Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber | 誠品線上

恣意橫行: 違法手段X企業醜聞X內部攻防戰, Uber如何跌落神壇?

作者 麥克.伊薩克
商品描述 Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber:ATheNewYorkTimestechnologycorrespondentpresentsthedramaticriseandfallofUber,setagainsttherapidupheavalinSiliconValleyduringth


內容簡介 《紐約時報》、《華爾街日報》最佳暢銷書《財星》雜誌、《星期日泰晤士報》2019年度最佳商業書籍TechCrunch、NPR、彭博社2019年度選書亞馬遜書店2019年度暢銷書、商業領導類&非文學類Top 20▶▶版權熱銷12國◀◀▶▶美劇《金融戰爭》(Billions)製作人操刀改編影集!◀◀如《惡血》黑暗失控,如《鯨吞億萬》高潮迭起!失控的發展策略、有毒的新創文化,看狂人如何用謊言、背叛與欺騙建成這座失速帝國!挾以全球「共享經濟」之勢,Uber大舉進攻世界各國,衝撞當地的計程車生態與法規制度,在身價上漲數百億美元的同時,也被眾多國家封鎖與抵制。這個原本只是在暴風雪下招不到計程車而誕生的突發奇想,究竟是如何造就矽谷的劇烈震盪?這家顛覆乘車產業的創舉,又是如何在身價暴漲之際,一夕之間跌落谷底?《紐約時報》記者麥克.伊薩克從2014年開始關注Uber,目睹這隻明星獨角獸的起落興衰。他採訪Uber上百名現任與離職員工,彙整未曾曝光的第一手資料,揭露這家有望取代亞馬遜、蘋果和Google成為新一代科技巨擘的內幕,在其光鮮亮麗的外表之下,裡頭實則藏匿無數謊言、背叛與欺騙。其中,創辦人崔維斯.卡蘭尼克(Travis Kalanick)便是最大的幫兇。曾被背叛而不再信任創投的他,手握「超級投票權股票」進而壓制股東權限,更嚴格篩選投資人與董事會成員,讓他得以不受制衡恣意妄為;儘管他狂傲自大、全力衝刺的處事風格讓Uber得以站上高峰,卻也致使底下員工奉行他所謂的「十四項核心原則」,狂踩道德底線、追求成長不擇手段,各種脫序與違法行徑層出不窮:◆和各國叫車新創大打撒幣戰,耍陰招不擇手段◆為了打趴各國勁敵,Uber除了瘋狂燒錢發放獎勵金,更會進行各種不法勾當,例如派人到Lyft臥底竊取機密資料;網羅中情局、特勤局、FBI前幹員組成SSG(戰略服務團),人身監視、拍照、錄音滴滴出行、Grab、Ola高管;豪值千萬遊說立法議員(說服不成就動員用戶塞爆官員信箱);對當地警察行賄、偽造等額收據請款;利用「灰球」工具欺騙並躲避執法當局的取締⋯⋯◆惹怒科技界大老,槓上蘋果和Google◆Uber偷植入能竊取用戶個資的程式碼,試圖施展奧步騙過蘋果、闖關App Store,引起庫克(Tim Cook)與該部門負責人埃迪.克尤(Eddy Cue)震怒;Google自駕車計畫員工安東尼.李文道斯基(Anthony Levandowski)和卡蘭尼克密謀,不僅誘使多名員工集體叛逃,更竊取Waymo多項商業機密與專利,致使賴利.佩吉(Larry Page)氣得一狀告上法庭⋯⋯◆「兄弟文化」盛行,罔顧司機、用戶與員工權益◆從#DeleteUber和卡蘭尼克拒絕退出川普委員會為始,接著是前SRE工程師蘇珊.佛勒(Susan Fowler)的吹哨文、卡蘭尼克對司機吼叫的影片瘋傳、南韓召妓與印度司機性侵醜聞炸了鍋,一連串風波讓Uber潛藏的爛瘡一口氣噴發,各地分公司離譜的狂歡、種族與性別歧視、暴力等惡劣行為再也掩蓋不住⋯⋯為了止血,標竿創投(Benchmark)比爾.格利(Bill Gurley)一行人決定開鍘,夥同第一輪資本(First Round Capital)、小寫資本(Lowercase Capital)、門羅創投(Menlo Ventures)等投資人進行逼宮,終於讓卡蘭尼克步下寶座。沒有卡蘭尼克的Uber 2.0,將變得更好——還是更壞?故事仍未完待續。「這個創業人和創投人口耳相傳的警世故事,不僅代表矽谷最好的一面,也象徵矽谷最壞的一面。」【本書特色】1.作者追蹤報導Uber多年,根據他採訪過上百位Uber的現任與離職員工,以及未發表過的第一手資料寫成這本書,內容相當精采且充滿轉折。2.作者深入地描寫卡蘭尼克的思想和心理,詳盡講述2017年Uber衰落和卡蘭尼克被趕下臺的經過,推薦給任何想了解更多關於新創公司和創業投資運作的人。本中文書介出自《恣意橫行: 違法手段X企業醜聞X內部攻防戰, Uber如何跌落神壇?》寶鼎出版社出版New York Times and Wall Street Journal BestsellerA New York Times technology correspondent presents the dramatic story of Uber, the Silicon Valley startup at the center of one of the great venture capital power struggles of our time.In June 2017, Travis Kalanick, the hard-charging CEO of Uber, was ousted in a boardroom coup that capped a brutal year for the transportation giant. Uber had catapulted to the top of the tech world, yet for many came to symbolize everything wrong with Silicon Valley.Award-winning New York Times technology correspondent Mike Isaac’s Super Pumped presents the dramatic rise and fall of Uber, set against an era of rapid upheaval in Silicon Valley. Backed by billions in venture capital dollars and led by a brash and ambitious founder, Uber promised to revolutionize the way we move people and goods through the world. A near instant “unicorn,” Uber seemed poised to take its place next to Amazon, Apple, and Google as a technology giant.What followed would become a corporate cautionary tale about the perils of startup culture and a vivid example of how blind worship of startup founders can go wildly wrong. Isaac recounts Uber’s pitched battles with taxi unions and drivers, the company’s toxic internal culture, and the bare-knuckle tactics it devised to overcome obstacles in its quest for dominance. With billions of dollars at stake, Isaac shows how venture capitalists asserted their power and seized control of the startup as it fought its way toward its fateful IPO.Based on hundreds of interviews with current and former Uber employees, along with previously unpublished documents, Super Pumped is a page-turning story of ambition and deception, obscene wealth, and bad behavior that explores how blistering technological and financial innovation culminated in one of the most catastrophic twelve-month periods in American corporate history."


作者介紹 Mike Isaac is a technology reporter at the New York Times whose Uber coverage won the Gerald Loeb Award for distinguished business reporting. He writes frequently about Uber, Facebook, and other Silicon Valley giants for the Times, and appears often on CNBC and MSNBC. He lives in San Francisco.


書名 / Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber
作者 / 麥克.伊薩克
簡介 / Super Pumped: The Battle for Uber:ATheNewYorkTimestechnologycorrespondentpresentsthedramaticriseandfallofUber,setagainsttherapidupheavalinSiliconValleyduringth
ISBN13 / 9780393652246
ISBN10 / 0393652246
EAN / 9780393652246
誠品26碼 / 2681792894008
頁數 / 408
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.4X16.3X3.6CM
級別 / N:無
