My Life in Full: Work, Family and Our Future | 誠品線上

My Life in Full: Work, Family and Our Future

作者 Indra Nooyi
商品描述 My Life in Full: Work, Family and Our Future:【百事PepsiCo首位亞裔女執行長|盧英德IndraNooyi自傳《完整的力量:百事公司傳奇執行長談工作、家庭和未來》】✰盧英德親


內容簡介 百事公司首位亞裔女執行長盧英德 Indra Nooyi 回憶錄【百事PepsiCo首位亞裔女執行長|盧英德Indra Nooyi自傳】 ✰盧英德親自撰寫首本回憶錄,描繪身處21世紀的我們,如何實現兼顧工作與家庭、並促進女性地位的願景,提供了清晰且實際的見解。 ✰書中分享了他年幼時於印度度過的童年經歷,與日後前往耶魯管理學院、再成為專業的公司顧問與企業策略家的職涯,深入瞭解百事公司的經營面及工作歷程。百事公司首位女性執行長、《富比士》最有影響力女性「做你自己,鼓起勇氣做出選擇!」打破職場天花板、大膽改造企業的回顧,將理想化為現實,走在平衡木上仍全速奔馳!向理想的自我更靠近一些,前往圓滿人生。▍以獨特的眼光、對卓越的強烈追求和深刻的使命感改變了百事可樂2018年盧英德宣布,自任職十二年的百事公司執行長之位退休,她多次被《富比士》雜誌評為「全球50大最具影響力女性」,其提出「目的性績效」的架構,讓百事公司的市值大大成長149%。身為世界上最受推崇的執行長之一,她重新定義成為卓越領導者的意義。▍過去的經歷都將是成長的養分,面對未來必須大膽質問回顧盧英德過往成長與求學經歷,到成為策略顧問與財務長的職涯,她帶領讀者深入瞭解百事公司的經營面。尤其勇於打破常規,引導這家標誌性的美國公司轉向更健康的產品,並在不影響財務業績的情況下,重塑其環境形象。同時書中也揭示,如何實現兼顧工作與家庭、並促進女性地位的願景。▍改造是困難的,但抱持勇氣及耐力,終能學會不可避免的割捨並前進盧英德的生命中充滿二元衝突,在相抗衡的推拉力量之下,該如何取得平衡?具有有色人種、女性、移民、素食者等多元身分,從印度到美國,從職場到家庭,選擇走入婚姻亦不願放棄對職涯的追求,然而一如許多職場女性面臨家庭與事業衝突的難題,她一次次捫心自問「我是個好母親嗎?」時,總會啟發她重新思考家庭的意義。▍成為自己的光,就能照耀他人殺伐的商業戰場上注入一股暖心的力量,盧英德成為一種榜樣,讓所有人看見,懂得取捨就能將兩者兼顧,完整並非所有都要擁有!將生命中遇見的困難,轉換成為改善職場的基石,所有有心打造更能凝聚向心力與充分發揮夥伴能力的人,都不該錯過了解盧英德經營方式的機會。本中文書介出自《完整的力量: 百事公司傳奇執行長談工作、家庭和未來》聯經出版事業股份有限公司出版'A must-read for working women and the men who work with us, love us and support us' Hillary Rodham Clinton'Surprising and compelling' Financial TimesThe much-anticipated and inspiring memoir by Indra Nooyi, the trailblazing former CEO of PepsiCo, offering clear-eyed insight and a call to action for how our society can really blend work and family - and advance women - in the twenty-first centuryFor more than a dozen years as one of the world's most admired CEOs, Indra Nooyi redefined what it means to be an exceptional leader. The first woman, person of color, and immigrant to run a Fortune 50 company - and one of the foremost strategic thinkers of our time - Nooyi transformed PepsiCo with a unique vision, a vigorous pursuit of excellence, and a deep sense of purpose. Now, in a rich memoir brimming with grace, grit, and good humor, My Life in Full offers a firsthand view of a legendary career and the sacrifices it so often demanded.In her book, Nooyi shares the events that shaped her - from her childhood in 1960s India, to the Yale School of Management, to her rise as a consultant and corporate strategist who soon ascended into the most senior executive ranks. The book offers an intimate look inside PepsiCo, detailing how she steered the iconic American company toward healthier products and reinvented its environmental profile without curbing financial performance - despite resistance at every turn.At the same time, Nooyi built a home with her husband - also a high-powered executive - two daughters, and members of her extended family. My Life in Full includes her unvarnished take on the competing pressures on her attention and time, and what she learned along the way. This book, as has her personal journey, will inspire young women everywhere to believe that they, too, can climb to powerful roles without giving up on the desire for a family and children. But, as Nooyi eloquently argues, her story is not a call for women to simply try harder, but is proof of the importance of organised care structures in all of our success. Nooyi makes a clear, actionable, urgent call for business and government to prioritise the care ecosystem, from skilled care networks to zoning policy, to paid leave and flexible and predictable work hours, each so critical to unleashing the economy's full potential and helping families thrive.Generous, authoritative, and grounded in lived experience, My Life in Full is both the story of an extraordinary leader's life, and a moving tribute to the relationships that created it."


作者介紹 Indra NooyiIndra Nooyi is one of the world's foremost business visionaries and one of the only women to ever serve as chief executive officer of a Fortune 50 company. She is also a sought-after advisor to entrepreneurs, executives, and governments. As CEO and chairman of PepsiCo from 2006 to 2018, she was the chief architect of Performance with Purpose, PepsiCo's mission to deliver sustained growth by making more nutritious products, limiting the company's environmental footprint, and empowering its associates and people in the communities it serves.


書名 / My Life in Full: Work, Family and Our Future
作者 / Indra Nooyi
簡介 / My Life in Full: Work, Family and Our Future:【百事PepsiCo首位亞裔女執行長|盧英德IndraNooyi自傳《完整的力量:百事公司傳奇執行長談工作、家庭和未來》】✰盧英德親
ISBN13 / 9780349426136
ISBN10 / 0349426139
EAN / 9780349426136
誠品26碼 / 2682054745007
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X0.1CM
級別 / N:無
