Remains of Life | 誠品線上


作者 舞鶴
商品描述 Remains of Life:探討「賽德克族」歷史與人物滄桑最精彩動人的原創小說!非官方版「霧社事件」真相思索之旅!解構「霧社事件」的歷史神話;思索「劫後餘生」的生命滄桑!


內容簡介 探討「賽德克族」歷史與人物滄桑最精彩動人的原創小說!非官方版「霧社事件」真相思索之旅!解構「霧社事件」的歷史神話;思索「劫後餘生」的生命滄桑!第一本探討霧社事件歷史真相與人物滄桑的台灣小說長篇名作!《餘生》法文版已於2011年6月在法國巴黎出版發行。「霧社事件」的發動真相到底是什麼?莫那魯道果真是賽德克人心目中的民族英雄?今天的人,如何理解霧社事件?這一事件對後代又會留下什麼樣的痕跡?而賽德克人的悲劇命運又會在我們的意識當中,喚起什麼樣的回應?一九三○年,在台灣中部的深山裡,一個叫霧社的地方,因為日軍的侵擾,泰雅族賽德克原住民的領袖莫那魯道,帶領族人起而反抗日本統治者,但卻被日軍殘酷無情的血腥鎮壓。將近七十年過後,作家舞鶴來到當年戰敗後原住民被流放的川中島,試圖理解為什麼會發生這一血腥屠殺事件;隨著他在部落所訪所見的餘生,以及他對歷史與當代情境的思索,舞鶴將以自身的體驗,帶領讀者一起探索另一個非官方版的霧社事件真相思索之旅。《餘生》是舞鶴以當代觀點重新思考一九三○年發生在南投的「霧社事件」及「第二次霧社事件」。此書主要寫三件事:(1)探尋「霧社事件」的正當性與適切性;(2)租居部落時一位姑娘的歷史追尋之旅;(3)在部落所訪所見的餘生。全書夾議夾敘,將此三事反覆寫成一氣,其中有歷史的反省,有深刻的生命洞見。舞鶴解構霧社事件的歷史神話,思索劫後餘生的滄桑,或幽默,或嘲諷,或悲憫,自然流露的情感,形成一部動人心弦的美麗史詩。 本書介出自麥田出版《餘生》Click on the Google Preview image above to read some pages of this book!On October 27, 1930, during a sports meet at Musha Elementary School on an aboriginal reservation in the mountains of Taiwan, a bloody uprising occurred unlike anything Japan had experienced in its colonial history. Before noon, the Atayal tribe had slain one hundred and thirty-four Japanese in a headhunting ritual. The Japanese responded with a militia of three thousand, heavy artillery, airplanes, and internationally banned poisonous gas, bringing the tribe to the brink of genocide.Nearly seventy years later, Chen Guocheng, a writer known as Wu He, or "Dancing Crane," investigated the Musha Incident to search for any survivors and their descendants. Remains of Life, a milestone of Chinese experimental literature, is a fictionalized account of the writer's experiences among the people who live their lives in the aftermath of this history. Written in a stream-of-consciousness style, it contains no paragraph breaks and only a handful of sentences. Shifting among observations about the people the author meets, philosophical musings, and fantastical leaps of imagination, Remains of Life is a powerful literary reckoning with one of the darkest chapters in Taiwan's colonial history.


作者介紹 Wu He is a native of Tainan, Taiwan, and came to prominence in 1974 with the publication of his award-winning short story, ""Peony Autumn."" He spent much of the 1980s and 1990s in seclusion before returning to the literary world with a string of powerful and challenging books, including Digging for Bones (1995), The Sea at Seventeen (1997), Wu He Danshui (2001), Ghost and Goblin (2005), and Chaos and Confusion (2007), and has won nearly every major national literary award upon its publication in Taiwan.Michael Berry is professor of modern Chinese literature and film at the University of California, Los Angeles. He is the author of, among others, Speaking in Images: Interviews with Contemporary Chinese Filmmakers (2005) and A History of Pain: Trauma in Modern Chinese Literature and Film (2008), and the translator of several novels, including Wild Kids: Two Novels About Growing Up (2000), Nanjing 1937: A Love Story (2002), and, with Susan Chan Egan, The Song of Everlasting Sorrow: A Novel of Shanghai (2008), all from Columbia University Press.


書名 / Remains of Life
作者 / 舞鶴
簡介 / Remains of Life:探討「賽德克族」歷史與人物滄桑最精彩動人的原創小說!非官方版「霧社事件」真相思索之旅!解構「霧社事件」的歷史神話;思索「劫後餘生」的生命滄桑!
ISBN13 / 9780231166010
ISBN10 / 023116601X
EAN / 9780231166010
誠品26碼 / 2681496409003
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X14CM
級別 / N:無
