Cloud Atlas | 誠品線上


作者 大衛.米契爾
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Cloud Atlas:BytheNewYorkTimesbestsellingauthorofTheBoneClocksShortlistedfortheManBookerPrizeApostmodernvisionaryandoneoftheleadingvoicesintwenty-first-centuryf


內容簡介 ◎英國最重要的新生代作家◎2007年被美國時代雜誌遴選為影響世界最重要的一百大藝文人物◎《週日郵報》萊斯文學獎(John Llewellyn Rhys Prize)得主◎2003年被《葛蘭塔雜誌》(Granta)選為英國最優秀年輕小說家◎故事架構打破既有格局,結構經倫絕妙◎全新且革命性的小說閱讀,絕對讓人大開眼界、為之瘋狂◎以小說模式詮釋尼采「權力意志」的哲學◎是科幻,也是冒險,有壯旅,也有社會議題電影拍攝確定!《香水》導演X《駭客任務》製片如果卡爾維諾、馬奎斯、村上春樹合寫一部小說,大概就會是這本吧!今年最能挑戰你閱讀想像的小說,小說上癮者必讀!翻開它、挑戰它,你會大呼過癮!故事文體的靈感來源:卡爾維諾《如果在冬夜,一個旅人》全書六個故事,時間橫跨一千年,從十九世紀一直到遙遠未來的核子世界末日。故事順序:一直到第六個故事之前,每個故事的敘述都中斷,從第六個故事結束之後,再以倒順序的方式敘述完畢,敘述順序為:1-2-3-4-5-6-5-4-3-2-1。在前半段中,每個故事都突然中斷,卻會與後面的故事有牽連。每個故事主角都會獲知前一個故事主角的遭遇,其結構類似「俄羅斯娃娃」:六個故事結合成一個強大完整的故事,但又各自獨立、與其他故事都有關連的故事。相同角色、相同遭遇不停轉世重生:每個主角都是同一個人的轉世重生,身上都帶有相同的胎記;都曾經坐監或被奴役、追求自由;都遭遇因種族、文化、社會經濟原因導致的地位不平等;都曾經背叛人,或被人背叛;人類文明在每個故事中都面臨危機。每個主角在得知其他主角的故事時,都有似曾相似之感。被熱帶寄生蟲啃蝕大腦的太平洋船客、寄生在音樂大師羽翼下的年輕作曲家、一心揭發建商弊案的八卦專欄記者、出版暢銷書後開始被黑道追殺的出版商、在餐館努力工作而升等為人類的複製人女孩、後末日時代殘餘文明的小島牧羊男孩——在時間的長廊裡,《雲圖》的敘事者可以聽見彼此回響的跫音,因而改變了自己的命運。《雲圖》是科幻,也是冒險,有壯旅,也有社會議題,有患難與共的愛情,也有盪氣迴腸的情義,有東方的輪迴轉世,也有西方的哲思,談文明與文化,也有快節奏的緊張懸疑情節,時間跨越了過去、現在、未來,地點遍布在世界各角落。作者為串聯故事所設計的伏筆與回響,增加了故事的豐富度,也讓《雲圖》成為一本野心勃勃的小說。大衛.米契爾的想像力與寫作格局,對小說讀者來說是枚驚世駭俗的震撼彈,打破所有人對既有小說的所有認知與想像,讓人大開眼界,為之瘋狂!大衛.米契爾是位有遠見的後現代作家,也是善於掌握風格與類型的大師,他放膽結合了張力十足的探險故事、熱愛謎題的納博科夫式風格、對角色的敏銳洞察力,以及傳承自安伯托.艾可與菲立普.狄克對深刻的哲學與科學省思的偏好。他抹去了語言、類型、時間的界限,進而討論「人性冀求權力的企圖心到底有多危險」以及「它最終會將我們帶往何方」,一連串的反思發人深省。這部原創性十足小說的誕生,為二十一世紀的小說模式開啟了新潮流與新風貌。亞當.尤恩的太平洋日記時間:1850年地點:南太平洋類型:海上冒險舊金山的法律公證人亞當.尤恩從新南威爾斯(澳洲)搭船回鄉,在旅途中結識了亨利‧古斯醫師,亨利是他在船上唯一能交談且學識相當的伙伴,兩人很快結成好友。一位奴隸藏身在尤恩的包廂內,尤恩替他說情,讓他在船上工作。亨利診斷出尤恩身染熱帶病,寄生蟲正慢慢嚙食他的腦袋,而尤恩與船長船員格格不入,已經引起了怨恨,因貪婪而暗起的殺機也慢慢浮現。寄自日德堅莊園的信時間:1931年地點:比利時類型:哥德式莊園故事年輕音樂家羅伯特.佛比薛爾為怪病纏身的音樂大師維維安.艾爾斯聘用擔任抄寫員,師生間衍生出共生關係。艾爾斯需要年輕的學生替他完成作品,佛比薛爾需要莊園的庇護躲避債務,並利用大師的名氣為未來鋪路。佛比薛爾陷入莊園夫人設下的愛情陷阱,兩人發生了不倫關係。莊園的女兒夏娃是個嬌生慣養的蛇蠍女,兩人原本水火不容,但佛比薛爾還是抵擋不了年輕夏娃的魅力,雙雙墜入了情網。撲朔迷離的糾葛愛情,在美麗孤獨的歐洲莊園裡繼續延燒。半衰期——露薏莎.瑞伊秘案首部曲時間:1970年代地點:美國加州類型:懸疑驚悚女記者露薏莎.瑞伊與科學家希克斯密遇上電梯故障,老科學家透露:布納斯伊爾巴斯城外史灣尼克島上的反應爐設計有嚴重缺陷,建商濱海企業不惜一切手段隱瞞,要讓反應爐順利啟用。建商聘請殺手謀殺希克斯密。知道自己性命垂危的老科學家將關鍵報告藏在機場保險櫃之後,馬上被暗殺身亡。露薏莎千方百計取得了保險櫃內的報告,但是冷血的殺手不可能放過她,年輕有正義感的露薏莎因此捲入了重重新聞黑幕的漩渦。提摩西.卡文迪西的恐怖考驗時間:現代地點:英國類型:現代喜劇名不見經傳的作者因憤恨書評太差,在眾目睽睽之下將評論家丟下樓,原本乏人問津的作品在一夕之間變成暢銷書,出版商提摩西.卡文迪西也因此解除了財務危機。作者入監後,他的黑道兄弟上門勒索,卡文迪西的處境立刻從天堂墜入地獄。他求助於兄長潛逃,沒想到兄長提供的安全地點竟然是一家地點偏僻的養老院。就在他逃離杜鵑窩的時候,卡文迪西中風了……宋咪~451的祈錄時間:近未來地點:現在的韓國類型:反烏托邦的未來科幻女性量產複製人宋咪~451在餐館工作,每位量產人都篤信被應許的天堂:為雇主工作十二年後,就可以去永恆的樂園享受美好生活。但宋咪並不是一般的量產人,她因緣際會離開地底的餐館,脫離勞動者的命運,進入大學成為實驗體,並且能像人類一樣去學院上課。宋咪與研究生尹海株成為好友,但在一次執法人員突襲校園掃蕩聯合黨勢力時,宋咪才得知,原來她的教授與朋友都是支持廢奴運動的異議分子,在逃亡過程中,宋咪越來越清楚自己被賦予的使命……史魯沙渡口及之後的一切時間:遙遠的未來地點:夏威夷類型:末日後科幻地球後末日時代,科技成為失落的遺產,夏威夷群島文明的交易模式是以物易物,科技民族「先見」每年幾次到島上來交易。一位名叫美若寧的先見留在島上做研究,寄居在牧羊人沙奇的家。少年沙奇不信任美若寧,千方百計想要揭穿她的秘密,但美若寧救了沙奇妹妹的性命,沙奇對她心存感激。沙奇與美若寧去探索禁地,找到浩劫前的殘餘文物,這趟被過往靈魂糾纏的魔幻旅程,差點讓兩人喪命。而這時,野蠻民族攻打島上的和平民族。沙奇回家後,只見到殘破的家園,家人與親戚都不知去向。沙奇到底是該復仇,還是該跟著美若寧一起逃亡?在島外還有什麼樣的世界?地球在浩劫後的殘餘文明還能延續下去嗎?本中文書介出《雲圖》商周出版By the New York Times bestselling author of The Bone Clocks | Shortlisted for the Man Booker PrizeA postmodern visionary and one of the leading voices in twenty-first-century fiction, David Mitchell combines flat-out adventure, a Nabokovian love of puzzles, a keen eye for character, and a taste for mind-bending, philosophical and scientific speculation in the tradition of Umberto Eco, Haruki Murakami, and Philip K. Dick. The result is brilliantly original fiction as profound as it is playful. In this groundbreaking novel, an influential favorite among a new generation of writers, Mitchell explores with daring artistry fundamental questions of reality and identity.Cloud Atlas begins in 1850 with Adam Ewing, an American notary voyaging from the Chatham Isles to his home in California. Along the way, Ewing is befriended by a physician, Dr. Goose, who begins to treat him for a rare species of brain parasite. . . . Abruptly, the action jumps to Belgium in 1931, where Robert Frobisher, a disinherited bisexual composer, contrives his way into the household of an infirm maestro who has a beguiling wife and a nubile daughter. . . . From there we jump to the West Coast in the 1970s and a troubled reporter named Luisa Rey, who stumbles upon a web of corporate greed and murder that threatens to claim her life. . . . And onward, with dazzling virtuosity, to an inglorious present-day England; to a Korean superstate of the near future where neocapitalism has run amok; and, finally, to a postapocalyptic Iron Age Hawaii in the last days of history.But the story doesn’t end even there. The narrative then boomerangs back through centuries and space, returning by the same route, in reverse, to its starting point. Along the way, Mitchell reveals how his disparate characters connect, how their fates intertwine, and how their souls drift across time like clouds across the sky.As wild as a videogame, as mysterious as a Zen koan, Cloud Atlas is an unforgettable tour de force that, like its incomparable author, has transcended its cult classic status to become a worldwide phenomenon.Praise for Cloud Atlas “David Mitchell is, clearly, a genius. He writes as though at the helm of some perpetual dream machine, can evidently do anything, and his ambition is written in magma across this novel’s every page.”—The New York Times Book Review “One of those how-the-holy-hell-did-he-do-it? modern classics that no doubt is—and should be—read by any student of contemporary literature.”—Dave Eggers “Wildly entertaining . . . a head rush, both action-packed and chillingly ruminative.”—People “The novel as series of nested dolls or Chinese boxes, a puzzle-book, and yet—not just dazzling, amusing, or clever but heartbreaking and passionate, too. I’ve never read anything quite like it, and I’m grateful to have lived, for a while, in all its many worlds.”—Michael Chabon “Cloud Atlas ought to make Mitchell famous on both sides of the Atlantic as a writer whose fearlessness is matched by his talent.”—The Washington Post Book World “Thrilling . . . One of the biggest joys in Cloud Atlas is watching Mitchell sashay from genre to genre without a hitch in his dance step.”—Boston Sunday Globe “Grand and elaborate . . . Mitchell creates a world and language at once foreign and strange, yet strikingly familiar and intimate.”—Los Angeles Times"


作者介紹 David Mitchell is the award-winning and bestselling author of The Bone Clocks, The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet, Black Swan Green, Cloud Atlas, Number9Dream, and Ghostwritten. Twice shortlisted for the Man Booker Prize, Mitchell was named one of the 100 most influential people in the world by Time in 2007. With KA Yoshida, Mitchell translated from the Japanese the internationally bestselling memoir The Reason I Jump. He lives in Ireland with his wife and two children.


書名 / Cloud Atlas
作者 / 大衛.米契爾
簡介 / Cloud Atlas:BytheNewYorkTimesbestsellingauthorofTheBoneClocksShortlistedfortheManBookerPrizeApostmodernvisionaryandoneoftheleadingvoicesintwenty-first-centuryf
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780812994711
ISBN10 / 081299471X
EAN / 9780812994711
誠品26碼 / 2682072169007
頁數 / 509
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.3X14.2X3.8CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 635.0
