Red, White & Royal Blue (Film Tie-in Ed.) | 誠品線上

Red, White & Royal Blue (Film Tie-in Ed.)

作者 Casey McQuiston
商品描述 Red, White & Royal Blue (Film Tie-in Ed.):《王室緋聞守則》原文小說,當看似互不對盤、行事風格與個性迥異的英國威爾斯王子和美國總統之子,居然偷偷談起了世紀戀情,


內容簡介 《王室緋聞守則》原文小說,當看似互不對盤、行事風格與個性迥異的英國威爾斯王子和美國總統之子,居然偷偷談起了世紀戀情,這段超級跨國戀情該如何修成正果?兩國之間的關係又會如何?★真人改編電影即將於Amazon Prime Video獨家開播!★有笑有淚、又辣又甜,最基情四射的全球熱銷話題大作!★好讀網年度人氣大賞、三十萬讀者五星盛讚,五大書評年度最佳小說!如何演好人見人愛的皇家基友?第一守則:別被抓包!亞歷克有個小祕密。他是美國總統之子、政界的明日之星,私下卻看英國的亨利王子不順眼。幸好,兩人分居大西洋兩端,碰面的機會屈指可數──直到一次小口角意外造成國際風波,他們不得不高調裝成好朋友來挽救公關災難。——這都是亨利的錯!沒想到越是相處,亨利越是出乎亞歷克的意料。兩人不只假戲真做,甚至逐漸萌生超越友誼的情感。但現實不是童話故事,他們的身分不容許任性而為。當王子愛上王子,該如何才能寫下幸福結局?|媒體好評|看著亞歷克愛上亨利,很難不跟著愛上兩位主角、以及這本精彩美妙的絕讚好書。——《紐約時報》書評讓人能逃離現實喘口氣的大師級傑作。——《Vogue雜誌》感動催淚、緊扣時事,又浪漫到不行。—— Natasha is a Book Junkie 書評這本書就像只有在必須慶祝或亟需慰藉時才會允許自己享用的點心,令人滿足又香甜可口。——Julia Whelan,《My Oxford Year》作者本中文書介出自《王室緋聞守則》英屬維京群島商高寶國際有限公司台灣分公司出版* Instant New York Times and USA Today bestseller *What happens when America's First Son falls in love with the Prince of Wales?Alex Claremont-Diaz is handsome, charismatic, a genius – pure millennial-marketing gold for the White House ever since his mother first became President of the United States. There’s only one problem. When the tabloids get hold of a photo involving an altercation between Alex and Prince Henry, U.S. British relations take a turn for the worse.Heads of family and state devise a plan for damage control: stage a truce. But what begins as a fake, Instagrammable friendship grows deeper, and more dangerous, than either Alex or Henry could have imagined. Soon they are hurtling into a secret romance that could derail the presidential campaign and upend two nations.'Red, White & Royal Blue is outrageously fun. It is romantic, sexy, witty, and thrilling. I loved every second.' - Taylor Jenkins Reid, New York Times bestselling author of Daisy Jones & The Six


作者介紹 Casey McQuistonCasey McQuiston is the New York Times bestselling author of Red, White & Royal Blue, One Last Stop, and I Kissed Shara Wheeler, as well as a pie enthusiast. She writes books about smart people with bad manners falling in love. Born and raised in southern Louisiana, she now lives in New York City with her poodle mix and personal assistant, Pepper.


書名 / Red, White & Royal Blue (Film Tie-in Ed.)
作者 / Casey McQuiston
簡介 / Red, White & Royal Blue (Film Tie-in Ed.):《王室緋聞守則》原文小說,當看似互不對盤、行事風格與個性迥異的英國威爾斯王子和美國總統之子,居然偷偷談起了世紀戀情,
ISBN13 / 9781035028504
ISBN10 / 1035028506
EAN / 9781035028504
誠品26碼 / 2682388318007
頁數 / 384
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.7*13*2.9
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


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