Framers: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil | 誠品線上

造局者: 思考框架的威力

作者 麥爾荀伯格/ 庫基耶/ 德菲爾利科德
商品描述 Framers: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil:Frompandemicstopopulism,AItoISIS,wealthinequitytoclimatechange,humanityfacesunprecedentedchallenge


內容簡介 《大數據》作者矚目新書!預測未來趨吉避凶,總是人類最關心的議題!從疫情到民粹主義,人工智能發展到氣候變遷,人類生活遭受無預期事件劇烈影響,Me too運動如何將沉默的受害人轉化為團節一致的發聲力量?本書試圖理解出如何建構出可預測並掌握未來發展的心理模型原則,提供做為參考。灰犀牛來襲 黑天鵝亂舞《造局者》提出了令人著迷的解方人人都可以成為造局者!《大數據》作者群,眼見AI崛起、世局動盪,再次提出他們最深刻的觀察與解答。Framer原意是起草美國憲法的那群人,他們建立了聯邦政府的「框架」,他們正是「造局者」的典型——運用腦中的思考框架,在現實社會構建了可以實現夢想的體制框架,他們展現腦中的思維格局,雙手締造了壯闊的新局。對個人、社群、國家、或甚至是整個文明而言,運用「建立思考框架」這種人類所特有的軟實力。才有機會對應最棘手的商業困境和社會議題。★《金融時報》最佳財經書★富比士、經濟學人 一致盛讚★全球跨界菁英 共同推薦充滿偉大的想法、偉大的故事、價值觀和熱忱。《造局者》肯定會改變你的想法——而且這可能也會改變世界。—— 杜克(Annie Duke),世界撲克冠軍,行為決策顧問在演算法時代,擁有什麼特質會讓人變得更獨特?應該如何改進思維,讓自己凌駕於AI機器之上?《造局者》提出了令人著迷的洞察。—— 蘇萊曼(Mustafa Suleyman),DeepMind 聯合創始人、谷歌副總裁《造局者》讓我們深入瞭解:如何培養勇於探索、勇於嘗試的思維,要為打造更美好的未來,提出更多突破性的想法。—— 貝尼奧夫(Marc Benioff), Salesforce公司董事長兼執行長我們時時刻刻都在運用自己的思考框架,但總是習而不察。這本鞭辟入裡的書揭示了:如何識別你正在應用的思考框架,如何在周遭局勢改變時,重新檢索你的思考框架。這是一本很重要的書,在動盪時代為我們提供穩定的援手。—— 葛蘭特(Adam Grant),華頓商學院組織心理學教授、暢銷書作家精采展示了思考框架是創造力、批判性思維和創新的核心,以及我們該如何解決最嚴峻的商業挑戰和社會挑戰。—— 萊維(Aaron Levie),Box公司創辦人暨執行長一本引人入勝的讀物,告訴我們如何做出更明智的決策,造就更繁榮的文明。《造局者》會改變你的思維方式。—— 金恩(Marissa King),耶魯大學商學院組織行為學教授本中文書介出自《造局者: 思考框架的威力》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版'Wonderfully stimulating... will teach you to see around corners' -- Tim Harford'A paean to cognitive agility and the elasticity of the imagination' -- The Economist'A tightly written prescription for smart thinking' -- Financial TimesThe power of mental models to make better decisionsWe're always told that humans make bad decisions and that more data is better. But this is backwards: people are actually good at decisions because we use mental models and can envision new realities outside of data. Great outcomes don't depend so much on the final moment of choosing but on generating better alternatives to choose between. That's framing. It's a cognitive muscle we can strengthen to improve our lives, work and future -- to meet our moment of economic upheaval, social tensions and existential threats. Framers shows how."


作者介紹 Viktor Mayer-Schoenberger is Professor of Internet Governance and Regulation at the Oxford Internet Institute at Oxford University. He is also a faculty affiliate of the Belfer Center of Science and International Affairs at Harvard University. Viktor and his work have been featured in (among others) the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Financial Times, The Economist, Nature, Science, BBC and Wired Magazine. He is also on the boards of foundations, think tanks and organizations focused on studying the information economy, and advises governments, businesses and NGOs on new economy and information society issues.Kenneth Cukier is a Senior Editor at The Economist, and host of its weekly tech podcast Babbage. He is also an associate fellow at Said Business School at the University of Oxford, researching artificial intelligence. His TED Talk on AI and data has over 1 million views. Kenn was a foreign correspondent for two decades in Europe, Asia and America and was also a research fellow at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government. He has written for the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, the Washington Post, the Financial Times and Foreign Affairs, among others. He has appeared as a commentator on CBS, CNN, NPR, the BBC and was a member of the World Economic Forum's global council on data-driven development and currently sits on the board of Chatham House and is a member on the Council on Foreign Relations.


書名 / Framers: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil
作者 / 麥爾荀伯格 庫基耶 德菲爾利科德
簡介 / Framers: Human Advantage in an Age of Technology and Turmoil:Frompandemicstopopulism,AItoISIS,wealthinequitytoclimatechange,humanityfacesunprecedentedchallenge
ISBN13 / 9780753554999
ISBN10 / 0753554992
EAN / 9780753554999
誠品26碼 / 2681989271001
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.4X15.3X4CM
級別 / N:無
