A Long Petal of the Sea | 誠品線上

A Long Petal of the Sea

作者 伊莎貝.阿言德
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 A Long Petal of the Sea:最知名的西班牙語女作家IsabelAllende伊莎貝.阿言德新作《往智利的難民船》!,繼經典暢銷作《精靈之屋》、《春膳》之後,又一本橫跨數十年,遠


內容簡介 最知名的西班牙語女作家Isabel Allende伊莎貝.阿言德,繼經典暢銷作《精靈之屋》、《春膳》之後,又一本橫跨數十年,遠渡重洋,關於希望,流放與歸屬,跨時代的史詩之作,故事講述一對年輕男女為了逃離西班牙內戰與極權統治的佛朗哥政權,與其他兩千名難民一起登上了詩人聶魯達租界的輪船逃往智利,為了生存下去,他們並不害怕流亡生活,而輾轉流離來到夢想之地後,殊不知更殘酷的未來正等待著他們。於是,回到故鄉成了他們生存下去的希望。------------------在政權更迭和戰火連連之中,無論是愛或記憶,都只能身不由己……與馬奎斯齊名,拉美文壇最劇烈又溫柔的女性之聲一艘由詩人聶魯達帶領的流離之船一段愛欲與家國情懷交纏的六十年歲月暢銷全球六千五百萬冊、當代最受歡迎西語作家畢生最強大作品 本書特色1. 本書作者為當代西語文學讀者最多的第一作家,曾榮獲五十座以上文學大獎,作品被譯成三十五種語言,全球總銷量突破六千五百萬冊。2. 國際媒體、作家一致好評推薦。《紐約時報》暢銷書。Goodreads網站80,000次讀者評分、逾9,000則評論。3. 以家族故事為經,真實歷史事件為緯,灌注對難民議題、異國生存、文化根系的關懷。內容簡介時代的動盪讓本來不可能相愛的人走到一起,他們永遠是對方最厚實的依靠,因為在愛上彼此之前,他們已經深深走入彼此的生命……二戰爆發之際,內戰也席捲西班牙,數十萬人被迫逃往法國邊境。柔瑟懷著身孕,在嚴寒中驚險攀過山峰,終於與戰死愛人的哥哥維克多重逢。彼時詩人聶魯達正在籌組開往智利的難民船,於是兩人不得不假結婚,才得以藉夫妻身分前往陌生的南半球大陸,落地生根。柔瑟腹中的孩子平安誕生,維克多也一邊為重新拿到醫生執照苦讀,一邊經營著小酒館;柔瑟更憑著鋼琴才能,漸漸成為地方上知名的演奏家。他們初時是夥伴而非戀人,在漫長的流亡生涯中,維克多曾愛上當地的富家女,柔瑟也與共同逃難的夥伴有過露水情緣,但他們之間的理解與依賴也在長年相伴下變得更加深刻。就在一切慢慢上軌道的時候,智利卻爆發政變,與維克多有著良好交情的薩爾瓦多.阿言德總統也因此身亡,他們的生活再度掀起了波瀾……西語世界最知名的暢銷作家伊莎貝‧阿言德以獨到的女性視角在陽剛的拉美文壇上廣受矚目,堪稱女性之聲的開拓者。這部橫跨六十年的小說講述了人們在大時代之下的流離與扎根,從西班牙內戰時聶魯達的難民船到智利政變時薩爾瓦多.阿言德總統之死,時代殘酷,她下筆溫厚,巧妙結合史實與動人的故事,曾在受訪時說「小說是謊言,也是另一種形式的真相。」《追風箏的孩子》作者卡勒德‧胡賽尼給予她的作品高度肯定,認為她必然是會被後代讀者歌頌的作家。本中文書介出自《往智利的難民船》麥田出版社出版From the New York Times bestselling author of The House of the Spirits, this epic novel spanning decades and crossing continents follows two young people as they flee the aftermath of the Spanish Civil War in search of a place to call home.In the late 1930s, civil war grips Spain. When General Franco and his Fascists succeed in overthrowing the government, hundreds of thousands are forced to flee in a treacherous journey over the mountains to the French border. Among them is Roser, a pregnant young widow, who finds her life intertwined with that of Victor Dalmau, an army doctor and the brother of her deceased love. In order to survive, the two must unite in a marriage neither of them desires.Together with two thousand other refugees, they embark on the SS Winnipeg, a ship chartered by the poet Pablo Neruda, to Chile: “the long petal of sea and wine and snow.” As unlikely partners, they embrace exile as the rest of Europe erupts in world war. Starting over on a new continent, their trials are just beginning, and over the course of their lives, they will face trial after trial. But they will also find joy as they patiently await the day when they will be exiles no more. Through it all, their hope of returning to Spain keeps them going. Destined to witness the battle between freedom and repression as it plays out across the world, Roser and Victor will find that home might have been closer than they thought all along.A masterful work of historical fiction about hope, exile, and belonging, A Long Petal of the Sea shows Isabel Allende at the height of her powers.


各界推薦 “Both an intimate look at the relationship between one man and one woman and an epic story of love, war, family, and the search for home, this gorgeous novel, like all the best novels, transports the reader to another time and place, and also sheds light on the way we live now. Isabel Allende is a legend and this might be her finest book yet.”—J. Courtney Sullivan, author of Saints for All Occasions “This is a novel not just for those of us who have been Allende fans for decades, but also for those who are brand-new to her work: What a joy it must be to come upon Allende for the first time. She knows that all stories are love stories, and the greatest love stories are told by time.”—Colum McCann, National Book Award–winning author of Let the Great World Spin


作者介紹 Born in Peru and raised in Chile, Isabel Allende is the author of a number of bestselling and critically acclaimed books, including The House of the Spirits, Of Love and Shadows, Eva Luna, Paula, and In the Midst of Winter. Her books have been translated into more than forty-two languages and have sold more than seventy-four million copies worldwide. She lives in California.


書名 / A Long Petal of the Sea
作者 / 伊莎貝.阿言德
簡介 / A Long Petal of the Sea:最知名的西班牙語女作家IsabelAllende伊莎貝.阿言德新作《往智利的難民船》!,繼經典暢銷作《精靈之屋》、《春膳》之後,又一本橫跨數十年,遠
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780593158425
ISBN10 / 0593158423
EAN / 9780593158425
誠品26碼 / 2681831658004
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.1X15.5X2CM
級別 / N:無
