The Sun Also Rises | 誠品線上


作者 海明威
商品描述 The Sun Also Rises:海明威首部長篇小說《太陽依舊升起》Firstpublishedin1926,TheSunAlsoRisesdisplaysthefullflowerofHemingway’suniquestyle,atoncespareandgut-wrenc


內容簡介 無法人道的身體,如何成全摯愛的性福?海明威首部長篇小說,映演最疼痛的大時代虐戀我走到床邊,伸手環抱著她。她吻我,然就在她吻我時,我發現她其實心不在焉。她在我懷中顫抖。她瘦了。傑克在戰場上因傷失去性能力,再也無法人道,而他的摯愛,卻是不愛會死(目前正在打離婚官司)的布蕾特。傑克總是冷靜地看布蕾特與他人交往,聽她提起與男友之間的不幸,為她解決問題。但他們都清楚,這不是自己所要的。無法纏綿的靈魂伴侶,如何觸碰肉體深處的需求?如果酒精能夠麻醉自己,忘卻不幸,那麼對傑克而言,人生中最幸福的片刻,或許來自於在凌晨的巴黎街頭,與布蕾特在計程車裡深情相吻,假裝這世上只有他們兩人,就算只能緊緊依偎,也夠了。《太陽依舊升起》是文學巨擘海明威的第一部長篇小說,不僅叫好叫座,更以四個男人同時愛上一名女性為引,寫出一段令萬千讀者都無法釋懷的虐心苦戀,探討一戰過後,在破敗世界中打滾求生的「失落的一代」的心境,與歡愉過後的情感荒蕪及暴力陰影。她緊挨著我,我一隻手摟住她。她抬頭望,等我親吻。她伸出一隻手觸碰我,但我推開她。「沒事。」「怎麼?你有病?」「對。」「每個人都有病。我也有。」無性之愛可能成真嗎?為了愛,你是否願意成全戀人的性?看海明威以愛情故事為引,探討每一個在大時代中傷痕累累的人,如何值得最卑微的幸福。本中文書介出自《太陽依舊升起》逗點文創社出版Ernest Hemingway’s quintessential story of the Lost Generation With a new introduction by Maria Hinojosa, Emmy Award-winning journalist and anchor of Latino USA“A truly gripping story, told in a lean, hard, athletic narrative prose that puts more literary English to shame. . . It is magnificent writing, filled with that organic action which gives a compelling picture of character. This novel is unquestionably one of the events of an unusually rich year in literature.”–New York Times Book ReviewFirst published in 1926, The Sun Also Rises displays the full flower of Hemingway’s unique style, at once spare and gut-wrenching. Following a group of expatriates in Europe after the devastation of World War I, the novel traces the doomed love story of Jake Barnes, a veteran wrestling with wounds both physical and emotional, and the beautiful Lady Brett Ashley. As they drift from the hedonistic nightlife of Paris to the macho world of bullfighting in Spain, these members of the Lost Generation face the loss of their illusions and the impossibility of love. Closely based on true people and events Hemingway experienced as an ex-pat in Europe, this debut novel marked the arrival of a towering talent."


作者介紹 Ernest HemingwayErnest Hemingway (1899-1961) was born in Illinois and began his career as a reporter before enlisting as an ambulance driver at the Italian front in World War I. Hemingway and his first (of four) wives lived in Paris in the 1920s, as part of the ""Lost Generation"" expatriate community, before moving to Key West, Florida, and later to Cuba. Known first for short stories, he sealed his literary reputation with his novels, including The Sun Also Rises, A Farewell to Arms, For Whom the Bell Tolls, and The Old Man and the Sea.


書名 / The Sun Also Rises
作者 / 海明威
簡介 / The Sun Also Rises:海明威首部長篇小說《太陽依舊升起》Firstpublishedin1926,TheSunAlsoRisesdisplaysthefullflowerofHemingway’suniquestyle,atoncespareandgut-wrenc
ISBN13 / 9780593201138
ISBN10 / 0593201132
EAN / 9780593201138
誠品26碼 / 2682088702007
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.2X10.6X1.8CM
級別 / N:無
