To the Lighthouse | 誠品線上


作者 維吉尼亞.吳爾芙
商品描述 To the Lighthouse:維吉尼亞.吳爾芙《燈塔行》Amust-haveneweditionofVirginiaWoolf’smasterpiece,featuringacoverillustratedbyAlisonBechdel,theNewYorkTimesbestsell


內容簡介 國際知名作家瑪格麗特‧愛特伍:在許多閱讀經驗中,有些書就是得等到讀者準備好了,一切才會水到渠成!這需要運氣,而我很幸運地讀了《燈塔行》!文學史上的傳奇作家,塑造文學史的經典之作現代主義小說開創性之經典作品,談婚姻、藝術,談人生、死亡……偉大女作家維吉尼亞‧吳爾芙《燈塔行》:生命的意義是什麼?一個簡單的問題;一個容易隨著歲月迫近人的問題。偉大的啟示從沒有來到。倒是有每日小小的奇蹟、闡釋,黑暗中火柴突然地劃亮;這兒就有一個。◎名列二十世紀百大英文小說(Modern Library 100 Best Novels)◎《時代雜誌》評選百大英文小說(Time’s All Time 100 Novels)◎1927年甫出版便好評不斷,被譽為吳爾芙最偉大的小說作品之一◎影響深遠,具劃時代里程碑意義,女性文學、現代主義之經典「為什麼我會對這故事感到難以置信且無可救藥的浪漫?我想是因為過往的記憶;我看到孩子們在花園裡奔跑……夜晚的海洋……四十年的生活,所有這一切都建立在這基礎之上,也時常被回憶滲透:太多太多的一切,我永遠無法解釋。 」--維吉尼亞‧吳爾芙《燈塔行》可說是吳爾芙自傳色彩極為濃厚的小說,利用獨特的意識流技法,探索了角色的內在思維,並描繪了一個瞬息萬變的時代社會。旨在探討婚姻、感知,記憶和時間消逝之題。小說中的雷姆塞先生與雷姆塞太太脫胎於吳爾芙的父母。吳爾芙的父親在聖艾芙斯購置了一棟別墅,每年夏天前往度假,直到她母親過世。所以吳爾芙在十三歲前每年都度過一段歡樂的假期,也在她心中留下深刻的印象。與小說中一樣,別墅旁邊就是海灣,海中小島也真的有一座燈塔。吳爾芙十歲時編過一個故事,就是《燈塔行》的雛形。小說第一部分〈窗〉精確刻畫日常生活中夫妻婚姻間存在之衝突與心靈和諧的狀態。第二部分〈歲月流逝〉以快速筆調描寫十年之變遷,人事已非。第三部分〈燈塔〉敘述喪偶之雷姆塞先生與其子女完成其妻生前未竟的燈塔之行。全書文辭精鍊,象徵意味濃厚,並充滿吳爾芙揮之不去的女性意識關懷。本中文書介出自《燈塔行》聯經出版事業股份有限公司出版A must-have new edition of Virginia Woolf’s masterpiece, featuring a cover illustrated by Alison Bechdel, the New York Times bestselling author of Fun Home, and a new foreword by Patricia LockwoodA Penguin Classics Graphic Deluxe EditionEvery summer, Mr. and Mrs. Ramsey and their eight children vacation on Scotland’s idyllic Isle of Skye, surrounded by artist friends. They expect these summers will go on forever, but with the arrival of World War I, they are forced to reckon with change, loss, and time’s unstoppable march, before making, years later, the long-awaited return to Skye and to its towering lighthouse. An intimate, impressionistic meditation on memory, grief, the brutalities of war, and the tensions of domestic life, revolutionary for its use of stream of consciousness and shifting points of view, and infused with a singular poetic essence, To the Lighthouse is both a landmark in modernist writing and one of the greatest literary works of the twentieth century.This edition is collated from all known proofs, manuscripts, and impressions to reflect the author’s intentions, and includes a catalog of emendations, a foreword by the acclaimed novelist, memoirist, and poet Patricia Lockwood, and an introduction by the distinguished biographer and critic Hermione Lee."


作者介紹 Virginia WoolfVirginia Woolf (1882-1941), one of the great twentieth-century authors, was at the center of the Bloomsbury Group and is a major figure in the history of literary feminism and modernism. She published her first novel, The Voyage Out, in 1915, and between 1925 and 1931 produced what are now regarded as her finest masterpieces, including Mrs. Dalloway (1925), To the Lighthouse (1927), and The Waves (1931). She also maintained an astonishing output of literary criticism, short fiction, journalism, and biography, including the playfully subversive Orlando (1928) and the passionate feminist essay A Room of One's Own (1929).Patricia Lockwood (foreword) is the author of the novel No One Is Talking About This, a 2021 Booker Prize finalist and one of The New York Times Book Review's Ten Best Books of 2021, and the memoir Priestdaddy, one of The New York Times Book Review's Ten Best Books of 2017, as well as the poetry collections Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals and Balloon Pop Outlaw Black. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The New Yorker, The New Republic, and the London Review of Books, where she is a contributing editor.Hermione Lee (introduction) is Emeritus Professor of English Literature at Oxford University and the author of biographies of Virginia Woolf, Edith Wharton, Willa Cather, and Penelope Fitzgerald. She was made a Dame for services to literary scholarship.Stella McNichol (editor, notes) was the author of several critical studies on Virginia Woolf.Alison Bechdel (cover illustrator) is the author and illustrator of the New York Times bestselling graphic memoir Fun Home, which was Time magazine's #1 Book of the Year and was adapted into a Tony Award-winning musical, as well as the graphic memoirs Are You My Mother? and The Secret to Superhuman Strength and the comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For. She has been named a MacArthur Fellow and Cartoonist Laureate of Vermont, among other honors.


書名 / To the Lighthouse
作者 / 維吉尼亞.吳爾芙
簡介 / To the Lighthouse:維吉尼亞.吳爾芙《燈塔行》Amust-haveneweditionofVirginiaWoolf’smasterpiece,featuringacoverillustratedbyAlisonBechdel,theNewYorkTimesbestsell
ISBN13 / 9780143137580
ISBN10 / 0143137581
EAN / 9780143137580
誠品26碼 / 2682354238001
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X1.5CM
級別 / N:無
