Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine | 誠品線上

Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine

作者 Gail Honeyman
商品描述 Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine:,沒有人喜歡真相,如果有人問你過得如何,你就該回答「還好」。而不該說自己昨晚哭到睡著,已經連續兩天沒跟人說話,你只需要說「


內容簡介 沒有人喜歡真相,如果有人問你過得如何,你就該回答「還好」。而不該說自己昨晚哭到睡著,已經連續兩天沒跟人說話,你只需要說「一切都很好」。2018英國圖書獎獲選【年度之書】科斯塔文學獎首部小說大獎書評網站Goodreads讀者票選年度最佳小說瑞絲.薇斯朋一出版火速搶下版權,即將開拍電影眾多媒體年度選書:《每日郵報》、美國公共廣播電台NPR、《星期日快報》、《紅色》雜誌、《蘇格蘭人報》英國最大連鎖書店「史密斯書店」年度選書英國書店人員票選「書本就是我的名牌包」大獎入圍2018英國女性小說獎入圍英美亞馬遜高達4.7 5評分,上千名讀者推薦!「有些人,特別是軟弱的人,害怕孤獨。他們無法理解,孤獨能帶來某種釋放,一旦你領悟到自己誰也不需要,你就可以照顧自己。重點就是這件事:最好自己能照顧自己,因為不論多麼賣力,你也保護不了其他人。如果你嘗試,然後失敗了,你的世界就會隨之崩毀,燒成灰燼。」艾蓮諾,單身,女性,三十歲。最喜歡的作家是愛倫坡,喜歡玩解謎填字遊戲,每週三固定和媽咪通話十五分鐘。個性古怪的她是辦公室裡同事們嘲弄的對象,但工作本身還可以,週末一個人獨享伏特加,住在還可以的公寓過著還可以的生活。她什麼都不缺,其實也不需要朋友,她以能自力更生為榮。直到艾蓮諾在演唱會上覓得了人生摯愛強尼,命運的意外就此展開。她認為必須提升外表,為了與他邂逅及早做好準備,於是努力執行求愛大改造。一天下班,艾蓮諾和資訊部同事雷蒙幫助了路邊昏倒的老先生,在送醫、探病等一連串的事件中,雷蒙成了她人生中的第一個朋友。在雷蒙的陪伴下,艾蓮諾嘗試了許多新鮮事,人際關係有了重大突破,也慢慢走出封閉的舒適圈,逐漸朝向她期許的「正常人類女人」邁進。然而,改變可能很好、也可能更壞,為了迎向所謂的「美好人生」,唯有告別不堪回首的過往,才能擁抱幸福……本書介出自悅知文化出版《再見媽咪,再見幸福》#1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA Reese Witherspoon Book Club Pick“Beautifully written and incredibly funny, Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine is about the importance of friendship and human connection. I fell in love with Eleanor, an eccentric and regimented loner whose life beautifully unfolds after a chance encounter with a stranger; I think you will fall in love, too!” —Reese WitherspoonNo one’s ever told Eleanor that life should be better than fine. Meet Eleanor Oliphant: She struggles with appropriate social skills and tends to say exactly what she’s thinking. Nothing is missing in her carefully timetabled life of avoiding social interactions, where weekends are punctuated by frozen pizza, vodka, and phone chats with Mummy. But everything changes when Eleanor meets Raymond, the bumbling and deeply unhygienic IT guy from her office. When she and Raymond together save Sammy, an elderly gentleman who has fallen on the sidewalk, the three become the kinds of friends who rescue one another from the lives of isolation they have each been living. And it is Raymond’s big heart that will ultimately help Eleanor find the way to repair her own profoundly damaged one.Soon to be a major motion picture produced by Reese Witherspoon, Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine is the smart, warm, and uplifting story of an out-of-the-ordinary heroine whose deadpan weirdness and unconscious wit make for an irresistible journey as she realizes. . . The only way to survive is to open your heart. "


書名 / Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine
作者 / Gail Honeyman
簡介 / Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine:,沒有人喜歡真相,如果有人問你過得如何,你就該回答「還好」。而不該說自己昨晚哭到睡著,已經連續兩天沒跟人說話,你只需要說「
ISBN13 / 9780525506348
ISBN10 / 0525506349
EAN / 9780525506348
誠品26碼 / 2681742769004
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無