戶一起陪葬……面對更複雜的謎題、更強大的敵人,韋德與夥伴再度攜手合作,他們能不能克服眼前的挑戰呢?最後一個任務:請拯救五億條人命。準備好登入了嗎?倒數計時,三﹑二、一……遊戲再度開始!本中文書介出自《二級玩家》麥田出版社出版#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • The highly anticipated sequel to the beloved worldwide bestseller Ready Player One, the near-future adventure that inspired the blockbuster Steven Spielberg film.NAMED ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY THE WASHINGTON POSTAN UNEXPECTED QUEST. TWO WORLDS AT STAKE. ARE YOU READY?Days after winning OASIS founder James Halliday’s contest, Wade Watts makes a discovery that changes everything.Hidden within Halliday’s vaults, waiting for his heir to find, lies a technological advancement that will once again change the world and make the OASIS a thousand times more wondrous—and addictive—than even Wade dreamed possible.With it comes a new riddle, and a new quest—a last Easter egg from Halliday, hinting at a mysterious prize.And an unexpected, impossibly powerful, and dangerous new rival awaits, one who’ll kill millions to get what he wants.Wade’s life and the future of the OASIS are again at stake, but this time the fate of humanity also hangs in the balance.Lovingly nostalgic and wildly original as only Ernest Cline could conceive it, Ready Player Two takes us on another imaginative, fun, action-packed adventure through his beloved virtual universe, and jolts us thrillingly into the future once again."


作者介紹 Ernest Cline is a #1 New York Times bestselling novelist, screenwriter, father, and full-time geek. He is the author of the novels Ready Player One and Armada and co-screenwriter of the film adaptation of Ready Player One, directed by Steven Spielberg. His books have been published in over fifty countries and have spent more than 100 weeks on The New York Times bestsellers list. He lives in Austin, Texas, with his family, a time-traveling DeLorean, and a large collection of classic video games.


書名 / Ready Player Two
作者 / 恩斯特.克萊恩
簡介 / Ready Player Two:恩斯特.克萊恩《二級玩家》ThehighlyanticipatedsequeltothebelovedworldwidebestsellerReadyPlayerOne,the“ridiculouslyfunandlarge-hearted”(NPR)n
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780593356340
ISBN10 / 0593356349
EAN / 9780593356340
誠品26碼 / 2681909182004
頁數 / 416
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.5X2.5CM
級別 / N:無