West with Giraffes | 誠品線上


作者 琳達.洛麗奇
出版社 Gardners Books Ltd
商品描述 West with Giraffes:琳達.洛麗奇《長頸鹿男孩》Anemotional,rousingnovelinspiredbytheincredibletruestoryoftwogiraffeswhomadeheadlinesandwontheheartsofDepression-e


內容簡介 我生平沒有多少知心朋友,其中就包括兩隻長頸鹿……一趟跨越時光的奇特旅程,一次顛覆人生的命運轉變《人生最後一場拍賣會》作者睽違九年全新力作!啟發自真實事件,最不凡的美國西行壯舉——★美國熱銷話題之作,同時授權14國語言★Amazon Prime推薦選書★Goodreads讀者選擇獎最佳歷史小說類入圍★長踞Amazon電子書歷史、文學小說類暢銷TOP 1★Amazon、Goodreads 近87,000名讀者滿分五星熱評╳╳╳我害怕來不及告訴你這個故事,很久很久以前,我以為早已消逝在夢裡的過去……當我被颶風吹到碼頭時,還不知道自己的人生即將改變:一九三八年,沙塵暴和經濟大蕭條的陰影依舊籠罩,希特勒正威脅著歐洲,對世界局勢疲乏的美國人無比渴望奇蹟出現。在親手埋葬家人、做出各種為生存而不得不為之的事後,我孑然一身地來到紐約投靠親戚,卻再度被這場百年颶風打亂一切——直到這兩隻長頸鹿出現。這對長頸鹿將橫越美國,被送往數千英里外的動物園,同時也是有著無數機會與可能的富庶之地。牠們是讓我翻轉命運的關鍵,必須緊抓不放……我只剩一個念頭:長頸鹿去哪,我就去哪。我一個被過往陰影纏身的孤兒,能否成功與牠們一起抵達目的地?然而奇異的是,與這兩隻龐然野獸日益相處,被那雙褐色大眼溫柔注視時,我的內心,似乎有什麼東西正悄然改變……「有人會說動物沒有靈魂,不懂好壞,比人類低等,但我不這麼認為,有時我甚至覺得這些話該由動物來說才對。」純真的靈魂,足以改變生命的殘酷——本作由真實事件啟發,將現實與虛構的人物交織在一起,透過這趟旅程,你將看到動物們如何化解一個人心中的憤恨,讓一個孤兒男孩蛻變成男人,再度找回自我;在經歷重重險阻後,你會發現,心靈所棲之處,才是一個人永遠的歸依。本中文書介出自《長頸鹿男孩》春光出版社出版An emotional, rousing novel inspired by the incredible true story of two giraffes who made headlines and won the hearts of Depression-era America.“Few true friends have I known and two were giraffes…”Woodrow Wilson Nickel, age 105, feels his life ebbing away. But when he learns giraffes are going extinct, he finds himself recalling the unforgettable experience he cannot take to his grave.It’s 1938. The Great Depression lingers. Hitler is threatening Europe, and world-weary Americans long for wonder. They find it in two giraffes who miraculously survive a hurricane while crossing the Atlantic. What follows is a twelve-day road trip in a custom truck to deliver Southern California’s first giraffes to the San Diego Zoo. Behind the wheel is the young Dust Bowl rowdy Woodrow. Inspired by true events, the tale weaves real-life figures with fictional ones, including the world’s first female zoo director, a crusty old man with a past, a young female photographer with a secret, and assorted reprobates as spotty as the giraffes.Part adventure, part historical saga, and part coming-of-age love story, West with Giraffes explores what it means to be changed by the grace of animals, the kindness of strangers, the passing of time, and a story told before it’s too late."


作者介紹 Lynda RutledgeLynda Rutledge, a lifelong animal lover, has had the joy of petting baby rhinos, snorkeling with endangered turtles, and strolling with a tower of giraffes in her eclectic freelance career writing nonfiction for well-known publications and organizations while winning awards and residencies for her fiction. Her debut novel, Faith Bass Darling’s Last Garage Sale, was the winner of the 2013 Writers’ League of Texas Book Award. It was adapted into the 2018 French film La dernière folie de Claire Darling starring Catherine Deneuve. Lynda, her husband, and their resident dog live outside Austin, Texas. For more information visit www.lyndarutledge.com.


書名 / West with Giraffes
作者 / 琳達.洛麗奇
簡介 / West with Giraffes:琳達.洛麗奇《長頸鹿男孩》Anemotional,rousingnovelinspiredbytheincredibletruestoryoftwogiraffeswhomadeheadlinesandwontheheartsofDepression-e
出版社 / Gardners Books Ltd
ISBN13 / 9781542023344
ISBN10 / 1542023343
EAN / 9781542023344
誠品26碼 / 2682343442006
頁數 / 371
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 20.9X13.9X2.5CM
級別 / N:無
