She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement | 誠品線上

She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement

作者 Jodi Kantor/ Megan Twohey
商品描述 She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement:電影《她有話要說》原著:茱蒂.坎特/梅根.圖伊《性、謊言、吹哨者:紐約時報記者揭發好


內容簡介 電影《她有話要說》原著1則語帶保留的twitter貼文,2個窮追不捨的紐約時報記者,3位女性主要組成的新聞調查精銳團隊,在這個充滿性醜聞與潛規則的世界裡,讓無數遭噤聲的性犯罪受害者說出她們的故事,帶來#MeToo 運動最誠實的反思衝擊與告白。本書改編電影《她有話要說》由凱莉.墨里根(Carey Mulligan)與柔依.卡珊(Zoe Kazan)飾演本書作者聯手重現書中抽絲剝繭、時而驚險的調查報導過程以「核實報導之筆」對抗「龐大複雜性侵害共犯結構之惡」《自由之心》、《月光下的藍色男孩》奧斯卡獎團隊「B計畫娛樂」製作,全台上映【本書特色】鼓舞美國與全世界的性受害者勇敢發聲引爆#MeToo運動的那則新聞!詳實記錄史上第一則揭露溫斯坦惡行的新聞,見證記者過招拆招的驚險過程書中大量首次曝光的第一手證據,中文版特別收錄作者新增《後記》呈現#MeToo運動的複雜性,來自新聞記者內心深處、最直白的反思屬於我們這個時代的《總統的人馬》(宛如揭露水門案的震撼)紐約時報記者歷時三年的追蹤調查全記錄,揭露對川普、美國著名製片人溫斯頓(Harvey Weinstein)、美國大法官卡瓦諾(Brett Michael Kavanaugh),以及隱瞞在各行各業許多角落中的性騷擾與指控。歷史會記得這一天:二○一七年十月五日,《紐約時報》刊登一篇由茱蒂•坎特(Jodi Kantor)與梅根•圖伊(Megan Twohey)撰寫的一篇文章,這是第一篇膽敢有證有據、公開揭露哈維•溫斯坦犯行的報導,這篇文章改變了世界。好萊塢從未如此沸沸揚揚。坎特與圖伊智勝哈維•溫斯坦、他的辯護律師與私人調查團隊,說服了幾位世界上最著名的女性,以及幾位不知名的女性勇敢公開說出來。經過嚴格考證、字字斟酌後寫出的報導,不僅幫助成千上萬的受害者鼓起勇氣說出她們的親身經歷,也引燃#MeToo運動在全球遍地開花。這本書記錄她們是如何做到的。【書中精彩重點】對#MeToo運動最切身的觀察,剖析性騷擾何以被容忍,最尖銳的3大提問:1、歷史發生第一次是悲劇,第二次是鬧劇為什麼哈維•溫斯坦的性侵行為得以在數十年內累積形成一個模式,可以數十年如一日,一而再、再而三的發生?哈維•溫斯坦難道真的只是個案?2、「過了二十年,為什麼大家還不說出來?」是哪些模式、法律、企業組織文化,以及社會中的慣習,讓你我成為助長性不當行為的最大幫兇?3、#MeToo運動走得太遠,還是遠遠不夠?溫斯坦事件後,女性受到性騷擾/性侵害經驗真的就受到重視與平反了嗎?無端指控與真實的距離有多遠?當舊的權力模式被打破,性不當行為被指認出來,與性相關的新共識與合理制度會出現嗎?【外國媒體推薦】本書是新聞調查報導的當代經典。如果您還不願意因為報紙上對狼性電影大亨的最初指控而跌破眼鏡,請準備好讓它破吧。──《華盛頓郵報》本書在某些時候是驚悚片,而在另一些時刻則是對一個腐爛系統的控訴。但這最終是關於那些陷入痛苦之中的女性,她們拒絕再保持沉默了。──《大西洋週刊》時代的編年史,揭示了女性的無窮力量。──《新共和國》一個改變世界的故事……一部最殘酷的多人生命傳記電影。──《CNN》兩位作者將在史書中留名,世世代代。──《每日電訊報》令人難以置信的報導,這種報導需要時間、勤奮以及許多媒體無法負擔的資源支持。對於新聞工作者而言,這是一個觀摩專家的機會。對於非新聞工作者而言,這本書對調查報導的嚴謹處理是一種難得的展現。比起揭發水門案的《總統的人馬》有過之而無不及。──《NPR》兩位作者是上天之賜……她們的報導在#MeToo運動中舉足輕重,她們是刻寫歷史的人。──《俄勒岡人 》改變21世紀的重要行動與串聯:#MeToo本中文書介出自《性、謊言、吹哨者: 紐約時報記者揭發好萊塢史上最大規模性騷擾案, 引爆#MeToo運動的新聞內幕直擊》麥田出版社出版Now a major motion picture, starring Carey Mulligan and Zoe Kazan“An instant classic of investigative journalism…‘All the President’s Men’ for the Me Too era.” — Carlos Lozada, The Washington PostFrom Pulitzer Prize-winning journalists Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey, the untold story of their investigation of Harvey Weinstein and its consequences for the #MeToo movementFor years, reporters had tried to get to the truth about Harvey Weinstein’s treatment of women. Rumors of wrongdoing had long circulated, and in 2017, when Jodi Kantor and Megan Twohey began their investigation for the New York Times, his name was still synonymous with power. But during months of confidential interviews with actresses, former Weinstein employees, and other sources, many disturbing and long-buried allegations were unearthed, and a web of onerous secret payouts and nondisclosure agreements was revealed. When Kantor and Twohey were finally able to convince sources to go on the record, a dramatic final showdown between Weinstein and the New York Times was set in motion. In the tradition of great investigative journalism, She Said tells a thrilling story about the power of truth and reveals the inspiring and affecting journeys of the women who spoke up—for the sake of other women, for future generations, and for themselves."


作者介紹 Jodi Kantor Megan TwoheyJodi Kantor and Megan Twohey are investigative reporters at the New York Times. Kantor has focused on the workplace in her reporting, and particularly the treatment of women, covered two presidential campaigns, and is the author of The Obamas. Twohey has focused much of her attention on the treatment of women and children, and, in 2014, as a reporter with Reuters News, was a finalist for the Pulitzer Prize for Investigative Reporting. Kantor and Twohey shared numerous honors for breaking the Harvey Weinstein story, including a George Polk Award, and, along with colleagues, the Pulitzer Prize for Public Service.


書名 / She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement
作者 / Jodi Kantor Megan Twohey
簡介 / She Said: Breaking the Sexual Harassment Story That Helped Ignite a Movement:電影《她有話要說》原著:茱蒂.坎特 梅根.圖伊《性、謊言、吹哨者:紐約時報記者揭發好
ISBN13 / 9780525560364
ISBN10 / 052556036X
EAN / 9780525560364
誠品26碼 / 2682254714001
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.2X14X2.1CM
級別 / N:無
