A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (12 Ed.) | 誠品線上

漫步華爾街: 超越股市漲跌的成功投資策略

作者 墨基爾
商品描述 A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (12 Ed.):【漫步華爾街:超越股市漲跌的成功投資策略】Withtheprevailingwisdomchan


內容簡介 個人投資首選的最佳指南最具影響力的投資經典投資新手必讀書單穩健致富的福音書無論你是投資新手、散戶、理財顧問、證券營業員、市場研究專家……所有年齡層的投資人都該必備的投資聖經! 《華爾街日報》:「幫助投資人選擇投資標的最佳書籍。」《金融時報》:「本書是個人投資者進入市場前的必讀指南。」《經濟學人》:「此書為『當之無愧的長青暢銷書。』」 本書自1973年出版至今,已暢銷超過150萬冊,被視為最經典的個人理財指南。在此一全新增訂版中,擁有華爾街專業投資人、經濟學者、個人投資者三重身分的墨基爾(Burton G. Malkiel),隨著金融的快速創新與時俱進,整合豐富的投資經驗,加入全新看法,涵蓋各種投資工具,包括: 貨幣基金、指數基金、正反ETF、免稅基金、新興巿場基金、目標日期基金、浮動利率票券、波動性衍生性商品、抗通貨膨脹證券、權益型不動產投資信託、資產擔保證券、Smart Beta策略商品、零息債券、金融和商品期貨和選擇權、投資組合保險…… 這是一本提供個人投資的詳盡指南,同時以平實、客觀的評斷,提供新資訊給學術界和市場研究專家。 另外,更針對投資理論、實務操作、退休人員,提供清楚且易於實用的說明與投資策略── ◎ 投資人不能不懂行為財務學投資人如何從行為學家的新觀點,避免自己的不理性而犯下的愚行與誤判。 ◎ 下一波投資熱潮「Smart Beta策略」真的是聰明的投資選擇?到底什麼是「Smart Beta」?哪種基金採用這個策略?這種投資方式適合我嗎? ◎ 「做好人生的投資規畫」,價值等同聘請個人理財顧問的昂貴費用五大原則教你如何在人生的不同階段,配置投資組合,為自己的退休金加碼。 ◎ 如何利用選股技巧,提高勝算?隨著1987年10月的股巿崩盤、網路泡沫和2008到2009年的金融危機,更進一步考驗著巿場效率理論。但「效率巿場已死」的理論言過其實,本版會解釋近來的爭議,並解釋股票與債券報酬近期波動的情形,以及如何預測未來。 ◎ 衍生性商品很可怕?本版更針對「衍生性商品」新增一章附錄,將顛覆你對衍生性商品的看法,提供正確的觀點: 1. 其機制與歷史2. 舉例說明如何運作,並如何創造龐大獲利與損失3. 提供操作的實用建議 最後,墨基爾還大膽推薦美國基金標的,如果你是美股的投資人,這會是不錯的投資工具。 本書帶領你漫步迷人的投資世界,打破唯有專家才能勝過大盤的迷思。你將會明白如何從目眩神迷的投資工具,搜尋出最佳投資機會,穩健致富。本中文書介出自《漫步華爾街: 超越股市漲跌的成功投資策略》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版A Best Book For Investors Pick by the Wall Street Journal’s “Weekend Investor”With the prevailing wisdom changing on an almost daily basis, Burton G. Malkiel’s reassuring and vastly informative volume remains the best investment guide money can buy.In a time of increasing inequality, when high-frequency traders and hedge-fund managers seem to tower over the average investor, Burton G. Malkiel’s classic and gimmick-free investment guide is now more necessary than ever. Rather than tricks, what you’ll find here is a time-tested and thoroughly research-based strategy for your portfolio. Whether you’re considering your first 401k contribution or contemplating retirement, this fully-updated edition of A Random Walk Down Wall Street should be the first book on your reading list.In A Random Walk Down Wall Street you’ll learn the basic terminology of "the Street " and how to navigate it with the help of a user-friendly, long-range investment strategy that really works. Drawing on his own varied experience as an economist, financial adviser, and successful investor, Malkiel shows why an individual who buys over time and holds a low-cost, internationally diversified index of securities is still likely to exceed the performance of portfolios carefully picked by professionals using sophisticated analytical techniques. In this new edition, Malkiel provides a brand-new section on the recent bubble in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, as well as valuable new material on “tax-loss harvesting”—the crown jewel of tax management. He also presents a critical analysis of two recently popular investment-management techniques: factor investing and risk parity.On top of all this, the book’s classic lifecycle guide to investing, which tailors strategies to investors of any age, will help you plan confidently for the future. You’ll learn how to analyze the potential returns, not only for basic stocks and bonds but for the full range of investment opportunities—from money market accounts and real estate investment trusts to insurance, home ownership, and tangible assets like gold and collectibles. Individual investors of every level of experience and risk tolerance will find throughout the book the critical facts and step-by-step guidance they need to protect and grow their hard-earned dollars.Burton G. Malkiel is the Chemical Bank Chairman's Professor of Economics Emeritus at Princeton University. He is a former member of the Council of Economic Advisers, dean of the Yale School of Management, and has served on the boards of several major corporations, including Vanguard and Prudential Financial. He is the chief investment officer of Wealthfront."


各界推薦 “Do you want to do well in the stock market? Here’s the best advice. Scrape together a few bucks and buy Burton Malkiel’s book. Then take what’s left and put it in an index fund.” - Los Angeles Times “Imagine getting a week-long lesson on investing from someone with the common sense of Benjamin Franklin, the academic and institutional knowledge of Milton Friedman and the practical experience of Warren Buffett. That’s about what awaits you in the latest edition of this must-read by Burton Malkiel.” - Barron's “Not more than half a dozen really good books about investing have been written in the past fifty years. This one may well belong in the classics category.” – Forbes “If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to improve your personal finances, here’s a suggestion: Instead of picking up one of the scores of new works flooding into bookstores, reread an old one: A Random Walk Down Wall Street.” - New York Times “An engagingly written and wonderfully argued tome.” – Money “A useful introduction to investing with lots of common-sense advice.” - Wall Street Journal


作者介紹 Burton G. Malkiel is the Chemical Bank Chairman's Professor of Economics Emeritus at Princeton University. He is a former member of the Council of Economic Advisers, dean of the Yale School of Management, and has served on the boards of several major corporations, including Vanguard and Prudential Financial. He is the chief investment officer of Wealthfront.


書名 / A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (12 Ed.)
作者 / 墨基爾
簡介 / A Random Walk Down Wall Street: The Time-Tested Strategy for Successful Investing (12 Ed.):【漫步華爾街:超越股市漲跌的成功投資策略】Withtheprevailingwisdomchan
ISBN13 / 9780393358384
ISBN10 / 0393358380
EAN / 9780393358384
誠品26碼 / 2681838087005
頁數 / 480
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.8X14X2.2CM
級別 / N:無
