What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing | 誠品線上

What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing

作者 歐普拉.溫弗蕾
商品描述 What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing:歐普拉《你發生過什麼事:關於創傷如何影響大腦與行為,以及我們能如何療癒自己》這本書,將永遠


內容簡介 { 這本書,將永遠改變你看待自己人生與他人的方式 }也許一直以來,我們都問錯了問題,用錯了幫助自己和他人的方法。真正該問的,不是:「你有什麼問題?」而是:「你發生過什麼事?」******媒體領袖歐普拉與創傷研究專家培理醫生共同著作,結合傑出的敘事力與心理學、神經科學知識,關於創傷、復原,以及療癒的對話。******英美同步4月出版,版權售出28國出版24小時,旋即登上AMAZON 第1名紐約時報暢銷書第1名長踞AMAZON大眾發展心理學/焦慮失調類別前3名書評網goodreads超過兩萬人評價,4.5星好評英國AMAZON 4.7星好評你是否曾經被別人這麼說過?◇總是討好別人◇心不在焉◇動不動就換工作◇自毀人生◇不善於經營關係你是否無法理解以下的人?◇毫無理由的大發脾氣◇莫名其妙做出攻擊行為◇無法表現出該有的樣子也許你曾經想過:「為什麼我會這樣做?」或是「為什麼我就是無法控制自己的行為?」而我們更時常用過高的標準審視、責怪自己,或是身邊最親近的人。在這些時候,我們該問的,不是「你有什麼問題?」而是:「你發生過什麼事?」生命早期的經歷,在長大成人後仍深深影響我們。試著去探索行為的背後成因,就能重新建立對自我價值的感受,進而幫助我們理解他人,以及重塑自己的人生。媒體領袖歐普拉與精神科醫生培理,透過對談,深入探討創傷的機制與復原的本質。歐普拉暢談自身經歷與受訪者們的故事,培理醫生則以腦科學分析與案例分享,讓我們理解該如何透過大腦獨特的適應力,認識創傷,重建心理韌性。「曾經發生在你身上的事,能夠成為你的力量。所有時間、所有時刻,你都在培養堅強。」──歐普拉•溫芙蕾本書介出自悅知文化出版《你發生過什麼事: 關於創傷如何影響大腦與行為, 以及我們能如何療癒自己》歐普拉•溫芙蕾全美收視率最高且屢獲殊榮的《歐普拉脫口秀》(The Oprah Winfrey Show)節目主持人及監製、全球媒體領袖與知名慈善家。除了每年捐助大筆款項給學校、在南非創立女子領導學院,還促成以保護兒童為目的之「歐普拉法案」。歐普拉的影響力遍及媒體文化、政治、教育、出版等各層面,除了九度獲選《時代雜誌》百大最有影響力人士,《富比世》雜誌也評選她為全球最有影響力的人。著有《關於人生,我確實知道……》等多本暢銷書。布魯斯•D•培理 博士醫學博士、兒童精神科醫生、神經學家,也是神經序列網絡(Neurosequential Network)負責人、兒童創傷學院(ChildTrauma Academy)的資深研究員、以及芝加哥西北大學醫學院的精神病學兼任教授。與瑪雅.薩拉維茲(Maia Szalavitz)合著有《遍體鱗傷長大的孩子,會自己恢復正常嗎?》,以治療受虐兒童的個人經驗為基礎,另著有《為愛而生》(Born for Love,暫譯)等。Oprah Winfrey and renowned brain development and trauma expert, Dr Bruce Perry, discuss the impact of trauma and adverse experiences and how healing must begin with a shift to asking 'What happened to you?' rather than 'What’s wrong with you?'.Through wide-ranging and often deeply personal conversation, Oprah Winfrey and Dr Perry explore how what happens to us in early childhood – both good and bad - influences the people we become. They challenge us to shift from focusing on 'What’s wrong with you?' or 'Why are you behaving that way?' to asking 'What happened to you?'. This simple change in perspective can open up a new and hopeful understanding for millions about why we do the things we do, why we are the way we are, providing a road map for repairing relationships, overcoming what seems insurmountable, and ultimately living better and more fulfilling lives.Many of us experience adversity and trauma during childhood that has lasting impact on our physical and emotional health. And as we’re beginning to understand, we are more sensitive to developmental trauma as children than we are as adults. ‘What happened to us’ in childhood is a powerful predictor of our risk for physical and mental health problems down the road, and offers scientific insights into the patterns of behaviours so many struggle to understand.A survivor of multiple childhood challenges herself, Oprah Winfrey shares portions of her own harrowing experiences because she understands the vulnerability that comes from facing trauma at a young age. Throughout her career, Oprah has teamed up with Dr Bruce Perry, one of the world’s leading experts on childhood trauma. He has treated thousands of children, youth, and adults and has been called on for decades to support individuals and communities following high-profile traumatic events. Now, Oprah joins forces with Dr Perry to marry the power of storytelling with the science and clinical experience to better understand and overcome the effects of trauma.Grounded in the latest brain science and brought to life through compelling narratives, this book shines a light on a much-needed path to recovery – showing us our incredible capacity to transform after adversity."


作者介紹 Oprah WinfreyOver the course of her esteemed career, Oprah Winfrey has created an unparalleled connection with people around the world. As host and supervising producer of the top-rated, award-winning The Oprah Winfrey Show, she entertained, enlightened and uplifted millions of viewers for twenty-five years. Her accomplishments as a global media leader and philanthropist have established her as one of the most influential and admired public figures in the world today. Some of her previously published works include O's Little Guide to Starting Over, Food, Health and Happiness, What I Know for Sure, The Wisdom of Sundays and The Path Made Clear.Dr Bruce PerryDr Bruce Perry is the Senior Fellow of The ChildTrauma Academy a Community of Practice based in Houston, TX and Professor (Adjunct) in the Departments of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences at the Feinberg School of Medicine at Northwestern University in Chicago and the College of Science, Health and Engineering, La Trobe University, Australia. He is the author, with Maia Szalavitz, of The Boy Who Was Raised As A Dog, Born For Love: Why Empathy is Essential and Endangered and BRIEF: Reflections on Childhood, Trauma and Society. Over the last thirty years, Dr Perry has been an active teacher, clinician and researcher in children's mental health and the neurosciences holding a variety of academic positions.


書名 / What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing
作者 / 歐普拉.溫弗蕾
簡介 / What Happened to You? Conversations on Trauma, Resilience, and Healing:歐普拉《你發生過什麼事:關於創傷如何影響大腦與行為,以及我們能如何療癒自己》這本書,將永遠
ISBN13 / 9781529068504
ISBN10 / 1529068509
EAN / 9781529068504
誠品26碼 / 2682104793002
頁數 / 272
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7X13X1CM
級別 / N:無