This is Fine Talking Figurine: With Light and Sound!
作者 | KC Green |
出版社 | Hachette Book Group USA |
商品描述 | This is Fine Talking Figurine: With Light and Sound!:大人的療癒小廢物。網路爆紅「火災迷因狗狗」終於化身為實品!!✔網路爆紅迷因「火災狗」化身桌上的說話公仔,讓你 |
作者 | KC Green |
出版社 | Hachette Book Group USA |
商品描述 | This is Fine Talking Figurine: With Light and Sound!:大人的療癒小廢物。網路爆紅「火災迷因狗狗」終於化身為實品!!✔網路爆紅迷因「火災狗」化身桌上的說話公仔,讓你 |
內容簡介 8 17前訂購讀者,預計9月中到貨第二批:預計11月初到貨大人的療癒小廢物燒毀吧這世界!網路爆紅「火災狗」終於化身為實品!! ✔「This is fine.」網路爆紅迷因「火災狗」化身桌上的說話公仔,讓你隨時隨地感受「一切都好」的幽默魅力~ ✔造型精美:高度約 9 公分,重現火災狗經典形象,連燃燒的火焰都逼真呈現! ✔趣味音效:按下按鈕,火災狗會發出經典台詞「This is Fine」,伴隨火柴燃燒的聲音! ✔精裝漫畫:內含 32 頁全彩印刷漫畫集,收錄完整的 6 格「On Fire」漫畫,以及創作者 KC GREEN 其他搞笑作品。 ✔送禮自用:適合收藏或送給朋友,推薦給喜愛迷因文化的你,或者想為生活增添幽默的人。【迷誠品編輯推薦】標題|「This is fine.」火災迷因狗狗實體化啦!還有什麼大風大浪沒見過撰文|迷誠品內容中心在職場大風大浪的狀態下,你還好嗎?想起小時候學英文時總是要先學,Hi, how are you? I'm fine, thank you, and you?但後來真的和在國外長大的朋友聊天時才發現這句其實一點都不正向,反而還帶著輕微負面意義與戲謔的美式幽默。☞點此進入迷誠品閱讀文章One of the world's most ubiquitous and relatable memes comes to life with this official mini figurine of Question Hound, star of the famous "On Fire" comic strip.-Question Hound in Three Dimensions: This finely detailed, 3 1 2 inch replica recreates the beloved meme, complete with light-up flames-Sound Element: Features audio of Question Hound uttering the iconic phrase "This is fine," along with the sound of the crackling fire-Book Included: Also includes a full-color, illustrated 32-page mini book presenting the full 6-panel "On Fire" comic strip and other hilarious strips from creator KC GreenThe Perfect Gift for Fans of Memes and Internet Humor: Anyone who has shared the "This Is Fine" strip or simply found that it hit close to home will love this collectible item
作者介紹 KC GreenKC Green is a Massachusetts-based webcomic artist and creator of Gunshow and Funny Online Animals, the latter of which is featured in publications such as the San Francisco Chronicle, the Toronto Star, and the Chicago Tribune. His work has also been featured in Nickelodeon Magazine, SpongeBob Comics, Adult Swim, Mad Magazine, and BuzzFeed. Visit for more.
書名 / | This is Fine Talking Figurine: With Light and Sound! |
作者 / | KC Green |
簡介 / | This is Fine Talking Figurine: With Light and Sound!:大人的療癒小廢物。網路爆紅「火災迷因狗狗」終於化身為實品!!✔網路爆紅迷因「火災狗」化身桌上的說話公仔,讓你 |
出版社 / | Hachette Book Group USA |
ISBN13 / | 9780762484843 |
ISBN10 / | |
EAN / | 9780762484843 |
誠品26碼 / | 2682541345000 |
頁數 / | 32 |
裝訂 / | P:平裝 |
語言 / | 3:英文 |
尺寸 / | 9.7*7.4*5.1 |
級別 / | N:無 |
材質 / | 塑膠 紙 |
提供維修 / | 無 |
注意事項 / | 本玩具內含小物件,不適合未滿12歲兒童使用 |
警告內容 / | 本玩具內含小物件,不適合未滿12歲兒童使用 |
適用年齡 / | 12歲以上 |
最佳賣點 : 燒毀吧這世界!This is Fine火災狗迷因梗圖桌上說話公仔!