The House of Gucci: A True Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed (Movie Tie-In Ed.) | 誠品線上

Gucci: 精品帝國真實的慾望、愛恨與興衰, 時尚黑寡婦驚世駭俗的豪門謀殺案

作者 莎拉.蓋伊.福登
商品描述 The House of Gucci: A True Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed (Movie Tie-In Ed.):改編電影《Gucci:豪門謀殺案》原著小說!由雷利‧史考特執導,女神卡卡


內容簡介 改編電影《Gucci:豪門謀殺案》原著小說✰由金獎大導雷利.史考特執導,女神卡卡、亞當.崔佛、傑瑞德.雷托、傑瑞米.艾朗與艾爾.帕西諾領銜主演!✰古馳血案紐時暢榜獲關注★ 亞馬遜「時尚」、「藝術家傳記」與「國際商業」暢銷榜冠軍!★ 全美最大連鎖書店──巴諾書店&亞馬遜讀者,近五星絕讚好評!★ 精品時尚圈最私密且真實的第一手資料,萬眾矚目!★ 時尚圈資深記者福登揭露古馳帝國的興衰與驚世的凶殺案!精采絕倫!★ 收錄逾60張古馳家族成員的珍貴生活照、最新且最全面更新資料與後記!是謀殺案,也是時尚史。作者駐米蘭採訪義大利時尚產業逾十五年,她揭露時尚界傳奇家族古馳第三代繼承人1995年遭人槍殺和其前妻在兩年後以謀殺罪被捕的始末。古馳(Gucci)作為國際知名的義大利精品時裝品牌,在1950-1980年代為財富與地位的象徵。古馳家族在四十年間,將古馳從佛羅倫斯帶至全球的時尚迷面前,也因此讓古馳家族過上光鮮亮麗的奢華生活。然而,隨著家族成員間的股權爭鬥與越來越多充滿利益關係的旁人介入,使得古馳的聲勢逐漸衰落──1995年,古馳第三代家族繼承人墨里奇奧.古馳,在自家遭前妻派翠吉雅.雷吉亞尼雇用的槍手射殺身亡,消息一出震撼全球。「我寧願坐在勞斯萊斯裡哭泣,也不願坐在腳踏車上笑。」視金錢如命的派翠吉雅.雷吉亞尼語出驚人。這名義大利時尚圈廣為人知的「黑寡婦」,在初識古馳家族的墨里奇奧.古馳時便很清楚自己的索求──她要躋身上流社交圈,她要恆久的權力與財富。而這一切都在她逐漸壓抑不住強大的野心後變質,也因而引發了驚世駭俗的買凶殺人案。本書揭露古馳時尚帝國的內鬥與醜聞,帶領讀者一探奢華精品背後的慾望、瘋狂、愛恨、算計與貪婪,透過與眾多相關當事者的專訪,不僅取得精品時尚圈的第一手資料,也如實呈現了古馳的興衰、買凶殺夫的驚悚細節,以及當時默默無名的設計鬼才湯姆.福特帶領崩壞的帝國重返榮光的精采過程。本中文書介出自《GUCCI: 精品帝國真實的慾望、愛恨與興衰, 時尚黑寡婦驚世駭俗的豪門謀殺案》尖端出版SOON TO BE A MAJOR MOTION PICTURE from director Ridley Scott, starring Lady Gaga and Adam DriverThe sensational true story of murder, madness, glamour, and greed that shook the Gucci dynasty, now fully updated with a new afterwordOn March 27, 1995, Maurizio Gucci, heir to the fabulous fashion dynasty, was slain by an unknown gunman as he approached his Milan office. In 1998, his ex-wife Patrizia Reggiani Martinelli--nicknamed "The Black Widow " by the press--was sentenced to 29 years in prison, for arranging his murder. Did Patrizia murder her ex-husband because his spending was wildly out of control? Did she do it because her glamorous ex was preparing to marry his mistress, Paola Franchi? Or is there a possibility she didn't do it at all?The Gucci story is one of glitz, glamour, intrigue, the rise, near fall and subsequent resurgence of a fashion dynasty. Beautifully written, impeccably researched, and widely acclaimed, The House of Gucci will captivate readers with its page-turning account of high fashion, high finance, and heart-rending personal tragedy.【歡迎收聽|迷誠品Podcast】精品帝國《Gucci》:慾望與愛恨的真實樣貌


作者介紹 Sara Gay FordenSara Gay Forden covered the Italian fashion industry from Milan for more than 15 years, chronicling the explosion of labels including Gucci, Armani, Versace, Prada and Ferragamo from family ateliers into mega brands. She is now based in Washington, D.C. with Bloomberg News, leading a team that covers lobbying and the challenges faced by big technology companies such as Amazon, Facebook and Google.


書名 / The House of Gucci: A True Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed (Movie Tie-In Ed.)
作者 / 莎拉.蓋伊.福登
簡介 / The House of Gucci: A True Story of Murder, Madness, Glamour, and Greed (Movie Tie-In Ed.):改編電影《Gucci:豪門謀殺案》原著小說!由雷利‧史考特執導,女神卡卡
ISBN13 / 9780063159983
ISBN10 / 0063159988
EAN / 9780063159983
誠品26碼 / 2682067295001
頁數 / 544
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.3X13.5X2.4CM
級別 / N:無