Madam Speaker: Nancy Pelosi and the Lessons of Power | 誠品線上

Madam Speaker: Nancy Pelosi and the Lessons of Power

作者 Susan Page
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 Madam Speaker: Nancy Pelosi and the Lessons of Power:【美國聯邦眾議院議長:裴洛西傳記/回憶錄】她是五個孩子的母親,經歷24年家庭主婦生涯,46歲驟然決定從政。2007


內容簡介 美國聯邦眾議院議長裴洛西回憶錄(Nancy Pelosi)她是五個孩子的母親,經歷24年家庭主婦生涯,46歲驟然決定從政。2007年成為美國史上首位女性眾議院議長,目前權力僅次美國總統、副總統,位排第三。曾在國會當著美國前總統川普面前,當眾撕其稿表達不滿。長期關注中國人權議題,針對香港反送中、新疆維吾爾種族滅絕公開表示譴責。於天安門廣場表達支持中國民主改革,遭驅逐出境。此書為裴洛西最具代表性傳記,記錄這位美國政治史上權勢最高女性。作者進行超過150次獨家採訪,深度探索她精彩的一生。出生政治世家,小時候媽媽鼓勵其成為修女,但她卻回應當個牧師好像更適合她。原來欣喜做一輩子充滿愛的母親,卻因緣際會,在孩子一一成年離家後,於46歲轉投入政壇,找到自己熱愛的人生使命。她的政治手腕高明,在左派、右派間游刃有餘、迅速鞏固權力,並在政治角力中嶄露頭角。許多政治運動、革命最前線,都可以看到她的身影。在前總統川普就任年代,她是在野黨箝制對抗這位具破壞性總統的代表人物。如今美國面臨南北戰爭後、國家最分裂的時刻,她以驚人的協調手段,協助屢屢耗時卡關的法案通過,讓國家持續運轉。此書提供讀者細覽這位傳奇時代女性,幕前幕後的精彩一生!AN INSTANT NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER! The definitive biography of Nancy Pelosi, the most powerful woman in American political history, written by New York Times bestselling author and USA Today Washington bureau chief Susan Page. Featuring more than 150 exclusive interviews with those who know her best—and a series of in-depth, news-making interviews with Pelosi herself—MADAM SPEAKER is unprecedented in the scope of its exploration of Nancy Pelosi’s remarkable life and of her indelible impact on American politics. Before she was Nancy Pelosi, she was Nancy D’Alesandro. Her father was a big-city mayor and her mother his political organizer; when she encour­aged her young daughter to become a nun, Nancy told her mother that being a priest sounded more appealing. She didn’t begin running for office until she was forty-six years old, her five children mostly out of the nest. With that, she found her calling. Nancy Pelosi has lived on the cutting edge of the revolution in both women’s roles and in the nation’s movement to a fiercer and more polarized politics. She has established herself as a crucial friend or for­midable foe to U.S. presidents, a master legislator, and an indefatigable political warrior. She took on the Democratic establishment to become the first female Speaker of the House, then battled rivals on the left and right to consolidate her power. She has soared in the sharp-edged inside game of politics, though she has struggled in the outside game—demonized by conservatives, second-guessed by progressives, and routinely underestimated by nearly everyone. All of this was preparation for the most historic challenge she would ever face, at a time she had been privately planning her retirement. When Donald Trump was elected to the White House, Nancy Pelosi became the Democratic counterpart best able to stand up to the disruptive president and to get under his skin. The battle between Trump and Pelosi, chronicled in this book with behind-the-scenes details and revelations, stands to be the titanic political struggle of our time."


作者介紹 Susan PageSusan Page is the award-winning Washington Bureau chief of USA Today, where she writes about politics and the White House. Susan has covered seven White House administrations and eleven presidential elections. She has interviewed the past ten presidents and reported from six continents and dozens of foreign countries. In 2020, she moderated the vice presidential debate between Mike Pence and Kamala Harris. Her first book, The Matriarch: Barbara Bush and the Making of an American Dynasty, was an instant New York Times bestseller. She lives in Washington, D.C.


書名 / Madam Speaker: Nancy Pelosi and the Lessons of Power
作者 / Susan Page
簡介 / Madam Speaker: Nancy Pelosi and the Lessons of Power:【美國聯邦眾議院議長:裴洛西傳記 回憶錄】她是五個孩子的母親,經歷24年家庭主婦生涯,46歲驟然決定從政。2007
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9781538750704
ISBN10 / 1538750708
EAN / 9781538750704
誠品26碼 / 2682146056004
頁數 / 464
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14X3.8CM
級別 / N:無
