Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard | 誠品線上

Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard

作者 Tom Felton
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard:【《哈利波特》演員:跩哥•馬份】湯姆.費爾頓回憶錄《魔杖之外:湯姆.跩哥馬份.費爾頓的成長與掙扎》


內容簡介 《哈利波特》演員:跩哥•馬份湯姆·費爾頓 回憶錄✰ 紐時暢榜Top1藝人回憶錄費爾頓9歲出演《哈利波特》的跩哥.馬份,之後10年置身社會焦點,努力兼顧片場內外角色。他幽默分享與其他演員的交流、青春期的掙扎與人生起落,希對讀者有所幫助。------------#「跩哥.馬份」演員湯姆.費爾頓親筆回憶錄!#直擊哈利波特拍攝現場 # 艾瑪.華森專文推薦#紐約時報暢銷榜冠軍 # 2022邦諾書店最佳回憶錄 # 版權熱銷全球關於跩哥.馬份在巫師世界的魔法時光,湯姆.費爾頓在鎂光燈注視下成長的挑戰;揮舞魔杖帶來的不思議魔法與生命的騷亂。湯姆.費爾頓有個不平凡的童年。在成為巫師之前,就已在《寄居小奇兵》、《安娜與國王》等深受觀眾喜愛的電影中演出,而在他十二歲開始飾演《哈利波特》中那位著名的淺金髮反派之後,接下來的十年裡,他將身不由己地處於一個巨大的流行文化現象中心。然而,走出片廠的五號門,他仍是一名普通的青少年,努力適應一所普通的學校,那頭顯眼的金髮並沒有讓他多吸引一些女生的注意,甚至給湯姆惹來了一些「麻煩」。湯姆將在《魔杖之外》中,毫無保留地談論自己的一切,帶著他獨特的幽默淘氣還有充滿感性的敘事,與讀者分享他身為巫師世界一份子的成長經歷,以及他想要當一個正常的麻瓜所作的那些「嘗試」。湯姆講述了成為演員的契機──源自於母親腳上的一塊碎玻璃;他的第一次拍攝工作──被誤認為是《小鬼當家》系列童星麥考利‧克金;當然還有他的《哈利波特》試鏡──假裝他對於系列小說瞭如指掌,實際上抄了旁邊試鏡者答案,而這正像是跩哥會做出來的事!他也回顧了他與「石內卜」艾倫.瑞克曼、「鄧不利多」邁可.約翰.坎邦爵士、「麥教授」瑪姬.史密斯女爵、「佛地魔」雷夫.范恩斯等英國重量級巨星的合作趣事。當然還有他與葛來芬多三人組:「哈利」丹尼爾.雷德克里夫、「榮恩」魯柏.格林特、「妙麗」艾瑪.華森,在這十年拍攝期間所建立的長久友誼。魔法存在於過程中,而這個過程是存在於過去的一段時光。你可以反思這一段時光,你可以為它感到驕傲,但是沒有辦法再來一次。當然,在經歷了如此重大且改變人生的經歷之後,湯姆也談到了青春期的成長之痛,與名聲所帶來的高潮和低谷。對於《哈利波特》的粉絲來說,《魔杖之外》充滿魔法世界的彩蛋,是給粉絲的第一手「現場直擊」,帶領你暫時回到那些屬於巫師的神奇時刻。但「魔杖之外」,湯姆直面內心,並娓娓道來那些你我皆可能有過的感受與情緒:美好的、不好的、歡樂的、痛苦的,更是獻給所有曾陷入迷惘、在人生旅途中徬徨前行的讀者的真摯告白。本中文書介出自《魔杖之外: 湯姆.跩哥馬份.費爾頓的成長與掙扎》大塊文化出版股份有限公司出版AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES #1 BESTSELLERFrom the magical moments on set as Draco Malfoy to the challenges of growing up in the spotlight, get a backstage pass into Tom Felton’s life on and off the big screen.Tom Felton’s adolescence was anything but ordinary. His early rise to fame in beloved films like The Borrowers catapulted him into the limelight, but nothing could prepare him for what was to come after he landed the iconic role of the Draco Malfoy, the bleached blonde villain of the Harry Potter movies. For the next ten years, he was at the center of a huge pop culture phenomenon and yet, in between filming, he would go back to being a normal teenager trying to fit into a normal school.Speaking with great candor and his signature humor, Tom shares his experience growing up as part of the wizarding world while also trying to navigate the muggle world. He tells stories from his early days in the business like his first acting gig where he was mistaken for fellow blonde child actor Macaulay Culkin and his Harry Potter audition where, in a very Draco-like move, he fudged how well he knew the books the series was based on (not at all). He reflects on his experiences working with cinematic greats such as Alan Rickman, Sir Michael Gambon, Dame Maggie Smith, and Ralph Fiennes (including that awkward Voldemort hug). And, perhaps most poignantly, he discusses the lasting relationships he made over that decade of filming, including with Emma Watson, who started out as a pesky nine-year-old whom he mocked for not knowing what a boom mic was but who soon grew into one of his dearest friends. Then, of course, there are the highs and lows of fame and navigating life after such a momentous and life-changing experience.Tom Felton’s Beyond the Wand is an entertaining, funny, and poignant must-read for any Harry Potter fan. Prepare to meet a real-life wizard.


作者介紹 Tom FeltonTom Felton is an English actor, best known for playing Draco Malfoy in the Harry Potter films. He has also appeared in Rise of the Planet of the Apes, Belle, The Flash, A United Kingdom, The Forgotten Battle and 2.22 A Ghost Story in London’s West End. He lives in London with his dog Willow.


書名 / Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard
作者 / Tom Felton
簡介 / Beyond the Wand: The Magic and Mayhem of Growing Up a Wizard:【《哈利波特》演員:跩哥•馬份】湯姆.費爾頓回憶錄《魔杖之外:湯姆.跩哥馬份.費爾頓的成長與掙扎》
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9781538741368
ISBN10 / 1538741369
EAN / 9781538741368
誠品26碼 / 2682281065008
頁數 / 304
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.8X16.1X3.3CM
級別 / N:無
