Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life | 誠品線上

Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life

作者 C. S. Lewis
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life:Arepackagededitionofthereveredauthor'sspiritualmemoir,inwhichherecountsthestoryofhisdivinejourneyandeventualconver


內容簡介 A repackaged edition of the revered author's spiritual memoir, in which he recounts the story of his divine journey and eventual conversion to Christianity.C. S. Lewis--the great British writer, scholar, lay theologian, broadcaster, Christian apologist, and bestselling author of Mere Christianity, The Screwtape Letters, The Great Divorce, The Chronicles of Narnia, and many other beloved classics--takes readers on a spiritual journey through his early life and eventual embrace of the Christian faith. Lewis begins with his childhood in Belfast, surveys his boarding school years and his youthful atheism in England, reflects on his experience in World War I, and ends at Oxford, where he became "the most dejected and reluctant convert in all England." As he recounts his lifelong search for joy, Lewis demonstrates its role in guiding him to find God.


書名 / Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life
作者 / C. S. Lewis
簡介 / Surprised by Joy: The Shape of My Early Life:Arepackagededitionofthereveredauthor'sspiritualmemoir,inwhichherecountsthestoryofhisdivinejourneyandeventualconver
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780062565433
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780062565433
誠品26碼 /
尺寸 / 20.3X12.7X2.3CM
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 304
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 226.8
語言 / 3:英文
