The Boy and the Dog | 誠品線上

The Boy and the Dog

作者 Seishu Hase
商品描述 The Boy and the Dog:馳星周《少年與狗》英譯版Onedogchangesthelifeofeveryonewhotakeshiminonhisjourneytoreunitewithhisfirstownerinthisinspiringnovelaboutthebondbe


內容簡介 ❖第163屆直木賞得獎作品❖ 銷售突破260,000冊,日本2020年讓人最想珍惜的話題小說! 每當遭受命運捉弄時, 最大的絕境, 是放棄相信有人會無條件愛你…… ★長踞日本亞馬遜暢銷書即時榜,千名讀者4.4顆星高分評價。 ★登上紀伊國屋、東販、e-hon、丸善&淳久堂各大書店「2020年度百大暢銷書」榜。 ★日本長青作家馳星周,獻給這個時代最溫柔的傑作。 在無盡的黑夜裡, 那些受傷、孤獨與迷茫的人依偎的──是一隻狗。 2011年秋天,距離那場導致家破人亡的大地震已過去半年。 住在仙台的和正因為震災而失去工作,母親的痴呆症也日益嚴重, 為了維持一家人的生計,他不得已開始從事犯罪工作。 有一天,和正在超商前撿到一隻瘦弱的流浪狗──多聞。 多聞既聰明又善解人意,和正很快就決定領養牠。 當和正在夜裡竊盜時,總會帶著多聞, 只要有多聞在,事情都神奇地進行得非常順利, 牠就像是守護神一般,冥冥之中帶來好運。 偏偏,人生中的好運與厄運總相伴而來。 多聞之所以與處在艱困時期的和正相遇,似乎不只是偶然。 眼神時常凝視南方的牠,彷彿在追求著什麼…… 多聞不斷與不同的人相逢,見識了各種人生中的哀愁與苦痛, 牠為什麼會出現在這些人身邊?最終又要去到哪裡呢? ❋ ❋ ❋ 日本暗黑小說大師馳星周,擅長描繪社會底層的灰暗暴力面貌, 以出道作《不夜城》打響文壇知名度後,7度入圍直木賞, 到澈底的轉型之作《少年與狗》,以充滿真摯情感的人狗故事,獲得直木賞殊榮。 在這個故事中,馳星周寫出社會上不同身分各自面臨的困難景況, 每個人的生活都充滿無法迴避的現實, 每個表面上的錯誤選擇可能都始於無可奈何。 六個人物,故事情節一次次翻轉,命運帶給他們難以預料的事與願違, 而從頭到尾沒有一句台詞的多聞,卻具有一股神奇力量, 僅是透過純粹眼神,便得以接住破碎的人心。 原來真正的治癒,發生在感受到被愛著的時刻。 中文書介來自采實文化事業股份有限公司《少年與狗》“An amazing, beautiful book . . . It shows how one dog’s dignified presence can bring connection and love to a fractured world.” ―Cat Warren, New York Times bestselling author of What the Dog KnowsOne dog changes the life of everyone who takes him in on his journey to reunite with his first owner in this inspiring novel about the bond between humans and dogs and the life-affirming power of connection.Following a devastating earthquake and tsunami, a young man in Japan finds a stray dog outside a convenience store. The dog’s tag says “Tamon,” a name evocative of the guardian deity of the north. The man decides to keep Tamon, becoming the first in a series of owners on the dog’s five-year journey to find his beloved first owner, Hikaru, a boy who has not spoken since the tsunami. An agent of fate, Tamon is a gift to everyone who welcomes him into their life.At once heartrending and heartwarming, intimate and panoramic, suspenseful and luminous–and deepened in its emotion by the author’s mastery of the gritty details and hardscrabble circumstances that define the lives of the various people who take Tamon in on his journey–this bestselling, award-winning novel weaves a feel-good tale of survival, resilience, and love beyond measure."


作者介紹 Seishu HaseSeishu Hase has published many bestselling novels in his native Japan, a number of which have been adapted for film. He has been nominated six times for the Naoki Prize, awarded biannually to the best work of popular fiction, and finally won it for The Boy and the Dog, which has sold a quarter of a million copies in Japan and is being adapted for film and published around the world. Alison WattsAlison Watts is the translator of the novels Sweet Bean Paste by Durian Sukegawa, Spark by Naoki Matayoshi, and The Aosawa Murders and Fish Swimming in Dappled Sunlight by Riku Onda. She is a longtime resident of Japan.


書名 / The Boy and the Dog
作者 / Seishu Hase
簡介 / The Boy and the Dog:馳星周《少年與狗》英譯版Onedogchangesthelifeofeveryonewhotakeshiminonhisjourneytoreunitewithhisfirstownerinthisinspiringnovelaboutthebondbe
ISBN13 / 9780593300411
ISBN10 / 0593300416
EAN / 9780593300411
誠品26碼 / 2682244325002
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.8X12.7X2.1CM
級別 / N:無
