Anxious Little Monsters: A Gentle Mental Health Companion for Anxiety and Stress | 誠品線上

你好, 焦慮小怪獸: 陪你舒緩憂鬱、不安與壓力

作者 薇樂蒂.克羅斯威爾
出版社 Ingram Publishers Services
商品描述 Anxious Little Monsters: A Gentle Mental Health Companion for Anxiety and Stress:薇樂蒂.克羅斯威爾《你好,焦慮小怪獸:陪你舒緩憂鬱、不安與壓力》AnxiousLittleMon


內容簡介 【Anxious Little Monsters: A Gentle Mental Health Companion for Anxiety and Stress】通過可愛小怪物來解決焦慮問題!關於焦慮的友善繪本,裡面有可愛的怪物插圖和對面臨心理健康挑戰的人的鼓勵。 彷彿孤獨社會的解毒劑,儘管先進的科技使人們能夠以曾經難以想像的方式進行聯繫,但我們比以往任何時候都更加孤獨,在我們快節奏的世界中很難找到一席之地,而且很容易認為我們是唯一經歷過艱難時期的人,結果焦慮情緒不斷上升,這本書中包含關於焦慮的積極肯定,用手繪風格畫出焦慮怪物,它能改善和克服你的焦慮,對心理健康和內心平靜有所幫助。 讀者被溫柔的提醒,克服焦慮似乎令人生畏,但這些怪物會讓你改變觀點,讓事情變得輕鬆,書中提供積極肯定的話語來提醒讀者,你並不孤單——有人正在為相同的事情而苦苦掙扎。作家和專業插畫家Verity Crosswell 將每一個可愛的小怪物化身成一種舒緩的安慰,讓讀者感到被關心和理解,當談到心理健康資源和焦慮症的推薦書籍時,這本書是您可以反覆閱讀的書。 打開這本書能了解: • 聆聽自然的心理和情緒循環,你可以採取可行的步驟來克服低谷和情緒障礙,並最終走上應對和克服焦慮的道路 • 與親人分享你感受焦慮的方法,以便獲得他們的理解和支持 • 如果你喜歡幫助緩解焦慮的書籍,那麼你一定會喜歡這本書Book on Anxiety with Encouraging Little MonstersAnxious Little Monsters is a friendly little book on anxiety containing cute monster illustrations, affirmations, and encouragement for those facing mental health challenges.An antidote for a society riddled with loneliness. Even though advancing technology has allowed people to connect in ways once unimaginable, we are lonelier than ever. It can be difficult to find a place in our fast-paced world, and it’s easy to think that we’re the only ones going through a hard time. As a result, anxiety is on the rise. Enter: Anxious Little Monsters. The positive affirmations in this book on anxiety, in the form of hand-drawn, adorable anxious monsters, meet your anxiety where it’s at and offer a helping hand for getting through it and attaining mental wellness and peace of mind.The gentle reminders you need and deserve. Overcoming anxiety may seem daunting, but these monsters are here to teach you to change your perspective and take things easy. They offer positive affirmation words to remind you you’re not alone―they’re struggling with the same things you are. Author and professional illustrator Verity Crosswell crafts each cute little monster to be a soothing reassurance that helps you feel cared for and understood. When it comes to mental health resources and the best books for anxiety, this book is one that you can turn to again and again. Open up Anxious Little Monsters and learn about:Listening to your natural mental and emotional cyclesActionable steps you can take to get through the low points and mood disorders, and ultimately set you on the path to dealing with and overcoming anxietyWays to share what you’re feeling with loved ones so they can understand and support youIf you enjoyed books that help with anxiety like You Can Do All Things, The Big Activity Book for Anxious People, How to Be Happy (Or at Least Less Sad), or G’morning, G’night, then you’ll love Verity Crosswell’s Anxious Little Monsters."


作者介紹 Verity Crosswell is a professional illustrator whose art provides comfort and hope to the many people out there facing mental health challenges. She is the creator of the Anxious Little Monsters platform where her cute illustrated monsters and messages provide friendly reminders and encouragement. She is also the creator of the Etsy shop Anxious Little Things where she sells her work to her devoted fans.


書名 / Anxious Little Monsters: A Gentle Mental Health Companion for Anxiety and Stress
作者 / 薇樂蒂.克羅斯威爾
簡介 / Anxious Little Monsters: A Gentle Mental Health Companion for Anxiety and Stress:薇樂蒂.克羅斯威爾《你好,焦慮小怪獸:陪你舒緩憂鬱、不安與壓力》AnxiousLittleMon
出版社 / Ingram Publishers Services
ISBN13 / 9781642503395
ISBN10 / 1642503398
EAN / 9781642503395
誠品26碼 / 2682099405003
頁數 / 180
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17X12X1CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 0.0
