The Passage Trilogy 1: The Passage (TV Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上


作者 加斯汀.柯羅寧
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 The Passage Trilogy 1: The Passage (TV Tie-in Ed.):▍全球銷售迅速突破百萬冊,售出世界32國版權!▍美國出版界空前激烈一億元版權競價之作,《神鬼戰士》導演八位數高


內容簡介 ▍全球銷售迅速突破百萬冊,售出世界32國版權! ▍美國出版界空前激烈一億元版權競價之作,《神鬼戰士》導演八位數高額搶下翻拍權 ▍紐約超級文學經紀公司「三叉戟媒體集團」一手打造、「藍燈書屋出版集團」一億二千萬天價競標年度重點之作! ▍時代雜誌年度十大最佳小說,美國獨立書商協會重點選書(同《別相信任何人》、《不能說的名字》、《第十三個故事》、《偷書賊》、《歷史學家》),美國亞馬遜編輯推薦嚴選,紐約時報專題報導,華盛頓郵報、君子雜誌、美國新聞與世界報導、美國國家公共廣播電台焦點新聞、聖路易郵訊報、書頁雜誌、圖書館期刊年度十大好書《歷史學家》的織密悚然 ×《時間迴旋》的如歌動人我還能說什麼呢?只能說:翻開這本書,周遭尋常的世界就此消失。──史蒂芬•金一切開始於那個命運的夜晚,三十二分鐘後,一個世界毀滅,另一個世界誕生。一名不知來歷、眼中充滿孤寂、背負無數回憶和故事的女孩,從此踽踽獨行,流浪過荒涼世紀。當世界來到盡頭,時間也不復記憶,她的追尋,能否有得見終點的一天?事情開始於一個令人難以想像的夜裡。那一夜,美國軍方生化實驗計畫失控,誤放出十二個恐怖嗜血怪物,經過一夜混亂屠殺,在隔日的太陽昇起之際,世界永遠地改變了。驚魂未定的倖存者們面對失序的世界,開始度過被恐懼所宰制的未來──恐懼黑暗,恐懼死亡,恐懼比死亡更悲慘的命運──他們在文明瓦解成獵者與獵物競逐的原始世界裡,在不知道如何擁有希望的絕望世界裡,努力為生存奮戰,竭盡所能活過每一天、每一夜。在世界的盡頭,兩名亡命之徒,FBI探員華格斯特和六歲的孤女艾美,走遍天涯,尋找棲身之地。艾美是逃離軍方研究室的驚恐受害者,第十三號實驗品,被病毒感染存活卻沒有變成異種生物,曾經經歷喪女之痛的華格斯特因此下定決心保護艾美,不受獵捕者的驚擾和侵襲。但是,華格斯特卻不知道,對艾美而言,劫後餘生只是更加漫長的流浪之旅開端──她將獨自走過漫漫長途,歷經悠悠歲月,來到最終的那個年代與地點,親手為不該開始的一切,畫上句點。背負著無數記憶和故事的女孩,看透過去與現在,靈魂與夢境,生與死,穿越起點與盡頭,回答了無數的提問,卻只尋求一個解答:我是誰?作者用精純洗練、優美動人的文筆和史詩般的壯闊篇章,描繪人類面對前所未有的大災難與無法想像的危險時,在劫後大地上堅忍不屈的漫長征途。創意十足的故事,對人心的深刻省思,崩落的破敗世界與重生的希望,皆以溫柔深情的筆觸娓娓鋪陳,將科幻與文學結合出不同以往的視野,讓本書成為卓越不凡的當代小說代表作。 本書介出自奇幻基地出版《末日之旅》NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • SOON TO BE A FOX TV SERIES • This thrilling novel kicks off what Stephen King calls “a trilogy that will stand as one of the great achievements in American fantasy fiction.”NAMED ONE OF THE TEN BEST NOVELS OF THE YEAR BY TIME AND ONE OF THE BEST BOOKS OF THE YEAR BY The Washington Post • Esquire • U.S. News & World Report • NPR On Point • St. Louis Post-Dispatch • BookPage • Library Journal “It happened fast. Thirty-two minutes for one world to die, another to be born.” An epic and gripping tale of catastrophe and survival, The Passage is the story of Amy—abandoned by her mother at the age of six, pursued and then imprisoned by the shadowy figures behind a government experiment of apocalyptic proportions. But Special Agent Brad Wolgast, the lawman sent to track her down, is disarmed by the curiously quiet girl and risks everything to save her. As the experiment goes nightmarishly wrong, Wolgast secures her escape—but he can’t stop society’s collapse. And as Amy walks alone, across miles and decades, into a future dark with violence and despair, she is filled with the mysterious and terrifying knowledge that only she has the power to save the ruined world.Look for the entire Passage trilogy:THE PASSAGE | THE TWELVE | THE CITY OF MIRRORSPraise for The Passage“[A] blockbuster.”—The New York Times Book Review“Mythic storytelling.”—San Francisco Chronicle“Magnificent . . . Cronin has taken his literary gifts, and he has weaponized them. . . . The Passage can stand proudly next to Stephen King’s apocalyptic masterpiece The Stand, but a closer match would be Cormac McCarthy’s The Road: a story about human beings trying to generate new hope in a world from which all hope has long since been burnt.”—Time“The type of big, engrossing read that will have you leaving the lights on late into the night.”—The Dallas Morning News“Addictive.”—Men’s Journal“Cronin’s unguessable plot and appealing characters will seize your heart and mind.”—Parade


作者介紹 Justin Cronin is the New York Times bestselling author of The Passage, The Twelve, The City of Mirrors, Mary and O’Neil (which won the PEN Hemingway Award and the Stephen Crane Prize), and The Summer Guest. Other honors for his writing include a fellowship from the National Endowment for the Arts and a Whiting Writers’ Award. A Distinguished Faculty Fellow at Rice University, he divides his time between Houston, Texas, and Cape Cod, Massachusetts.


書名 / The Passage Trilogy 1: The Passage (TV Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / 加斯汀.柯羅寧
簡介 / The Passage Trilogy 1: The Passage (TV Tie-in Ed.):▍全球銷售迅速突破百萬冊,售出世界32國版權!▍美國出版界空前激烈一億元版權競價之作,《神鬼戰士》導演八位數高
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780525618744
ISBN10 / 0525618740
EAN / 9780525618744
誠品26碼 / 2681681196008
頁數 / 880
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.1X10.6X4.4CM
級別 / N:無
