Rituals for Life: A Guide to Creating Meaningful Rituals Inspired by Nature | 誠品線上

Rituals for Life: A Guide to Creating Meaningful Rituals Inspired by Nature

作者 Isla Macleod
商品描述 Rituals for Life: A Guide to Creating Meaningful Rituals Inspired by Nature:Ritualsareamongthemostpowerfultoolswehavetocreatemeaningandcultivatewellbeinginourl


內容簡介 Rituals are among the most powerful tools we have to create meaning and cultivate wellbeing in our lives. In Rituals for Life, you can learn to live a more intentional life, enriched by your connection with nature. The book explores the essential components of ritual and how to use them to bring happiness and inner peace into your every day life. Includes instructions for twenty rituals, some for every day and others for specific moments and occasions, that you can adapt for your own needs, as well as an exploration of the roots and purposes of ritual. Beautifully illustrated by Luisa Rivera, this inspiring book is a guide more authentic and soulful way of living.


作者介紹 Isla MacleodIsla Macleod is a ceremonialist, celebrant and ritual weaver, creating bespoke journeys and rites of passage to honour natural transitions and life cycles. She runs workshops and festival events throughout the UK.


書名 / Rituals for Life: A Guide to Creating Meaningful Rituals Inspired by Nature
作者 / Isla Macleod
簡介 / Rituals for Life: A Guide to Creating Meaningful Rituals Inspired by Nature:Ritualsareamongthemostpowerfultoolswehavetocreatemeaningandcultivatewellbeinginourl
ISBN13 / 9780857829429
ISBN10 / 0857829424
EAN / 9780857829429
誠品26碼 / 2682297351003
頁數 / 192
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.2X15.2X0CM
級別 / N:無
