The Cat Who Saved Books | 誠品線上


作者 夏川草介
商品描述 The Cat Who Saved Books:「書本有強大的力量。但那終究都只是書本的力量,不是你的力量。」夏川草介以細膩與充滿同理心「療癒系」文字風格聞名,前作《神的病歷簿1-3》在


內容簡介 「書本有強大的力量。但那終究都只是書本的力量,不是你的力量。」夏川草介以細膩與充滿同理心「療癒系」文字風格聞名,前作《神的病歷簿1-3》在臺灣評價極佳,《守護書的貓》為2017.1月新作,於通路反應均有4.5星以上。幽默而犀利探討「書本的力量不等於你的力量」「古籍的價值是否存在」「充滿效率的現代閱讀方式 - 速讀與大綱?」「要生存只能賣暢銷書?」等閱讀與出版現代濫觴。譯筆極佳,文學性與易讀性兼備。二十一世紀的《銀河鐵道之夜》!日本奇幻文學佳作,穿梭時空,尋找書的存在價值!作者榮獲第十屆小學館文庫小說獎、連續兩年入選本屋大賞!繼300 萬冊暢銷系列《神的病歷簿》之後,首度長篇奇幻小說!他並不認為自己有什麼特別的力量。也不認為可以改變些什麼。 但唯有對書本的這份感情,他不會輕易妥協。 他還沒完全傳達出心中的這份感情。「妳認為書本的力量是什麼?」他發出的聲音並不響亮。 但正要遠去的腳步聲因此陡然停止。 林太郎仍一直望著自己的雙手。 「我一直在想,書本有強大的力量,但這股力量真正的含意到底是什麼?書本給予我們各種東西,例如知識、智慧、價值觀、世界觀。但我總覺得還有比這些東 西更重要的某個強大力量。我一直在想,這力量到底是什麼,而最近我覺得自己似乎找到了答案。」他抬起臉,發現女子就站在不遠處。-- 摘自《守護書的貓》平凡的高中生夏木林太郎,從小與經營著名古書店『夏木書店』的祖父一同生活。祖父過世之後,默默接受了關掉『夏木書店』,搬去和姑姑住的安排,直到會說話的虎斑貓「阿虎」突然出現在書店,半哄半騙要林太郎跟他一同前往「將書由困境中解救出來」的危險旅程。原本老舊的古書店壁面突然消失,出現一條神祕的通道,林太郎與阿虎前往第一座迷宮「封閉者」,口口聲聲說愛書的人卻把書鎖在書櫃中、第二座迷宮「剪碎者」,專門研究快速閱讀的學者,聲稱一天可以看十本書、第三座迷宮,也是最後一座迷宮「兜售者」,是《世界第一堂書店》的社長,堅持只出版暢銷書……咦,已經說了再見的小虎,怎麼又出現在林太郎面前,要他去一趟真正的「最後的迷宮」……在一次又一次解救書的冒險中,林太郎開始問:「書本的力量到底是什麼呢?」本中文書介出自《守護書的貓》愛米粒出版有限公司出版Natsuki Books was a tiny second-hand bookshop on the edge of town. Inside, towering shelves reached the ceiling, every one crammed full of wonderful books. Rintaro Natsuki loved this space that his grandfather had created. He spent many happy hours there, reading whatever he liked. It was the perfect refuge for a boy who tended to be something of a recluse.After the death of his grandfather, Rintaro is devastated and alone. It seems he will have to close the shop. Then, a talking tabby cat called Tiger appears and asks Rintaro for help. The cat needs a book lover to join him on a mission. This odd couple will go on three magical adventures to save books from people who have imprisoned, mistreated and betrayed them. Finally, there is one last rescue that Rintaro must attempt alone . . .Sosuke Natsukawa’s international bestseller, translated from Japanese by Louise Heal Kawai, is a story for those for whom books are so much more than words on paper.


各界推薦 A charming and heartwarming tale of the power of books ― Manx IndependentQuirky and heartwarming in equal measure, The Cat Who Saved Books invites us to remember the joy of curling up with a favorite book ― Japan Times


作者介紹 Sosuke NatsukawaSosuke Natsukawa is a doctor in Nagano, Japan. His first book Kamisama No Karute ('God’s Medical Records') won the Shogakukan Fiction Prize and received second prize at the Japan Bookseller Awards. It sold over 1.5 million copies and was adapted into a film in Japan.Louise Heal KawaiLouise Heal Kawai has been a Japanese-English literary translator since 2006. Her first publication was Shoko Tendo’s bestselling autobiography Yakuza Moon. She has gone on to translate a large number of crime fiction titles, including SeishiYokomizo’s The Honjin Murders, and works by Soji Shimada and Seicho Matsumoto. Her literary translations include Ms Ice Sandwich by Mieko Kawakami, and Hideo Yokoyama’s Seventeen, which was a finalist in the 2018 Believer Book Awards, and longlisted for the 2019 Best Translated Book Award. Louise comes from Manchester in the UK, and currently resides in Yokohama.


書名 / The Cat Who Saved Books
作者 / 夏川草介
簡介 / The Cat Who Saved Books:「書本有強大的力量。但那終究都只是書本的力量,不是你的力量。」夏川草介以細膩與充滿同理心「療癒系」文字風格聞名,前作《神的病歷簿1-3》在
ISBN13 / 9781529081480
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781529081480
誠品26碼 / 2682420102007
頁數 / 224
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7*13.2*1.9
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : 《守護書的貓》英文版
