The Time of Contempt (Media Tie-In Ed.) | 誠品線上

The Time of Contempt (Media Tie-In Ed.)

作者 Andrzej Sapkowski
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 The Time of Contempt (Media Tie-In Ed.):Netflix影集《獵魔士》原著:安傑.薩普科夫斯基《獵魔士長篇2:蔑視時代》影視書封版GeraltisaWitcher:guardianoftheinnocent;p


內容簡介 Netflix影集《獵魔士》原著《The Whitcher》系列獵魔士長篇 2: 蔑視時代時代教人蔑視一切,而他選擇蔑視時代……Netflix原創影集《獵魔士》、傳奇得獎遊戲《巫師》經典原著小說華文世界的金庸.英語國家的托爾金在波蘭,是安傑.薩普科夫斯基★影集第一季尚未上線,Netflix即強勢續訂第二季★五度獲頒波蘭奇幻文學最高榮譽Zajdel大獎★波蘭總理致贈給美國總統歐巴馬的國禮★奇幻讀者票選大衛.蓋梅爾之「傳奇」大獎得主夏夜異象——狂暴幽狩,為這場戰爭、這個蔑視一切的時代掀開序幕……巫師大會前夕,南北王國邊境衝突不斷,人類寄望地位不俗的巫師居中協調,再次維護和平正義;然而,巫師們正私下琢磨該如何合縱連橫、剷除異己。暗殺、背叛、政變的計中計,充滿魔力的傳奇盛宴,即將染上血腥……奇莉無數次夢見戴著翼盔的黑騎士攻擊她,現在惡夢成真,死亡的陰影已近在眼前,但她不再手無寸鐵;她有獵魔士之劍。尼夫加爾德大軍終於往北進攻,行經之處盡化為焦土。被亂世奪走一切的棄兒,為了生存結成「老鼠幫」,因為在蔑視的時代,力量才是一切,落單者必死無疑……本中文書介出自《獵魔士長篇 2: 蔑視時代》蓋亞文化有限公司出版Andrzej Sapkowski’s New York Times bestselling Witcher series has transported millions of fans around the globe to an epic, unforgettable world of magic and adventure. The Time of Contempt is the second novel in the Witcher Saga, following Blood of Elves, and is the inspiration for season 3 of the hit Netflix series coming in summer 2023!Geralt the Witcher has fought monsters and demons across the land, but even he might not be prepared for what is to come.The kings and their armies are maneuvering for position, each fearing invasion from across the river, each fearing their neighbors more. And after decades of oppression, the elves and other races are fighting back and fighting one another. With growing numbers preparing for battle, the threat of a devastating war looms ever greater. Intrigue, dissent, and rebellion fester on all sides.Against this backdrop of fear, Geralt must protect his ward, Ciri, the orphaned heir who is sought by all. A child of prophecy, she will have the power to change the world—but only if she lives to use it.For her safety, Geralt sends her to train with the sorceress Yennefer. But all is not well within the Council of Wizards.


作者介紹 Andrzej SapkowskiAndrzej Sapkowski is the author of the Witcher series and the Hussite Trilogy. He was born in 1948 in Poland and studied economics and business, but the success of his fantasy cycle about Geralt of Rivia turned him into an international bestselling writer. Geralt’s story has inspired the hit Netflix show and multiple video games, has been translated into thirty-seven languages, and has sold millions of copies worldwide.David FrenchDavid French is a translator from Polish to English, specializing in literary translation, movie screenplays, and subtitles. He has been translating books from Andrzej Sapkowski's bestselling Witcher series since 2012. David is a former English teacher. He learned Polish as an adult and is based in Poland. He enjoys yoga, singing, and birdwatching.His website address is


書名 / The Time of Contempt (Media Tie-In Ed.)
作者 / Andrzej Sapkowski
簡介 / The Time of Contempt (Media Tie-In Ed.):Netflix影集《獵魔士》原著:安傑.薩普科夫斯基《獵魔士長篇2:蔑視時代》影視書封版GeraltisaWitcher:guardianoftheinnocent;p
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9780316556514
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780316556514
誠品26碼 / 2682390888000
頁數 / 368
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 5.5x8.2 inches
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : Geralt of Rivia sends his ward Ciri to train with the sorceress Yennefer, even as trouble stirs within the Wizard's Guild.
