The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life | 誠品線上

The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life

作者 Steven Bartlett
商品描述 The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life:《執行長日記:關於事業與人生的33條法則》原文版【Y世代執行長──史蒂文.巴列特:無私分享成功的祕密】累計市值


內容簡介 歐洲下載次數TOP1!美國、愛爾蘭、澳洲和中東地區商業類Podcast排名前列「The Diary Of A CEO」主持人入選《富比士》30歲以下傑出青年榜累計市值超過10億美元,四家業界頂尖企業的首席執行長及創辦人Y世代執行長──史蒂文.巴列特無私分享成功的祕密史蒂文.巴列特是知名的英國年輕創業家,在22歲成立數位行銷公司Social Chain,27歲推動公司上市;同時也是舊金山軟體公司ThirdWeb、創新行銷公司Flight Story的共同創辦人。除了豐富的創業、投資與行銷經歷,他還主持廣受英國與歐洲聽眾歡迎的播客節目「The Diary Of A CEO」,並在過去四年,針對全球眾多商業界、體育界、娛樂界和學術界的頂尖人士,進行了超過700小時的訪談。透過親身經歷與深度對話,史蒂文見證了高潮和低谷,分析失敗的時刻和成功的模式,並從中淬鍊出一套能應用於任何行業、可供追求卓越成就的人們參考的33條基本法則。這些關於傑出的法則,主要源於心理學、行為科學和數個世紀以來的研究,為了進一步驗證,史蒂文針對數以萬計的人進行訪調,當然,也有許多案例或方法來自於他最受歡迎的訪談對象。本書透過:掌握自我、精通敘事、確立人生哲學、熟習團隊合作,以最簡潔、最有影響力的方式,提供我們所有人都可以從中學習的永恆要義,進而打造出屬於自己的成功人生。悅知文化出版《執行長日記: 關於事業與人生的33條法則》A galvanizing playbook for success from Steven Bartlett, one of the world’s most exciting entrepreneurs and the host of the No. 1 podcast The Diary of a CEO"This is a must-read for anyone dreaming of doing something audacious." Jay Shetty"Valuable lessons about the importance of following a different and unconventional path to power.” Robert GreeneAt the very heart of all the success and failure I've been exposed to - both my own entrepreneurial journey and through the thousands of interviews I’ve conducted on my chart-topping podcast - are a set of principles that ensure excellence.These fundamental laws underpinned my meteoric rise, and they will fuel yours too, whether you want to build something great or become someone great. The laws are rooted in psychology and behavioral science, in my own experiences, and those of the world's most successful entrepreneurs, entertainers, artists, writers, and athletes, who I’ve interviewed on my podcast.These laws will stand the test of time and will help anyone master their life and unleash their potential, no matter the field.


作者介紹 Steven BartlettSteven Bartlett is an entrepreneur, speaker, investor, author, and the host of the chart-topping podcast “The Diary of a CEO” – an unfiltered journey into the remarkable stories and untold dimensions of the world’s most influential people, experts, and thinkers. Steven joined the BBC’s hit TV show Dragon’s Den from Series 19 as the youngest ever Dragon in the show’s history. Steven co-founded Flight Story – a marketing and communications company that works with leading brands. Steven also co-founded thirdweb – a software platform backed by Shopify and Coinbase that makes it easy to build web3 applications. In January 2023, Steven launched his own fund, Flight Fund, to accelerate the next generation of European unicorns.


書名 / The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life
作者 / Steven Bartlett
簡介 / The Diary of a CEO: The 33 Laws of Business and Life:《執行長日記:關於事業與人生的33條法則》原文版【Y世代執行長──史蒂文.巴列特:無私分享成功的祕密】累計市值
ISBN13 / 9780593715833
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780593715833
誠品26碼 / 2682442570006
頁數 / 368
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 15.7 x 23.6 x 3.0
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : A galvanizing playbook for success from Steven Bartlett,
