Bones and All | 誠品線上

Bones and All

作者 Camille DeAngelis
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 Bones and All:《骨肉的總和》(駭骨及一切)原著小說:「甜茶」堤摩西柴勒梅主演,入選2022年威尼斯影展CamilleDeAngelis’Bones&Allisanastonishinglyoriginalcoming-of-a


內容簡介 《骨肉的總和》(駭骨及一切)原著小說「甜茶」堤摩西柴勒梅主演入選2022年威尼斯影展!瑪琳和一般年輕女子一樣,渴望被愛,渴望獲得關懷與尊重,希望愛人,只是她無法控制自己天生內心的慾望。當媽媽在她兩歲時,發現瑪琳嘴裡有啃食到一半的鼓膜,似乎注定她這一生都將四處飄泊,一但愛上了誰或被誰所愛,當瑪琳強烈的吃人慾望湧上心頭,結局總是以「連夜搬家」做結。16歲時,瑪琳的母親拋棄她,獨自一人,她思索著自己被迫孤獨且離群索居的人生,決定去尋找那素未謀面的父親,同時,瑪琳也一邊思考著什麼是愛,何謂真正的愛一個人。Now a major motion picture from Luca Guadagnino starring Taylor Russell, Timothée Chalamet and Mark Rylance, screenplay by David Kajganich!Maren Yearly is a young woman who wants the same things we all do. She wants to be someone people admire and respect. She wants to be loved. But her secret, shameful needs have forced her into exile. She hates herself for the bad thing she does, for what it's done to her family and her sense of identity, for how it dictates her place in the world and how people see her--how they judge her. She didn't choose to be this way.Because Maren Yearly doesn't just break hearts, she devours them. Ever since her mother found Penny Wilson's eardrum in her mouth when Maren was just two years old, she knew life would never be normal for either of them. Love may come in many shapes and sizes, but for Maren, it always ends the same--with her hiding the evidence and her mother packing up the car.But when her mother abandons her the day after her sixteenth birthday, Maren goes looking for the father she has never known, and finds much more than she bargained for along the way.Faced with a world of fellow eaters, potential enemies, and the prospect of love, Maren realizes she isn't only looking for her father, she's looking for herself."


作者介紹 Camille DeAngelisCamille DeAngelis is the author of several novels for adults—each of them as full of impossible things as The Boy From Tomorrow—as well as a travel guide to Ireland and two more books of nonfiction, Life Without Envy: Ego Management for Creative People and A Bright Clean Mind: Veganism for Creative Transformation. Her young adult novel Bones & All won an Alex Award from the American Library Association in 2016. She lives in Washington, DC.


書名 / Bones and All
作者 / Camille DeAngelis
簡介 / Bones and All:《骨肉的總和》(駭骨及一切)原著小說:「甜茶」堤摩西柴勒梅主演,入選2022年威尼斯影展CamilleDeAngelis’Bones&Allisanastonishinglyoriginalcoming-of-a
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250882776
ISBN10 / 125088277X
EAN / 9781250882776
誠品26碼 / 2682253647003
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X13.7X2.5CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 入選2022年威尼斯影展‧《駭骨及一切》原著小說
