The Citadel: A Fantasy Oracle | 誠品線上

The Citadel: A Fantasy Oracle

作者 Fez Inkwright
出版社 Union Square & Co.
商品描述 The Citadel: A Fantasy Oracle:命運與機會的白城要塞:融合故事閱讀與神諭卡解讀歡迎來到這座要塞,高聳入雲的塔尖與白色城牆反射著陽光,城堡下方為洶湧的海浪與岩石環


內容簡介 命運與機會的白城要塞:融合故事閱讀與神諭卡解讀歡迎來到這座要塞,高聳入雲的塔尖與白色城牆反射著陽光,城堡下方為洶湧的海浪與岩石環抱,附近則充滿村莊、農舍與果園。在這裡,你會遇見很多不同的人,在命運與機會的轉折下,故事又將會如何進行?熱銷神諭卡“Seed and Sickle”知名塔羅牌插畫師Fez Inkwright繪製,這款神諭卡的特色在於結合說故事與神諭卡,可以選擇情境與抽到的角色牌卡,進行解讀;也可以把這套牌卡當作是激發故事創作的遊戲,內附詳細說明簡介手冊。每一張牌卡都是一個角色,角色代表的象徵也各自不同,透過Guide Book中詳細的牌卡與場景解說,讀者將在不同場景中遇見各種的角色,相遇也暗示著寓意,端看讀者想尋找的答案或建議來解釋。讀者可融入自身經驗和目前遇到的狀況,察覺是否有相似的情境出現?沒有正確答案,就像故事走向為何,也取決於你的決定。卡盒為磁吸扣設計,方便收納不容易損壞,卡片大小:12*7cmAt the top of a cliff stands a city. White stone walls gleam in the sun, and banners snap lazily in the breeze. This is the Citadel, home of fates and possibilities, host to remarkable people whose own stories provide an insight into the nature of humanity itself... From best-selling author and illustrator Fez Inkwright comes The Citadel, a fresh take on oracle decks that is seeped in the magic of fantasy literature, Tolkien's Middle Earth, and tabletop gaming - a truly unique combination of storytelling and cartomancy! Each of the 60 cards in this deck represents a person living within the Citadel. The guidebook describes different scenes that the reader will encounter while travelling through the city, including the stories of each character and the interpretation of each card.Beyond cartomancy, The Citadel can supplement tabletop role-play games, generating new worlds, characters, and encounters for fantasy gameplay.


作者介紹 Fez InkwrightFez Inkwright is an illustrator, author, and folklorist. For the past decade she has produced work for children’s books, greetings cards, and tattoo design, and is Liminal 11's Head Designer. Fez is the author of Folk Magic and Healing, Botanical Curses and Poisons, and The Seed and Sickle Oracle Deck. She lives in Bristol, England.


書名 / The Citadel: A Fantasy Oracle
作者 / Fez Inkwright
簡介 / The Citadel: A Fantasy Oracle:命運與機會的白城要塞:融合故事閱讀與神諭卡解讀歡迎來到這座要塞,高聳入雲的塔尖與白色城牆反射著陽光,城堡下方為洶湧的海浪與岩石環
出版社 / Union Square & Co.
ISBN13 / 9781454956396
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781454956396
誠品26碼 / 2682486490001
頁數 / 184
裝訂 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 13.5*8.9*6.7
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 【命運與機會的白城要塞】神諭卡:閱讀故事、跟隨角色、尋找並解讀你心中渴求的答案
