The Power | 誠品線上

The Power

作者 Naomi Alderman
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 The Power:Amazon最新影集《電擊女孩》原著小說:奈歐蜜.埃德曼《電擊女孩》如果傷害他人的力量,掌握在女人手中,如果女人變得比男人更強大,這個世界,將會變得如何?I


內容簡介 Amazon最新影集《電擊女孩》原著小說如果傷害他人的力量,掌握在女人手中如果女人變得比男人更強大這個世界,將會變得如何?歐巴馬2017年度好書加拿大當代文學巨擎瑪格麗特.愛特伍(Margaret Atwood)推薦!在未來的世界裡,年輕女孩只要輕彈手指,就能施加痛苦在他人身上、甚至造成死亡。當女人取代男人,成為支配一切的性別,外面的世界,隨之風雲變色:女性紛紛當選為各國政治領袖、軍隊組成被女性取代、人口走私的女性受害者重獲自由、中東地區女性名符其實地獲得解放!起初,一切都看似十分美好,女性反撲,不再受到歧視與欺壓。然而,伴隨著權力而來的卻是邪惡,與男性幾千年來,以暴力威脅、施加在女性身上一切駭人聽聞的行徑,並沒有什麼不同,事情也逐漸失控……本書由四個角色的視角交錯敘述:分別是奈及利亞的男記者、來自寄養家庭的女孩、美國政治人物,以及來自黑幫家庭的強悍倫敦女孩。他們四人的人生,在陰錯陽差下產生交集……本書不是關於性別平等的女性主義著作,而是諷刺現代世界恐怖之處的一面鏡子:只要人類掌握權力,並擁有得以恣意傷害他人的力量,一切將變得一發不可收拾。本書將完全改變你觀看世界的方式!In this stunning bestseller that inspired the Amazon Prime series, praised as ""our era's Handmaid's Tale, "" a fierce new power has emerged—and only women have it (Washington Post). In The Power, the world is a recognizable place: there's a rich Nigerian boy who lounges around the family pool; a foster kid whose religious parents hide their true nature; an ambitious American politician; a tough London girl from a tricky family.But then a vital new force takes root and flourishes, causing their lives to converge with devastating effect. Teenage girls now have immense physical power: they can cause agonizing pain and even death. And, with this small twist of nature, the world drastically resets. From award-winning author Naomi Alderman, The Power is speculative fiction at its most ambitious and provocative, at once taking us on a thrilling journey to an alternate reality, and exposing our own world in bold and surprising ways.""Captivating, fierce, and unsettling…I was riveted by every page. Alderman's prose is immersive and, well, electric."" —New York Times Book Review"


作者介紹 Naomi Alderman is the recipient of the 2017 Baileys Women's Prize for Fiction for The Power. She is also the author of The Liars' Gospel and Disobedience, which won the Orange Prize for New Writers, has been published in ten languages, and has been made into a film by Rachel Weisz. Alderman was selected for Granta's once-a-decade list of Best of Young British Novelists and was chosen by Margaret Atwood as part of the Rolex Mentor and Protégé Arts Initiative. She is the cocreator and lead writer of the bestselling smartphone audio adventure app Zombies, Run! She contributes regularly to The Guardian and presents Science Stories on BBC Radio 4. She lives in London.


書名 / The Power
作者 / Naomi Alderman
簡介 / The Power:Amazon最新影集《電擊女孩》原著小說:奈歐蜜.埃德曼《電擊女孩》如果傷害他人的力量,掌握在女人手中,如果女人變得比男人更強大,這個世界,將會變得如何?I
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9780316570602
ISBN10 / 0316570605
EAN / 9780316570602
誠品26碼 / 2682360796007
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X13.8X3.3CM
級別 / N:無
