Tarot of the Magical Forest | 誠品線上

Tarot of the Magical Forest

作者 Leo Tang
出版社 Lo Scarabeo s.r.l.
商品描述 Tarot of the Magical Forest:Let'simaginetravelingthroughamagicalworld,populatedbyenchantedanimals.Witheachstepourheartbecomeslighter,andourspiritexpands.Theima


內容簡介 ✰風格塔羅牌 ✰魔法動物陪你展開神奇之旅! 閉上眼睛發揮想像力,一個充滿魔法動物的神奇世界正在展開,每走一步我們的內心變得更輕盈,靈魂變得更開闊,這些可愛又溫暖的牌卡是打開心靈的窗,試著聆聽魔法動物對我們說的話,會有無限的驚喜等著你! ✔作者:Hsu Chi Chun ✔繪者:Leo Tang ✔78 張卡牌 ✔多國語言版 Let's imagine traveling through a magical world, populated by enchanted animals. With each step our heart becomes lighter, and our spirit expands. The images, sweet and harmonious, are windows that open onto the magical forest. The symbolic reading of these cards holds infinite surprises for us. Hsu Chi Chun, art by Leo Tang, 78 cards, 66x120mm; Instructions. Multilingual edition.


書名 / Tarot of the Magical Forest
作者 / Leo Tang
簡介 / Tarot of the Magical Forest:Let'simaginetravelingthroughamagicalworld,populatedbyenchantedanimals.Witheachstepourheartbecomeslighter,andourspiritexpands.Theima
出版社 / Lo Scarabeo s.r.l.
ISBN13 / 9788865271803
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9788865271803
誠品26碼 / 2682400806000
頁數 / 78
裝訂 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 12X7X3
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 魔法森林塔羅牌✰風格塔羅牌✰魔法動物陪你展開神奇之旅!

✔作者:Hsu Chi Chun
