Rich People Problems | 誠品線上


作者 關凱文
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Rich People Problems:紐約時報書評:一窺「瘋狂的亞洲富人」◎繼暢銷小說《CrazyRichAsians》(瘋狂亞洲土豪)與《ChinaRichGirlfriend》(中國富女友),三部曲最終章《


內容簡介 紐約時報書評:一窺「瘋狂的亞洲富人」◎繼暢銷小說《Crazy Rich Asians》(瘋狂亞洲土豪)與《China Rich Girlfriend》(中國富女友),三部曲最終章《Rich People Problems》(富人問題一籮筐)強勢回歸!◎系列作第一部《瘋狂亞洲土豪》即將改編電影!當新加坡超級富豪家族的大家長過世,一場遺產爭奪戰如火如荼地展開!在因龐大遺產而撕破臉的大家族裡,從幾乎被嫉妒逼瘋的前妻,到陷入時尚之爭的第二任太太,每個人都還面臨著各自的問題與煩惱……新加坡富豪家族的繼承人尼可拉斯的祖母即將過世,引發激烈的財產爭奪戰!家族成員紛紛從世界各地飛奔而來,表面上探視在病榻奄奄一息的大家長,實則覬覦著在龐大遺產上分一杯羹。他們的目標是新加坡最大私人地產、坐落於核心地帶、同時也是尼可拉斯兒時住處的泰瑟爾莊園,紛紛使出各種陰謀詭計,檯面下的暗潮洶湧與各種心機算計,一切都是為了入主莊園!在此同時,尼可拉斯竟發現他不符合所有繼承條件!當家族成員個個在遺產爭奪戰中殺紅了眼,雅絲翠發現自己竟無法自拔地愛上舊情人查理,愛情之路上卻有他惱人的前妻百般阻撓著!他誓言要摧毀雅絲翠的名譽和感情關係,讓她在熱戀中卻仍深受折磨;另一方面,嫁給中國第二富豪傑克的凱蒂,卻總是覺得自己的地位不如丈夫的時尚社交名媛女兒柯萊特,因此視她為勁敵!從馬尼拉的典雅豪宅到蘇祿海的私人島嶼,從香港菁英小學的綁架案到印度皇宮的求婚,凱文.關再次以幽默諷刺的筆觸與機智風趣的風格,描繪富豪家族的勾心鬥角與明爭暗鬥,還有土豪們面臨的各種人生問題,揭開上流社會那些不為人知的人性糾葛與秘密內幕!關‧凱文【亞洲富人文化三部曲】首部曲:《瘋狂亞洲富豪》電影書封版非電影書封版二部曲:《中國富女友》三部曲:《富人問題一籮筐》NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERKevin Kwan, bestselling author of Crazy Rich Asians (soon to be a MAJOR MOTION PICTURE starring Constance Wu, Henry Golding, Michelle Yeoh and Gemma Chan) and China Rich Girlfriend, is back with an uproarious new novel of a family riven by fortune, an ex-wife driven psychotic with jealousy, a battle royal fought through couture gown sabotage, and the heir to one of Asia's greatest fortunes locked out of his inheritance.When Nicholas Young hears that his grandmother, Su Yi, is on her deathbed, he rushes to be by her bedside-but he's not alone. The entire Shang-Young clan has convened from all corners of the globe to stake claim on their matriarch's massive fortune. With each family member vying to inherit Tyersall Park-a trophy estate on 64 prime acres in the heart of Singapore-Nicholas's childhood home turns into a hotbed of speculation and sabotage. As her relatives fight over heirlooms, Astrid Leong is at the center of her own storm, desperately in love with her old sweetheart Charlie Wu, but tormented by her ex-husband-a man hell bent on destroying Astrid's reputation and relationship. Meanwhile Kitty Pong, married to China's second richest man, billionaire Jack Bing, still feels second best next to her new step-daughter, famous fashionista Colette Bing. A sweeping novel that takes us from the elegantly appointed mansions of Manila to the secluded private islands in the Sulu Sea, from a kidnapping at Hong Kong's most elite private school to a surprise marriage proposal at an Indian palace, caught on camera by the telephoto lenses of paparazzi, Kevin Kwan's hilarious, gloriously wicked new novel reveals the long-buried secrets of Asia's most privileged families and their rich people problems."


書名 / Rich People Problems
作者 / 關凱文
簡介 / Rich People Problems:紐約時報書評:一窺「瘋狂的亞洲富人」◎繼暢銷小說《CrazyRichAsians》(瘋狂亞洲土豪)與《ChinaRichGirlfriend》(中國富女友),三部曲最終章《
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780525432388
ISBN10 / 0525432388
EAN / 9780525432388
誠品26碼 / 2681536958003
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
