The Inside Story of Taiwan's Quiet Revolution: From Authoritarianism to Open Democracy | 誠品線上

從威權邁向開放民主: 臺灣民主化關鍵歷程1988-1993

作者 宋楚瑜
出版社 陳淑禎
商品描述 The Inside Story of Taiwan's Quiet Revolution: From Authoritarianism to Open Democracy:JamesSoong,akeypartyandgovernmentofficial,presentshisremembrances,aswell


內容簡介 《從威權邁向開放民主》從威權到民主,一場滴血未流的「寧靜革命」,是台灣民主發展進程中至關重要的一環。《The Inside Story of Taiwan's Quiet Revolution》由當時重要的推手──宋楚瑜,現身說法並開箱相關史料。本書是他的回憶錄、更是台灣政治轉型的重要紀錄!經國先生為臺灣擘劃「厚植經濟」和「民主開放」兩大戰略,並且以「家長的權力」來結束「家長統治」,李登輝承繼經國先生之後,再致力於民主憲政改革,才達成臺灣不流血的「寧靜革命」。前人種樹,後人不能盡是乘涼。臺灣經驗已經走過不同層次的淬鍊與改革,但臺灣政治民主化與政治發展有待持續探討的是政治整合與政治認同等難題。改革比革命還難,必須面臨「兩面作戰」,而政治成敗主要是妥慎處理三事:「掌握政策方向」、「資源分配」與「用人」。宋楚瑜以「向心力」(centripetal)與「離心力」(centrifugal)兩個概念,來統整開發中國家民主化現象。他深切期許當今主要政黨和政壇人物多做有益民生的「實事」,也不妨再回味一下過去臺灣「一步一腳印」的路程,重新找回向上提升的動力與向心力。本中文書介出自《從威權邁向開放民主: 臺灣民主化關鍵歷程1988-1993》商周出版From 1988 to 1993, Taiwan saw the transition from authoritarianism to democracy–a nonviolent process commonly referred to as Taiwan's quiet revolution. The Inside Story of Taiwan's Quiet Revolution written by James Soong–a key player during this crucial period– is part memoir and part history of Taiwan's transition to democracy.James Soong, a key party and government official, presents his remembrances, as well as many documents and photographs, in this record of the years 1988 to 1993. Chronicling Taiwan's successful transition from authoritarianism is open democracy, this book on the quiet revolution is a unique English-language source from an insider's perspective."


作者介紹 James SoongDr. James Soong has served as Secretary to the Premier (Chiang Ching-kuo), Secretary to the President, Director-General of the Government Information Office, and Secretary-General of the ruling party at the time, the KMT. Dr. Soong was also the only directly elected Governor of Taiwan, winning more than 56 percent of the total votes and serving from 1994 to 1998. Since founding the People First Party in 2000, he has been the voice of the middle ground and the much-needed third force in Taiwanese politics.


書名 / The Inside Story of Taiwan's Quiet Revolution: From Authoritarianism to Open Democracy
作者 / 宋楚瑜
簡介 / The Inside Story of Taiwan's Quiet Revolution: From Authoritarianism to Open Democracy:JamesSoong,akeypartyandgovernmentofficial,presentshisremembrances,aswell
出版社 / 陳淑禎
ISBN13 / 9781557291974
ISBN10 / 1557291977
EAN / 9781557291974
誠品26碼 / 2682148690008
頁數 / 688
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23X19X0.1CM
級別 / N:無
