DallerGut Dream Department Store: The Dream You Ordered is Sold Out | 誠品線上

달러구트 꿈 백화점: 주문하신 꿈은 매진입니다

作者 이미예
商品描述 DallerGut Dream Department Store: The Dream You Ordered is Sold Out:大疫之年的希望之書,你所需要的安慰與理解都在這裡。如果夢境可以購買,你會訂購怎樣的夢?這個


內容簡介 ★ 人氣爆棚,橫掃韓國各大暢銷榜的「年度之書」★ 出版7日迅速10刷,年銷量破56萬冊★ 紙本、電書、有聲書暢銷三冠王,榮獲韓國五大城市選書★ 韓國知名製作公司熱烈搶拍中大疫之年的希望之書你所需要的安慰與理解都在這裡如果夢境可以購買,你會訂購怎樣的夢?這個夢,會訴說什麼關於生命的真相?在這個地方,天天有著因夢而觸發的祕密,以及感動人心的點滴。各樣夢境應有盡有的「達樂古特夢境百貨」──「睡著後才能入場喔!」客人們入睡後,進入了最受歡迎的「達樂古特夢境百貨」,挑選陳列在眼前的各色夢境:想再次相見的人、期待前往的地方、害怕又想突破的事物,以及超乎想像、上天下海的瑰麗夢境……每一層樓都提供別出心裁的夢。這棟五層樓的百貨門庭若市,有睡長覺的客人,也有短暫睡個午覺的人類和動物。新人佩妮通過了與達樂古特本人進行的一對一面試,來到夢境百貨上班,準備好好推銷各個傳奇製夢師所設計的夢。然而,當她好不容易稍稍搞懂測量睡意的「眼皮秤」、從「夢境滿意度」轉換的支付系統等細節後,竟然惹下大禍──最貴的夢境費用從她手上被偷走了……眼看工作即將不保,她該如何化解困境?在這神祕的夢境百貨,在清醒與睡夢的邊界,她又將遇見什麼樣的人,以及他們心中渴求已久的夢?在今日與明日的縫隙、在意識模糊之間存在的夢境,到底要怎麼販售?夢境的價值怎麼估計?內心的渴望、遺憾、恐懼,能在夢裡得到回應?期盼前往的地點、自由奔放無拘無束的夢境,真的能訂做?夢境百貨,全年無休,日日備妥好夢,等候您的大駕光臨。──店主敬上本書介出自寂寞出版《歡迎光臨夢境百貨: 您所訂購的夢已銷售一空》|| THE NO.1 KOREAN BESTSELLER WITH OVER A MILLION COPIES SOLD ||In a mysterious town that lies hidden in our collective subconscious, there's a quaint little store where all kinds of dreams are sold ...Day and night, visitors both human and animal from all over the world shuffle in sleepily in their pyjamas, lining up to purchase their latest adventure. Each floor in the department store sells a special kind of dream, including nostalgic dreams about your childhood, trips you've taken, and delicious food you've eaten, as well as nightmares and more mysterious dreams.In Dallergut Dream Department Store we meet Penny an enthusiastic new hire; Dallergut, the flamboyant owner of the department store; Agnap Coco, producer of special dreams; Vigo Myers, an employee in the mystery department as well as a cast of curious, funny and strange clientele who regularly visit the store. When one of the most coveted and expensive dreams gets stolen during Penny's first week, we follow along with her as she tries to uncover the workings of this wonderfully whimsical world.A captivating story that will leave a lingering magical feeling in readers' minds, this is the first book in a bestselling duology for anyone exhausted from the reality of their daily life.


作者介紹 Miye LeeMiye Lee was born in Busan in 1990. After graduating from the Busan National University School of Materials Science and Engineering, she worked as a semiconductor engineer at Samsung Electronics. Her debut novel Dallergut Dream Department Store published entirely funded through a crowdfunding service in Korea in 2020 and has since drawn many enthusiastic responses and favourable reviews.Sandy Joosun LeeSandy Joosun Lee is a translator and interpreter based in Seoul. Her translations include Won-pyung Sohn's Almond (HarperVia, 2020). She also works in animation, translating and developing animated content, which includes The Witcher: Nightmare of the Wolf (2021) and Star Wars: Visions (2023).


書名 / DallerGut Dream Department Store: The Dream You Ordered is Sold Out
作者 / 이미예
簡介 / DallerGut Dream Department Store: The Dream You Ordered is Sold Out:大疫之年的希望之書,你所需要的安慰與理解都在這裡。如果夢境可以購買,你會訂購怎樣的夢?這個
ISBN13 / 9781035412730
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781035412730
誠品26碼 / 2682440809009
頁數 / 256
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X15.3
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


