內容簡介 推動數位化策略:重新構想商業模式指南書哈佛商業學院綜合管理課程主席Sunil Gupta以企業實戰案例分享最佳商業技巧與策略數位轉型不再是新聞,而是生存的必要條件。許多傳統大企業早已成功將商業模式轉換為數位化,曾是傳統媒體的堡壘的《紐約時報》,創造蓬勃發展的數位產品的背後則是精心設計了數位牆;百思買在面臨亞馬遜的威脅後也開始轉變其商業經營模式;強鹿企業則成立數據部門,為了補強農場設備的業務;高盛銀行則有效利用數位科技重新構想商業模式。哈佛商業學院專家Sunil Gupta透過數位化成功轉型的企業案例研究,分享一些商業技巧和最佳案例。數十年前,Gupta就曾深入研究500大企業數為轉型成功的案例,內容以豐富及精彩的案例分享數位轉型的重要性,這絕對是一本帶領讀者學習充分利用數位時代打造無限商機的重要指南。Digital transformation is no longer news--it's a necessity.Despite the widespread threat of disruption, many large companies in traditional industries have succeeded at digitizing their businesses in truly transformative ways.The New York Times, formerly a bastion of traditional media, has created a thriving digital product behind a carefully designed paywall. Best Buy has transformed its business in the face of Amazon's threat. John Deere has formed a data-analysis arm to complement its farm-equipment business. And Goldman Sachs and many others are using digital technologies to reimagine their businesses. In Driving Digital Strategy, Harvard Business School professor Sunil Gupta provides an actionable framework for following their lead.For over a decade, Gupta has studied digital transformation at Fortune 500 companies. He knows what works and what doesn't. Merely dabbling in digital or launching a small independent unit, which many companies do, will not bring success. Instead you need to fundamentally change the core of your business and ensure that your digital strategy touches all aspects of your organization: your business model, value chain, customer relationships, and company culture. Gupta covers each aspect in vivid detail while providing navigation tips and best practices along the way.Filled with rich and illuminating case studies of companies at the forefront of digital transformation, Driving Digital Strategy is the comprehensive guide you need to take full advantage of the limitless opportunities the digital age provides.
作者介紹 Sunil Gupta is the Edward W. Carter Professor of Business Administration at Harvard Business School. He is also Cochair of the Executive Program on Driving Digital Strategy. Gupta advises and speaks to companies around the world on issues related to digital transformation. Representative clients include Adidas, IBM, Franklin Templeton, Heineken, Johnson & Johnson, Novartis, PwC, TD Bank, Turkcell, and Vodafone.Author social media website info: hbs.edu faculty Pages profile.aspx?facId=261323