Dune 2: Dune Messiah (Deluxe Ed.) | 誠品線上

沙丘 2: 救世主

作者 法蘭克.赫伯特
商品描述 Dune 2: Dune Messiah (Deluxe Ed.):經典科幻電影《沙丘》(沙丘魔堡)全球熱銷原著小:法蘭克.赫伯特《沙丘2:救世主》豪華精裝版!AdeluxehardcovereditionofDuneMessiah,


內容簡介 經典科幻電影《沙丘》(沙丘魔堡)全球熱銷原著小說《沙丘 2: 救世主》豪華精裝版!啟發《星際大戰》、《駭客任務》,《風之谷》、世界地球日無數文學、生態、社會、大眾娛樂作品的發想起源——電影改編原著小說,千萬書迷眾所矚目,大銀幕獻映——丹尼.維勒納夫執導,提摩西‧夏勒梅、蕾貝卡‧弗格森、傑森‧摩莫亞、喬許‧布洛林、史戴倫‧史柯斯嘉、張震——超強卡司主演不是此刻在改變未來,而是未來在改變現在他是奎薩茲.哈德拉赫,預言中能同時出現在多重時空的人,將帶領人類走向和平穩定。但他卻發現自己成了宇宙中無數毀滅的原點。保羅登上皇位的第十二年,已有六百億人死於聖戰、數十顆行星種族滅絕。他的弗瑞曼追隨者以他的名義成立的祭司團在星際帝國實行政教合一的統治,往日的被壓迫者如今成了壓迫者。但保羅知道,浩劫仍未結束。由於他遲遲沒有繼承人,野心勃勃的女修會、宇航公會與擁有先進技術的忒萊素人聯手,各逞所能,意圖削弱保羅的統治。但首先,他們必須爭取到內應……為了扭轉人類命運,保羅不惜服用過量香料,卻發現自己逐漸成了預知力的囚犯。他發現,憑借預言施行統治,是宇宙中最危險的遊戲。眾人以為那能看穿未來、無與倫比的力量,甚至無法幫助保羅扭轉自己的命運。當生命的每一個當下,都只是在上演親眼見過的未來而再無驚喜,活著還有何意義?就在此時,他收到一件危險的禮物,為他的生命帶來罕見的亮光,此事卻未出現在他的預象中,而摯愛荃妮也終於如願以償……反英雄敘事、生態文學、社會寓言、人類演化的想像◆《沙丘》從面世以來一直是科幻小說界不可動搖的巨星,但是,這部鉅作之所以經典,正因為它從不只是一部科幻小說。剖析人性的文學價值、循環再生的生態思考、針砭政治運作的社會寓言等等,博大精深的多種面向一應具全。時隔半世紀,《沙丘》竟成了預演了21世紀科技與人性危機的前瞻預言,資訊科技讓任何人都能擁有透視歷史、計算未來的能力,但人們的作為是否真能確保未來延續下去?受人類活動影響的環境變遷,又會投下多少變數?《沙丘》歷久不衰的底蘊,或能跨越時間,成為借鏡。本中文書介出自《沙丘 2: 救世主》大家出版A deluxe hardcover edition of Dune Messiah, the second novel in Frank Herbert’s magnificent science fiction saga.This deluxe hardcover edition of Dune Messiah includes:An iconic new coverA stamped and foiled case featuring a quote from the Litany Against FearStained edges and fully illustrated endpapersA beautifully designed poster on the interior of the jacketAn Introduction by Brian HerbertDune Messiah continues the story of Paul Atreides, better know—and feared—as the the man called Muad’Dib. As Emperor of the known universe, Paul possesses more power than a single man was ever meant to wield. Worshipped as a religious icon by the fanatical Fremen, Paul faces the enmity of the political houses he displaced when he assumed the throne—and a conspiracy conducted within his own sphere of influence. And even as House Atreides begins to crumble around him from the machinations of his enemies, the true threat to Paul comes to his lover, Chani, and the unborn heir to his family’s dynasty…."


作者介紹 Frank HerbertFrank Herbert is the bestselling author of the Dune saga. He was born in Tacoma, Washington, and educated at the University of Washington, Seattle. He worked a wide variety of jobs—including TV cameraman, radio commentator, oyster diver, jungle survival instructor, lay analyst, creative writing teacher, reporter and editor of several West Coast newspapers—before becoming a full-time writer.In 1952, Herbert began publishing science fiction with “Looking for Something?” in Startling Stories. But his emergence as a writer of major stature did not occur until 1965, with the publication of Dune. Dune Messiah, Children of Dune, God Emperor of Dune, Heretics of Dune, and Chapterhouse: Dune followed, completing the saga that the Chicago Tribune would call “one of the monuments of modern science fiction.” Herbert is also the author of some twenty other books, including The White Plague, The Dosadi Experiment, and Destination: Void. He died in 1986.


書名 / Dune 2: Dune Messiah (Deluxe Ed.)
作者 / 法蘭克.赫伯特
簡介 / Dune 2: Dune Messiah (Deluxe Ed.):經典科幻電影《沙丘》(沙丘魔堡)全球熱銷原著小:法蘭克.赫伯特《沙丘2:救世主》豪華精裝版!AdeluxehardcovereditionofDuneMessiah,
ISBN13 / 9780593548448
ISBN10 / 0593548442
EAN / 9780593548448
誠品26碼 / 2682332090003
頁數 / 288
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.6X16X2.5CM
級別 / N:無