作者介紹 Johnny Molloy is an outdoors writer based in Johnson City, Tennessee. Born in Memphis, he moved to Knoxville in 1980 to attend the University of Tennessee. It was in Knoxville that he developed his love of the natural world, which has since become the primary focus of his life. It all started on a backpacking foray into Great Smoky Mountains National Park. That first trip, though a disaster, unleashed an innate love of the outdoors that has led to his spending more than 150 nights per year, over the past 25 years, tent camping, backpacking, and canoe camping throughout the United States and abroad. In 1987, after graduating from the University of Tennessee with a degree in economics, he continued to spend an ever-increasing amount of time in natural places, becoming more skilled in a variety of environments. Friends enjoyed his adventure stories; one even suggested he write a book. Soon he parlayed his love of the outdoors into an occupation. His efforts have resulted in almost 80 books, ranging from hiking guides to paddling guides to camping guides and to true outdoor-adventure stories. His books have covered all or part of 26 states, primarily in the East. Johnny's Carolina books include Top Trails: Great Smoky Mountains National Park; Hiking North Carolina's National Forests; 50 Hikes in South Carolina; Best Easy Day Hikes Charleston, South Carolina; and Paddling South Carolina. Johnny has also written numerous articles for magazines and websites. He continues to write and travel extensively to all four corners of the United States, pursuing a variety of outdoor interests. For the latest information about the author, visit johnnymolloy.com.