The Duke and I (TV Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上

The Duke and I (TV Tie-in Ed.)

作者 Julia Quinn
商品描述 The Duke and I (TV Tie-in Ed.):Netflix話題影集《Bridgerton》柏捷頓家族:名門韻事原著小說《柏捷頓家族系列I:公爵與我》IntheballroomsanddrawingroomsofRegencyLondo


內容簡介 Netflix話題影集《Bridgerton》柏捷頓家族:名門韻事Netflix史上最熱門影集《柏捷頓家族:名門韻事》原著小說★八卦又浪漫的社交季再度來襲!《紐約時報》暢銷作家茱莉亞•昆恩最具人氣的攝政時期代表作描述柏捷頓家的8個兄弟姊妹的愛情故事,他們爭吵、他們互開玩笑、他們也深愛彼此,屬於長女達芙妮的社交季正要開始……★得獎記錄1. Netflix 76國收視排行第1名2. 已售出全球41種語言版權3. Amazon,com編輯評選2000年10大羅曼史4. 入圍2001 RITA Awards短篇歷史小說獎5. 前三集美加暢銷2140萬冊、電子書750萬冊6. 紐約時報、今日美國暢銷榜第1名7. 2021年3月柏捷頓系列8本全部登上美國暢銷書榜「我親愛的柏捷頓小姐……」「如果你再這麼叫我,我發誓我會尖叫。」英俊又富有的哈斯丁公爵賽門,無疑是上流社會的黃金單身漢,但童年陰影讓他發誓這輩子絕不結婚生子,對倫敦的社交季唯恐避之不及。美麗又機智的達芙妮,在充滿愛的柏捷頓家成長,讓她嚮往彼此相愛的婚姻,成為賢妻良母,偏偏每個人都只把她當作朋友,而非妻子人選。於是兩人暗中達成協議,在眾人面前假裝交往,賽門想藉此擋掉虎視眈眈的視線,達芙妮想自抬身價覓得良緣。原本一切都如計畫順利進行,他們卻漏算了若是不小心假戲真做的話要怎麼辦?賽門低低咒罵了一聲,他的生活何時變得如此見鬼的複雜?從什麼時候起朋友變成了敵人,調情變成了慾望?更可怕的是,他和達芙妮的韻事極有可能被人撞見,即將成為八卦醜聞。他渴望能跟達芙妮相伴終身,但他能給出她想要的婚姻生活嗎?*****************************關於柏捷頓家族柏捷頓家族是目前上流社交圈中人丁最旺盛的家族。子爵夫人和已故子爵的勤奮努力是值得讚揚的,儘管大家都認為他們在為孩子取名這件事上毫無創意。安東尼、班尼迪特、柯林、達芙妮、艾洛伊絲、弗蘭雀斯卡、葛雷里和海辛絲──當然,按部就班對所有事情都有益無害,但人們認為聰明的父母無須按字母順序為孩子命名,也能夠讓他們井井有條。有人說,柏捷頓夫人最偉大的志向,是看到她所有的孩子都能擁有幸福的婚姻。但說真的,眾人忍不住要懷疑這是否是不可能的壯舉。八個孩子,八段幸福的婚姻?似乎有點難以置信。《威索頓夫人的韻事報》一八一三年夏季本中文書介出自《柏捷頓家族系列 I: 公爵與我》愛呦文創有限公司出版'Quinn is a master of historical romance' Entertainment Weekly'A smart, funny touch. . . reminiscent of Helen Fielding' Time MagazineFrom New York Times bestselling author Julia Quinn comes the first novel in the beloved Regency-set world of her charming, powerful Bridgerton family, now a series created by Shonda Rhimes for Netflix.________________________________________In the ballrooms and drawing rooms of Regency London, rules abound. From their earliest days, children of aristocrats learn how to address an earl and curtsey before a prince – while other dictates of the ton are unspoken yet universally understood. A proper duke should be imperious and aloof. A young, marriageable lady should be amiable . . . but not too amiable.Daphne Bridgerton has always failed at the latter. The fourth of eight siblings in her close-knit family, she has formed friendships with the most eligible young men in London. Everyone likes Daphne for her kindness and wit. But no one truly desires her. She is simply too deuced honest for that, too unwilling to play the romantic games that captivate gentlemen.Amiability is not a characteristic shared by Simon Basset, Duke of Hastings. Recently returned to England from abroad, he intends to shun both marriage and society – just as his callous father shunned Simon throughout his painful childhood. Yet an encounter with his best friend's sister offers another option. If Daphne agrees to a fake courtship, Simon can deter the mamas who parade their daughters before him. Daphne, meanwhile, will see her prospects and her reputation soar.The plan works like a charm-at first. But amid the glittering, gossipy, cut-throat world of London's elite, there is only one certainty: love ignores every rule . . .


作者介紹 Julia Quinn Julia Quinn started writing her first book one month after finishing university and has been tapping away at her keyboard ever since. The No. 1 New York Times bestselling author of more than two dozen novels, she is a graduate of Harvard and Radcliffe Colleges and is one of only sixteen authors ever to be inducted in the Romance Writers of America Hall of Fame. She lives in the Pacific Northwest with her family. Please visit her online at http:


書名 / The Duke and I (TV Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / Julia Quinn
簡介 / The Duke and I (TV Tie-in Ed.):Netflix話題影集《Bridgerton》柏捷頓家族:名門韻事原著小說《柏捷頓家族系列I:公爵與我》IntheballroomsanddrawingroomsofRegencyLondo
ISBN13 / 9780349429212
ISBN10 / 0349429219
EAN / 9780349429212
誠品26碼 / 2681938679001
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.6X0CM
級別 / N:無
