The Annotated Christmas Carol | 誠品線上


作者 查理斯.狄更斯
商品描述 The Annotated Christmas Carol:繼大受好評的豪華版《綠野仙蹤》、《頑童流浪記》之後,Hearn重新編排狄更斯的《聖誕歌聲》。作者依據一八四三年狄更斯的首版與一八六七年


內容簡介 Without question, The Annotated Christmas Carol is the most authoritative and entertaining edition of Dickens classic ever produced. What would Christmas be without A Christmas Carol? Charles Dickens�s famous ghost story is as much a part of the season as plum pudding and mistletoe, and Michael Patrick Hearn, the celebrated annotator of The Wizard of Oz and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, has prepared this sumptuous, thoroughly annotated edition, which has already become the definitive edition of our century. Initially published by Norton in 2004, this is the first edition to combine the original story with Dickens�s Public Reading text, published to coincide with his 1867-68 American tour, which has not been reprinted in nearly a century. Included are rare photographs as well as the original Leech wood engravings and hand-colored etchings, supplemented by other contemporary illustrations by George Cruikshank, Gustave Dor�, John Tenniel, and �Phiz.� The Annotated Christmas Carol will be a literary feast for the whole family for generations.


各界推薦 繼大受好評的豪華版《綠野仙蹤》、《頑童流浪記》之後,Hearn重新編排狄更斯的《聖誕歌聲》。作者依據一八四三年狄更斯的首版與一八六七年的美國版,增加了八頁彩圖以及百幅精美的黑白插畫,改編成老少咸宜的版本。將膾炙人口的聖誕代表人物--小氣財神,重新賦予生命呈現給讀者。Without question, The Annotated Christmas Carol is the most authoritative and entertaining edition of Dickens classic ever produced.What would Christmas be without A Christmas Carol? Charles Dickens’s famous ghost story is as much a part of the season as plum pudding and mistletoe, and Michael Patrick Hearn, the celebrated annotator of The Wizard of Oz and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, has prepared this sumptuous, thoroughly annotated edition, which has already become the definitive edition of our century. Initially published by Norton in 2004, this is the first edition to combine the original story with Dickens’s Public Reading text, published to coincide with his 1867-68 American tour, which has not been reprinted in nearly a century. Included are rare photographs as well as the original Leech wood engravings and hand-colored etchings, supplemented by other contemporary illustrations by George Cruikshank, Gustave Doré, John Tenniel, and “Phiz.” The Annotated Christmas Carol will be a literary feast for the whole family for generations. 2-color throughout, 100 black-and-white illustrations, and 8 pages of full color


書名 / The Annotated Christmas Carol
作者 / 查理斯.狄更斯
簡介 / The Annotated Christmas Carol:繼大受好評的豪華版《綠野仙蹤》、《頑童流浪記》之後,Hearn重新編排狄更斯的《聖誕歌聲》。作者依據一八四三年狄更斯的首版與一八六七年
ISBN13 / 9780393051582
ISBN10 / 0393051587
EAN / 9780393051582
誠品26碼 / 2611350501000
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
